Endo and my positive pregnancy story.
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Hi ladies,
I wanted to share my story to give others some hope.
I was on the pill since I was 17, now 37. I always had 7-8 days of spotting before my period, bad cramps and pain in my pelvic area when I passed stools. I always thought this was normal.
When my partner and I decided to start trying for a baby was when all hell broke loose. I went off the pill and thought righto, baby make time, sould be easy enough right?! NOPE, I was very very wrong.
The longer I was off the pill the worse things got. I kept getting longer and longer cycles, 40 days by then end. I had spotting 17 days of that time, accompanied with bad cramps. Constant urination and a pain in the left kidney area that I couldn't get rid of no matter what pain killer I took!
My gyno kept telling me to keep trying and my body was just adjusting from being off the pill. After trying to have a baby for a while and things got worse with my period, I demanded to have an endoscopy. I knew something wasn't right.
And yes, they found I was riddled with endo, so much so that my ovaries were stuck to my lining and they couldn't get to some without major surgery on my bowl.
So in the words of the gyno, they did a big cleanout and put me on a hormone implant to put me through so called "menopause" for 6 months to try and reduce the endo they couldn't get to.
Now, my journey after surgery was not easy. I had complications from first surgery and was rushed in for a second procedure 1 day later. Ended up in hospital for a week. Developed extreme anxiety, so much so that I was vomitting 24/7, lost 15kilos (I was thin to start with), insomnia etc etc for 6 months. I had the help of a great GP and Phychologist and got me back on track.
My partner and I decided to stop trying until I felt better. As we thought we may have to go down the IVF route, we stopped focusing on getting pregnant, we both relaxed and the bedroom became fun again instead of it being a chore!
Well, who would have thought, Im PREGNANT! Still early but at least I know I can. Don't get me wrong, Im scared, anxiety has hit an all time high but I know I will feel better and hope in 9 months that I will be holding a beautiful, healthy child. ??
Anyone else had a good story?
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aitarg35939 lind45511
Your happy ending sure lifted my spirits at the end of a difficult day - and I'm 62, never wanted kids!
If you can, take a deep slow breath several times throughout the day. Feel your mind & body relax, and know in that moment that your baby is getting extra oxygen and peace/calm chemicals through the relaxing of your body just for that one or 2 breaths. DON'T stress about complete relaxation, just enjoy the breath, then go back to what you're doing. DON'T worry about the anxiety. Kerry Walsh-Jennings was pregnant in the London Olympics, won gold and had a healthy baby girl, so stress/anxiety aren't anti-healthy pregnancy. Just take a deep slow breath several times every day.
lind45511 aitarg35939
aitarg35939 lind45511
That's what we're here for. I wouldn't wish the bad old days on anyone, being the only woman with endo and everyone just thinks you're faking. My endo went nuts as I started law school at 24, but no one knew what was wrong and most docs and non-docs said it was in my head. Three yrs later in late November I'd just had my lap and was maybe hemorrhaging, lying on my back in the new library waiting to hear from the doc and late to my final seminar, a guy in that small seminar passed by, looked at me and said, "wow! You aren't faking, you really are sick" - and me having nowhere to turn to with how that made me feel. People may still look at us the same way and say the same things, but we've got each other. We share your joy and understand a tiny bit why your anxiety is a different thing from regular first pregnancy anxiety.
Somebody's always here!
k51551 lind45511
Hi Lind!
I have had perfectly average cycles, always on time, since my teen years. When I turned 37, suddenly, I was having pain all month long EXCEPT when I'd have my period (weird, no?)...it was excrutiating. I suddenly was developing ovarian cysts every other cycle and it was just incredibly painful and scary. Lost two jobs from taking personal leaves too often. Had several ultrasounds -- only to be told my cysts weren't large enough to operate and I just couldn't comprehend how something that "wasn't large enough to remove" was causing so much horrifying, intense pain. I finally found an excellent OBGYN who suggested I have a lap surgery to have a look-see...wouldn't you know, Endo. Not as much as you, however, I've been told that the degree/severity of the Endo does not necessarily correlate direcltly with your pain level or how you perceive pain. I had several implants and the largest was in the area I was constantly having pain...this pain would start in the very low back, radiate around the side and then spread out to the entire lower ab area (and into my upper legs). Also, the angry and evil ovary was inflammed and just not healthy so it was thankfully removed (I've never been so excited as I was when I woke up and was told they took that ovary!! I was SO HAPPY!!), Before surgery, I was convinced for a long time that I had appendicitis that was episodic -- the pain was *that* intense sometimes! Having surgery at least gave me a definitive cause for my pain -- I've tried several hormone therapies and found one that worked very well for almost two years now. Unfortunately, that treatment plan is now failing me and the only option I have left are Lupron (probably the same thing they gave you to put you into chemical menopause for 6 mos) and then full hysterectomy. Which I'm not happy about -- but I'm not overly depressed about the concept, either. Mostly, I'd rather go into menopause as naturally as possible and it's possible the Lupron therapy could shrink the endo implants enough that I'll be happy for a few more years. If not, I know I have the option of surgery.
I never had children and I already regret making that choice -- but I think I made the right choice for any potential children I might have had...I'm pretty self centered and can be lazy (true) -- having kids either would have kicked my butt into shape or I would have been a miserable, cranky mother. I enjoy being with my only nephew (10 yrs) when I can (I'm fun time Auntie -- we go to PG-13 movies, I take him to the arcade or amusement park, and I buy him junk food but I always insist he brush!!!).
I am touched to hear your success story and was nodding my head when I read that as soon as you relaxed and weren't so focused on baby making, it happened on it's own. As it should (not that planning or trying are anything negative, but I think there's something to be said for being emotionally relaxed and open to whatever happens).
Take good care of yourself and your peanut, pamper yourself and eat what you want (as long as it's ok with Dr!).....enjoy this special time in your life! There are some women who LOVE being pregnant and I hope this is how your pregnancy will make you feel too. I hope you and your family have a beautiful life together. Best Wishes, Momma!
lind45511 k51551
Hi hun,
My heart sank reading your story. You're so inspirational and a very strong women and I really appreciate you sharing your story with me.
Lazy, I can relate because I love my movie watching and having naps so I can see my anxiety is bad because Im worried it will change all of that, it will change all of that.
yana0362 k51551
Hi K,
I'm wondering what hormone treatment they put you on after they lasered most of the endo out. I've resently been diagnosed and not very excited about the top 2 options dr gave me (the shots for temporary menapause or pregnacy). He's not very fond of the surgery idea beacuse I have quite a bit and he feels will not remove it all... What are your thoughts on treatment?
carole44050 lind45511
I'm so glad to hear this story as I myself am going through so much
I am 25 years old and have been TTc for 1 year when I found out I had a 8cn cyst in my ovaries. I had a laparotomy done because severe endo was found where I hadn't tubes twisted and everything was crazy. I only had severe cramping with periods when I was in school but it sorted of eased when I got married and started having sexual intercourse so I never suspected to have severe endo. Now my pap result had come back not normal and had laser to treat abnormal cells. Biopsy results came all clear but I'm post that surgery for 3 weeks and still bleeding heavily. I am so scared my endo will grow back before I have a chance to even try again. It's been 3 months since my laparotomy to remove endo and 3 weeks since my lletz procedure. My Gyno reckons the endo will take a while to grow back. How long did it take you post surgery to fall pregnant ??
lind45511 carole44050
Hi hun,
It sounds like you have been through alot! I too had abnormal pap smears for 5 years and eventually had laser. Not nice!
I went onto a hormone implant, essentially putting me through menopause for 6 months. This was to help reduce the endo on my rectum. It took a further 2 months to get my period back and then the following month... POW pregnant!
Its funny because we weren't trying because we thought we were going down the IVF path the following month. When we were trying for a few years we would have intercourse 5 - 6 times around ovalation. This time was 2 days before I ovulated and that was it! I think the more you try and the more you stress about it the less likely you will fall pregnant. I truly believe that now.
Try not to worry and stress about the endo. It may grow back, it might not. Just try and relax and not think about the 'what ifs', it will drive you mad! It will happen sweety ??
carole44050 lind45511
Thank you so much for your reply.
That's amazing congratulations. I hope I fall pregnant soon
I just saw a fertility specialist who said after my operation it could have caused my eggs to decrease or my tubes to not be free as they were all stuck it could go back to that. I'm doing a blood test tomorrow to check my egg count and 21 day ovulation test. Fingers crossed its all good results because if my eggs are low then I'd probably have to resort to IVF. I'm also going to do a special internal ultrasound to see if my tubes and ovaries are free flowing. I'm so nervous. I'm so used to hearing bad news this year
. How long did your bleeding last after laser on your cervix ?
lind45511 carole44050
There are so many fertility options out there now. Its incredibly. Ill be thinking of you tomorrow and really hope that the tests come back ok. If not though, you are in good hands with the fertility experts.
Im 37 and my chances decreased dramatically of getting pregnant plus all the other internal things that were wrong with me. You're still young and have plenty of time sweety. Keep me posted ??
carole44050 lind45511
I will keep you posted on it all. I've been so down I just can't stop crying. Thank you I've been praying my heart out everyday
carole44050 lind45511
I will keep you posted on it all. I've been so down I just can't stop crying. Thank you I've been praying my heart out everyday
carole44050 lind45511
I will keep you posted on it all. I've been so down I just can't stop crying. Thank you I've been praying my heart out everyday.
It's good I can talk to
Someone on this. I've never been in a forum
lind45511 carole44050
Ill always be here if you want to talk. You're a brave lady and I bet in 12 - 18 months time you will be holding a little bundle of joy ?? Have faith in your body and the medical experts! Xx
carole44050 lind45511
Thank you! Your so sweet. Thank you for your positivity I really need it especially when I'm just losing so much hope. It was really nice talking to you. I will let you know how my results go xxxx
lind45511 carole44050
carole44050 lind45511
Hey Lind,
I did the blood tests yesterday and just have to await the results.
I'm so worried coz I'm still bleeding from the laser in my cervix surgery and its been 3 weeks...
lind45511 carole44050
carole44050 lind45511
How much were you bleeding though? Mine comes out when I go toilet like a normal period. I think I stuffed up because I had sex 2 weeks after the surgery
lind45511 carole44050
The only time you should start getting concerned is if the bleeding becomes heavier than your normal period and continues to become heavier. Did the Gyno advise you of what to expect?