Enlarged Uterus
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Hi everyone
I had a pelvic CT scan on yesterday and everything checked out fine except the dr. said my uterus was slightly enlarged. She said this is sometimes normal during perimenopause because of the hormones. But I've been having really bad low back burning pain , I don't know if it's from my stomach gastritis or could it be from the enlarged uterus.
The burning radiates to butt and legs..so so irritating. Have anyone ever experience this?
The pain pill doesn't seem to help but when the dr. Gave me the anxiety pill it seem to help alot.
It burns more if I sit , lying down seem to decrease the burning pain. Could this be part of perimenopause or what?
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lynda20916 mary27278
Hi Mary, Sorry you're going through this. How enlarged is your uterus? Have they done a pelvic ultrasound to check the width of the walls? In peri the size of your uterus can fluctuate, but it might be well to have a biopsy, just in case. Don't want to scare you, but it's best to be careful.
Please let me know how you get on!
mary27278 lynda20916
lynda20916 mary27278
I understand. And, I'm not trying to scare you. The fact that your cervix looked normal is encouraging. But did you get a pap smear?
If you start getting cramping and spotting, go back to see your gyn, and ask for a pelvic ultrasound to check the width of the endometrial tissue.
Take care!
mary27278 lynda20916
lynda20916 mary27278
You're welcome. I'm just concerned about you. Please let me know how your appointment goes, won't you? Thanks.
Guest lynda20916
lynda20916 Guest
Hi there, thanks for asking. The medicine was a precaution because I was so frightened the cancer would come back. I started taking it in August of 2016.
I started in carefully, first half a pill a day, then up to the full pill after a few days. It eliminated the remaining estrogen in my body.
Over a 3 week period, I felt 20 years older. I could barely walk to the mail box, about 30 feet. Finally, I was awake for 48 hours, adrenaline surging. It was awful. I stopped taking it. It took me until January for the side effects to abate. But, my knees are still swollen.
My family understood why I needed to stop taking it. I'm glad I tried it, but I was unprepared for the side effects. I'm having problems becoming active again, and after nearly a year I am wondering if it's going to take me longer to recover than I thought it would.
Again, thanks so much for asking! How are you doing? You posted that you're having anxiety. I can understand that! xx
Guest lynda20916
lynda20916 Guest
I'm so sorry to learn that! I saw your other post. I too get weakness in my legs and I still have some anxiety. I think perhaps it might be excess adrenaline.
I take a chewable Vitamin B supplement with iron, and that seems to help.
I hope the other ladies can give you some hints. Can you take HRT?
mary27278 Guest
I know exactly what you mean, I have been in misery for about 4 weeks now. I am ok for a second and put of the blue weakness and fatigue comes over me. I've been in bed for a few days, I try to get up and do normal things but my body just switches over , dizzy, fatigue, ..
Don't know what else to do. Thank God for my family to help me but I know they want their mom and wife back. I feel so bad for them. I'm so glad for this forum ..
lynda20916 mary27278
Weakness and fatigue are worrisome. Have you mentioned that to your doctor?
mary27278 lynda20916
lynda20916 mary27278
PPI's don't usually start to work the same day you take them. Sometimes you need to take them for a couple of days before the start working. You can look up the drug and detailed instructions for its use on line.
I don't want to frighten you because you are going through so much. The reason I'm asking is that I got diagnosed with endometrial cancer last year. My initial symptoms were feeling ill, fatigued and weak all the time and dizziness. That is, until I started to spot. Then, they did an ultrasound to check the width of my uterine stripe it was too wide, so they did a biopsy.
I'm not saying you have cancer, mind. It's just better to know.
But they might want to do a pelvic ultrasound to check the width of your uterine stripe, just in case.
Guest mary27278
mary27278 Guest
It's a sensation of weakness , it can hold me up. I can walk on them.
mary27278 lynda20916
All of this started when I got diagnosed in March with gastritis .
What did they have to do?
lynda20916 mary27278
I was 67 when I got diagnosed. I hadn't had a period for perhaps 10-15 years. I got diagnosed on a Friday in mid July, saw the doctor the next Thursday, and had surgery the next Monday. So, it was fast. My staging was good, so I didn't need radiation or anything else.
I had retired on December 24 the year before. Felt fine through the end of January. In February I started to feel tired and weak, thought it was two medications I was taking. But, once I got those sorted, I continued to feel bad. No matter how much I rested, it made no difference. I had no stamina.
Then, I began to spot on April 14. Little brown spots, not much. I started cramping, too. Went to see my GP and in the end, decided to find a gynecologist because things were just taking too long.
He's the one who had the tests done that ended in my diagnosis. He got me in to see my cancer doctor right away. But I had my surgery so swiftly because a woman called and cancelled hers. I am extremely grateful for that.
Perhaps I'm unduly anxious about you, because I feel that gastritis should not make you feel so ill. And, I wish your doctors were more concerned about finding out what's happening with you, instead of giving you pills to stop the symptoms. xx
Guest lynda20916
Guest lynda20916
mary27278 lynda20916
I am 51 and I just started these symptons the month before my birthday. I woke up being really bloated with acid reflux and nothing else. I had my period within a week and felt better. Then other symptons started stomach burning when I ate certain foods and feeling weak. I have always been a healthy eater but for the past few months my stove broke and I started eating out a lot which I think led to the gastritis and gerd.
I went to see my Pcp on March 8th she did blood work , everything was fine with the blood work. She sent me to Gastro and I did a colonoscopy and endoscopy. Colon was fine but stomach was gastritis and gerd. She scheduled a pelvic ultrasound also but when I got there they wouldn't do it because they said it was not a pelvic problem.
I did more bloodwork on hormones and hormones are all whacked up. So my gyn said im probably going through peri also.
My periods has always been on time but now it is tripping. I don't know when it will come or when it will leave. Now shorter or longer but never spotting. I am on my period now and this has been the worse week.
My chiropractor also did blood work and he said my iron is so low it's a wonder I'm still walking. Because of the gastritis then the bladder my diet is very limited. So I'm dealing with low iron and low potassium, don't know if this is the cause of my weakness.
I did do CT abdomen and pelvic scan on last Friday, everything was ok except for enlarged uterus and IUD in place in which I'm getting it out. I think could be contributing to some of my problems.
I have had fibromyalgia in the past and I'm wondering if this could be fibro again, it seem everything i had before the hormones triggered back up.
But I will definitely request for a ultrasound.
lynda20916 Guest
To answer both of your questions, I spotted from April 14, 2016 until my uterus, etc. was removed in late July, 2016. I don't think that Mary's pregnant. If the lining is thickened, mine was at 8mm when I was diagnosed and had grown by the time my uterus was removed and biopsied. If the lining is thickened, then I think the uterus should be larger. It just makes sense.
mary27278 Guest
Lol I don't think I am pregnant. But it is a crashing type of weakness and tiredness. I can get up and walk around and I'm fine, then out of no where this weakness hits me. I do know my iron is low, had no idea I was walking around with low iron, my chiropractor thinks that's where it's coming from.
My husband thinks that I stress too much which brings on my anxiety and panic attacks.
It usually leaves once my period is done. It usually starts a couple weeks before period. Last month I had no symptons at all, sail through my period, was able to eat with my gastritis until I decided to bring my nieces over for the summer. It seem everything resurfaced, too stressful for me. They are gone now, stayed 3 weeks, is when everything hit me hard.
Guest lynda20916
lynda20916 mary27278
Thanks for all the good information! I'm relieved to know that you are getting good care, especially the tests. Your gyn is being careful, as she ordered the ultrasound. She definitely will have to press to get it done.
To be frank, my previous GP was taking too long. She examined me and ordered an ultrasound, but I was extremely uncomfortable with her and her being so laid back. She took a long time to get back to me about a gyn. Fortunately, I'd got a referral to one from another doctor.
I went to see him and he ordered the ultrasound and two blood tests for ovarian cancer. Then, I paniced. I have IBS-D so I had to get a prescription for a tranquilizer and take lots of immodium before I could get in for a biopsy. I was terrified, but I finally was able to get it done.
Please let me know how you get on!
lynda20916 Guest
Well, you know, if doctors would just be consistent, we wouldn't have to drive ourselves crazy trying to figure out what they're saying. I think the problem is that we're lucky if we get upwards of 15 minutes with them when we can get in to see them! xx
Guest lynda20916
Guest mary27278
mary27278 Guest
Guest mary27278
mary27278 Guest
Wow! I didn't know you can go that long with menopause. I've heard that whatever age your mother menopause is the age you can expect to. So far it seem to be true, my mother menopause around 51 or 52 and two sisters menopause around the same time.