Embarrassment from IBS gas
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I'm not sure what kind of help or advice I'm looking for but I really need to share this problem with people who may understand.
I'm 32 and have suffered from IBS for about 14 years. My main problem is bloating, trapped wind and excess gas. Over the years I've learnt what/how to eat to control the bloating and trapped wind. The gas, however, still causes my some really embarrassing problems, especially when it comes to dating.
I don't often meet guys I'm attracted to but recently did meet one. I'm always so terrified of sharing a bed with a guy because of how much I accidentally fart in my sleep. I can spend a whole night trying not to fall asleep because I know as soon as I start to, it's very likely I'll fart.
This leads to impossible situations - trying to stay awake all night and ending up tired or suffering the embarrassment of farting next to a guy I fancy. I've farted a few times recently during the night with this new guy.
I've already read all the advice in the world about foods to avoid to reduce gas. I drink peppermint tea before bed. No matter what I eat, I still can't help farting during the night! A while ago I was very ill for a few days with a flu virus and ate almost nothing for a few days, but I was STILL farting.
I know many people would probably tell me to just mention it to the guy and make a joke of it. I can do that and I'm sure he'd be fine with it. But, it's not just an occasional small fart every few nights (everyone does that occasionally). For me it's usually two or three long loud farts every night! I would totally understand if a guy found that disgusting.
I guess I'd just like to hear from other people who have this same problem. Do you have any unusual tips for how to deal with it? What must guys think to have a girl farting next to them all night?!
I know this must be a very funny post to read. I've laughed while writing it because it is quite comical! But when you're lying in bed next to an attractive guy and you suddenly wake up realising you've just farted, that is definitely NOT funny.
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gorgeousgeordiegirl kelly17333
kelly17333 gorgeousgeordiegirl
gorgeousgeordiegirl kelly17333
marlene21102 kelly17333
robin77577 kelly17333
I will bet that besides the gas problem, you are not regular. By regular, I mean one foot long, easy to pass (3 seconds) BMs. If you take the natural mineral, magnesium citrate 2 - 3 tabs, before bed, you will pass these kinds of healthy stools and you will be more or less empty in the large colon. There will be nowhere for gas to be trapped. In the meantime try to avoid cabbage, broccoli, beans and legumes. Fizzy drinks are THE WORST. Avoid them at all costs. Water, water, water! Milk is hard to digest as well. Just think, baby cows have 4 stomachs to digest their mother's milk. Better to replace dairy with almond milk...and just forget about cheese until you get your issue of contipation under control. You WILL be gas free in a few days with magnesium citrate. Take what you need to produce good, bulky, large stools every morning. Good luck!
michelle82345 robin77577
I'm going to try the magnesium citrate and see if that helps. My life is still ruined. Maybe if I never fart again I can redeem myself but I doubt it. I've even considered killing myself, that is how bad my situation has become. Everywhere I go, someone makes that fart sound around me, even people I don't know, because they know someone else who knows me. Almost like it's gone viral. So I know how humiliating this problem can be. I have tried everything short of starving myself. Thank you for the suggestions. And any others would be greatly appreciated. God bless
ashley94459 michelle82345
barb95783 kelly17333
But you don't have to do anything as drastic as change your whole lifestyle. You can try going gluten free for as short as a week or two and see if it makes a offer difference. When I ate gluten or oats, I had such tremendous pain in the middle of my belly, had awful gas ad it would be trapped like you spoke about. I realized a difference years ago when I went in Atkins diet.
Hope you find something that works for you. :-)
robin77577 barb95783
I have to look into this paleo diet...
barb95783 robin77577
For instance, I have lived with chronic neck pain and headaches from the neck pain for years. I have been to doctors and neurologists and pain management doctors. I have had epidurals, radio frequency ablation where they burn the nerves in my neck and monthly trigger point injections, none of which help much. I use Norco for pain which I am sure adds to my problem with IBS. So I recently went to an upper cervical chiropractor who only treats the upper neck and found out the top two vertebrae were out of alignment. You can imagine what that can do to the nervous system if the brain stem sits above there and feeds all the nerves through that opening. Everything short circuits and muscles over compensate. So in 2 months I am finally beginning to heal. Of course, when things come back out of place it slows the process and readjustment is necessary, just like when we slip up on our diet or when we take antibiotics which mess up our intestines.
And now finding these wonderful probiotics have tremendously helped out with my constant hunger which I could find no answer for and also helped my chronic constipation. All trial and error and trying to do what's best and natural for the body. By the way, you have some great suggestions, so thanks!
robin77577 barb95783
Your neck issue...sorry to hear that because I know how you must have suffered from it over the years. My 30 year old daughter who played violin from age 3 to age 23 in orchestras, chamber groups etc..suffers from terrible neck problems. Her teen years were very difficult. She lived on Advil. Her neck vertebrae, it has been discovered recently are herniated. This is really for another forum but, let's say, she has been to every kind of therapist over the years. more recently I bought her a contraption to help her stop grinding her teeth and tensing her neck muscles during sleep...but she just learned to sleep through the beeps... She was scheduled to go through some procedure where they burn nerves in the neck as you had done. So you're telling me that the radio frequency ablation, epidurals and injections did nothing for you? How terrible for you!...but good to know.. My other daughter who has 3 herniated discs in her lower back from a violent block during a football game at age 19, was helped to some degree by chiropractic 'spinal decompression' which is basically pulling the body from both ends to lengthen the space between the vertebrae. I will tell my daughter with the neck issues to consider visiting an 'upper cervical chiropracter' according to your recommendation.
When I make my morning smoothie of low carb fruits (berries, apple and/or melon) and maybe celery or spinach, I always add protein powder...for the reasons above; to cut cravings. I take 2 - 3 tablets of the mineral magnesium citrate with almond milk before bed and it not only makes for an easy BM in the mornings (total emptying, easy and always painfree) but it helps with sleep and is a natural brain supplement. I used to give it to my kids at test and exam time and they actually came begging for it because it did make them sharper...especially my daughter with ADHD. She was able to concentrate and study effectively.
Too many topics now! Ha ha!
Thanks for the advice.
barb95783 robin77577
robin77577 barb95783
joan152 kelly17333
sorry cannot be of any help
david911 joan152