Endo and my positive pregnancy story.
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Hi ladies,
I wanted to share my story to give others some hope.
I was on the pill since I was 17, now 37. I always had 7-8 days of spotting before my period, bad cramps and pain in my pelvic area when I passed stools. I always thought this was normal.
When my partner and I decided to start trying for a baby was when all hell broke loose. I went off the pill and thought righto, baby make time, sould be easy enough right?! NOPE, I was very very wrong.
The longer I was off the pill the worse things got. I kept getting longer and longer cycles, 40 days by then end. I had spotting 17 days of that time, accompanied with bad cramps. Constant urination and a pain in the left kidney area that I couldn't get rid of no matter what pain killer I took!
My gyno kept telling me to keep trying and my body was just adjusting from being off the pill. After trying to have a baby for a while and things got worse with my period, I demanded to have an endoscopy. I knew something wasn't right.
And yes, they found I was riddled with endo, so much so that my ovaries were stuck to my lining and they couldn't get to some without major surgery on my bowl.
So in the words of the gyno, they did a big cleanout and put me on a hormone implant to put me through so called "menopause" for 6 months to try and reduce the endo they couldn't get to.
Now, my journey after surgery was not easy. I had complications from first surgery and was rushed in for a second procedure 1 day later. Ended up in hospital for a week. Developed extreme anxiety, so much so that I was vomitting 24/7, lost 15kilos (I was thin to start with), insomnia etc etc for 6 months. I had the help of a great GP and Phychologist and got me back on track.
My partner and I decided to stop trying until I felt better. As we thought we may have to go down the IVF route, we stopped focusing on getting pregnant, we both relaxed and the bedroom became fun again instead of it being a chore!
Well, who would have thought, Im PREGNANT! Still early but at least I know I can. Don't get me wrong, Im scared, anxiety has hit an all time high but I know I will feel better and hope in 9 months that I will be holding a beautiful, healthy child. ??
Anyone else had a good story?
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yana0362 lind45511
Hey lind,
This story is very encouraging! Can I ask what stage endo you had and how effective the surgery was in removing it? Was it the laser surgery? Also, how did you fair with the temporary menopause? I've recently been diagnosed and the dr recommended pregnancy above all (if I'm even able to conceive) or the menopause shots to shut down my hormones. I'm not a huge fan of either of these options. I've never faired will with the hormones in any and all the birth control pills, rings,and devices I've tried. Did they tell you that you will have to treat with heavier hormonal birth control after pregnancy?
I currently have an IUD in. But don't understand how tha hasn't help suppress it...
Hope all is well with the pregnancy!
Thanks for your advise,
lind45511 yana0362
Hi Ariana,
I had a Laparoscopy procedure which they were able to get alot with lasering and cutting away the endo. They were unable to get some of it on my rectum and my left ovary isnt functioning which they believe could be from the endo now.
I had no side affects from the implant at all. It wasn't pleasant having the implant inserted into your tummy monthly but you got used to it and nothing compared to endo pain!!
I'm not sure if it treated the endo that they couldn't get too because I fell pregnant 2 months after finishing the implants which is how long it took for my period to come back. I haven't had any endo pain since the operation which could be from the operation, implants and/or pregnancy 😊