Endo and my positive pregnancy story.
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Hi ladies,
I wanted to share my story to give others some hope.
I was on the pill since I was 17, now 37. I always had 7-8 days of spotting before my period, bad cramps and pain in my pelvic area when I passed stools. I always thought this was normal.
When my partner and I decided to start trying for a baby was when all hell broke loose. I went off the pill and thought righto, baby make time, sould be easy enough right?! NOPE, I was very very wrong.
The longer I was off the pill the worse things got. I kept getting longer and longer cycles, 40 days by then end. I had spotting 17 days of that time, accompanied with bad cramps. Constant urination and a pain in the left kidney area that I couldn't get rid of no matter what pain killer I took!
My gyno kept telling me to keep trying and my body was just adjusting from being off the pill. After trying to have a baby for a while and things got worse with my period, I demanded to have an endoscopy. I knew something wasn't right.
And yes, they found I was riddled with endo, so much so that my ovaries were stuck to my lining and they couldn't get to some without major surgery on my bowl.
So in the words of the gyno, they did a big cleanout and put me on a hormone implant to put me through so called "menopause" for 6 months to try and reduce the endo they couldn't get to.
Now, my journey after surgery was not easy. I had complications from first surgery and was rushed in for a second procedure 1 day later. Ended up in hospital for a week. Developed extreme anxiety, so much so that I was vomitting 24/7, lost 15kilos (I was thin to start with), insomnia etc etc for 6 months. I had the help of a great GP and Phychologist and got me back on track.
My partner and I decided to stop trying until I felt better. As we thought we may have to go down the IVF route, we stopped focusing on getting pregnant, we both relaxed and the bedroom became fun again instead of it being a chore!
Well, who would have thought, Im PREGNANT! Still early but at least I know I can. Don't get me wrong, Im scared, anxiety has hit an all time high but I know I will feel better and hope in 9 months that I will be holding a beautiful, healthy child. ??
Anyone else had a good story?
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carole44050 lind45511
It has been coming out like a period for 1 week the first couple of weeks it was fine.
The doctor gave me 2 antibiotics and a medication to help stop the bleeding. She reckons the wound has reopened or infected so I'll see I go. I see a bit of an improvement with the heaviness but I'm just getting really impatient
lind45511 carole44050
carole44050 lind45511
They lasered me as well when I was due for my period. So after the surgery o had light pink spotting but hardly any then 2 days later my period came then it lasted about 4 days and went back to spotting then after that it went back heavy. She didn't really advise me really she checked me when I was just under 2 weeks and said I was healing fine and I can have sex. I dno why she would say that because online said to wait 4-6 weeks
lind45511 carole44050
carole44050 lind45511
I am impatient because I just want to get back to baby making lol I hate this
1 thing after another. Are you living in Australia
k51551 carole44050
Hey Carole - I don't want to step on any toes - I know you're already having a good conversation with Lind but I just wanted to add something...Don't beat yourself up for having sex or for the bleeding -- every body is different and every woman may respond differently to this procedure (I had this many years ago -- we don't need to talk about *how* many years :P )....I remember having bleeding post op that gradually stopped before my cycle went back to normal.
I'm glad you're keeping your Dr up to date -- if you begin having new symptoms or pain/bleeding gets much worse abruptly, don't ever feel like you shouldn't ask for help or advice from your Dr./Nurse Advice.
Take all medication as directed -- very important to *not* stop taking the Antibiotics before you've finished the complete course (even if you feel better after only a few doses!).
Are you/can you take anything for cramping/pain? Ibuprofen would probably work best for you , but only take it if you can tolerate it and consult with your Dr. for dosage advice. I tend to take 600 mg Ibuprofen for wicked cramps and it seems that's the only drug that works for cramps for me.
I have to agree with Lind -- I'd avoid intercourse until you feel normal again. Even if it takes a few weeks or longer. I'm sorry -- I know you're trying to have a wee one. But you'll be much better off if you're 100% healthy again before going back to the fun stuff :D And your body will be much more receptive to a healthy pregnancy, too.
I have to ask you both (and feel free to tell me to mind my own business if this is too personal): Both of you had the laser surgery where the Dr removes a section of your cervix to treat/remove the abnormal cells, right? Were either one/both of you given general sedation or IV sedation for the procedure? I ask because when I had it done a few years ago (ok, it was longer than that, whatever), they put me out for it...it was done in a day surgical unit and was out the same morning. I just had a friend have the same procedure and they did it in an office visit with NO sedation...I couldn't believe it...
lind45511 carole44050
You will soon. Just need to fix these things up first. You have plenty of time and it will happen 😊 yeah, I live in Albury/Wodonga NSW. You?
lind45511 k51551
Its crazy what they can do these days. I was awake, they just numbed the area. Only took about 20 mins (wasn't long). I got the laser.
k51551 lind45511
Sounds a lot less complicated now. I'd imagine it's a provider and patient preference that determines sedation or not. I'm glad it was uneventful for you.
carole44050 k51551
Hi k51551,
Thank you so much - your right I shouldn't beat myself up over it. I don't have any pain or cramps which is good thank God it's just the bleeding. I am taking the medications as the doctor prescribed and won't stop because I honestly don't want anymore set backs! I am seeing my doctor next Saturday and she asked me to call her this Saturday to let her know how the bleeding is. I guess I'm just overwhelmed with all I've been through the past 3 months. I haven't been able to just enjoy my first year of marriage with my husband.
I was put to sleep because my Gyno knows how scared I am and how figity I am lol. I was at a day clinic as well.
I def won't be doing anything until I'm 100% better
carole44050 lind45511
Yeah I am in NSW parramatta area
when is your Bub due?
carole44050 lind45511
Hi again ladies,
Okay I'm so annoying but I just keep thinking of the worst case scenario for everything. My friend just told me she has pcos and she gets her period regular and she's in good shape. Now I'm so worried. Could I have pcos ? Would they have found that out with my pelvic ultra sound and the laparotomy that they done? I also have done hormone blood test and to check if I'm ovulated they said it was fine. But the blood test I did yesterday was for everything to check hormonal stuff. I'm so scared and worried now!!
lind45511 carole44050
Im due in April. Dont have my first scan for another week so its a bit scary but not going to think of the worst case scenarios. What will be will be 😊
The ultrasound would have shown something but the hormone tests will say for sure. Im sure everything will be fine but its great to have the tests done to rule it all out.
Pcos can be treated and can still have babies with hormone replacements. You need to try and think of the positives because all this negative thoughts and what ifs will not do you any good. You will become very anxious and it will cause havoc on your body and mind.
Take some deep DEEP breaths... If you are wanting to have babies you have to control these negative thoughts hun.
Are you seeing anyone about how you are feeling?
carole44050 lind45511
I know your right I just freak out from every possible situation I just think Ive had a lot of bad news this year that I just think they are going to keep hitting me with more bad news.
I only talk to my husband my mum and my sister
lind45511 carole44050
And you can talk to me 😊 just keep being stong. Everything will fall into place sweety. Xo
carole44050 lind45511
Thank you so much. So glad I found you on this forum ! I try to be positive again. I just feel when I do something puts me back down
1st I found out I had the 8cm cyst and needed laparoscopy
Woke up from surgery and found out I had a laparotomy instead and severe endo
Hard recovery but I was strong hope when I recovered then I got a bad rash around my wounds from a cream I used
Then that went and I started being positive again then I started spotting mid cycle when I ovulated.
So that led me to do the papsmear. I started being positive again as I hadn't heard from anyone till 3 weeks about my results then I get a call and was told to urgently go in and needed surgery- I think that's when I hit rock bottom again.
So surgery is done and I started to be positive again and now this heavy bleeding. And I have blood test results to worry about.
Sorry if I'm blabbing but this all happened within 3 months
lind45511 carole44050
Life can be so cruel and sometimes you wonder why me? What have I done to deserve this?
I think these things make us stronger and as cruel as life can be, I believe it happens for a reason. Hard to think what that is right now but you will think back and say, wow, I got through those 3 months of hell, I can get through anything.
I think you need to focus on your health right now and I know you dont want to hear this, but maybe put baby making on hold until you feel mentally and physically better?
The last 6 months for me have been absolutely terrible. I actually started to think that a baby wasn't meant to. My body and mind was telling me Im not ready for a child. Then funny enough, I relaxed, stopped thinking about baby making, stopped stressing about timing and then fell pregnant.
I still struggle with anxiety but Im managing it alot better. I have to if I want to be a mum. The last 2 weeks in particular have been hard and frustrating to say the least. Unfortunately when my anxiety is bad, feeling sick follows. I feel like I want to vomit 24/7 and the only time it stops is at 6.30pm when I associate it as "got through the day" and my brain relaxes.
Frustrating because I know its not morning sickness, its anxiety causing it.
Sorry for going on but I just want you to feel that your not alone and I think if we can talk about how we are feeling with each other, it will start to get better over time.