ESA Medical Assesment - Decision timeframe

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I've been on contribution based ESA for over two years and due to mistakes with DWP only received my first home assesment two weeks ago. I've been on the assesment rate all this time. Can anyone please explain what happens next, I understand the groups etc and was lucky to have a great doctor who assessed me for over an hour also explaining she could clearly see I was unfit for work. Thanks

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi lisa. the assessor will write their report based on your face to face assessment and send it to the decision makers who will take all the evidence supplied and the assessors report and make their decision. you will then be written to with their decision and the amounts you will be getting.

    ​As for the time frame i cannot answer that. i had my assessment 7 weeks ago today. Up until last week they hadn't got my file back from the medical assessor yet..

    Good luck with yours.

    ​Hope it all goes smothly for you.


    • Posted

      I'm hearing all different timeframes I think depending on where you live ?

      I'm in Edinburgh.

      Thanks for your response and good luck with yours x

    • Posted

      Every area is dealt differently and drpends on ehere u lice they can take weeks or months so dont stress
  • Posted

    Hi Lisa

    As Gill stated the Doctors report will be sent to the DWP decision maker and they will decide which group you are placed in. I recently had an assessment and it took 2 weeks to get the decision letter.

    As you have been on assessment rate you will be entitled to back benefit paid from the date of the 13th week after your inital ESA claim to the date of the decision. WRAG is an extra £29.05pw, Support Group £36.20pw (£102pw & £109pw respectively) so count the weeks back & multiply that number by the rate of the group you are placed in (either £29.05 or £36.20) and that equals how much back benefit you will be paid!


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      Thanks ever so much for the reply.

      It's a long waiting game isn't it. Ive worked all my life and feel bad I'm having to do this but I suppose I shouldn't feel guilty.

      How did you hear back. Did you get a letter or phone call and did you receive back payment (sorry if sounds nosey). Did you wait long.

      Once again thank you so much for response


    • Posted

      Hi Lisa

      I was informed via a letter from the DWP which arrived on Tuesday (the assessment was 31st May). I was already in the Support Group (the assessment was a periodical one) so no back benefit was due although in your case any benefit outstanding should be paid within 28 days of the decision.

      From reading this forum and information from a friend at the CAB it has become usual for the DWP to contact you first to enquire if you have had a stays in hospital or prison during the claim period.

      If this happens don't worry too much as it is pretty routine as benefit is not payable during a prison sentence and can be affected by stays in hospital which last for more than 28 days.

    • Posted


      Thanks ever so much again.

      Lucky I received 3 text messages an hour ago stating I'm in support group money has increased and back payment of 2700 going into my bank so happy girl


  • Posted

    Hi lisa i went last week for my face to face interview for esa.i have fybromalgia and anxiety and sot sure if i have passed or failed.i know it went badly because the interview was so already in a support group. I was called bk 2 years later. .i have read your post and i feel you definitely have will take a while for a response .so please dont worry
  • Posted

    When it come to examine me she said she had put me through enough pain and didn't exam my back as the pain was excruciating.what does that mean

    • Posted

      Hi Tracey,

      It doesn't means anything other than she didn't examine you. They don't usually examine you during an assessment. What they usually ask you to do if your condition is physical is to do some exercises, for example bend down, lift your arms above your head, put arms behind your back, that kind of thing.

  • Posted

    Hi everyone im a new member firstly like to say hi to every one i have 2 questions firstly my friend had a f/f a week ago she thinks she done ok but if the worst did happen and she lost esa support and m/d what moneys if any does she get while awaiting apeal deciseon. Question for myself is in 2012. I was migrated from incapacity benefit to contributory based esa support group with my circumstances I believe I should be in the income related esa as on my council tax I get full help in the section were income is there's a disability premium of £16 pounds odds which I have never had so do I contact thame ?I'm honestly scared to deal with them so have let it go all this time any help much appreciated sorry for such a long post

    • Posted

      Hi James,

      For future reference it would have been better to start your own thread because asking questions on another thread causes so much confusion, especially when the original thread is 2 years old. To start a new discussion there's a link at the top of the page, and it says "new discussion" But i'll answer you questions here now.

      If your friend was found fit for work the the ESA would stop and they would need to ask for a mandatory reconsideration within 1 month of the decision.

      What they could claim will totally depend if their area is a full universal credit area, if it is then it would be this they would need to claim and not JSA. If they claim UC then they wouldn't be able to go back onto ESA, ever. They can check what's in their area by googling Universal Credit check and putting their post code into the link provided. This will tell them what's in their area. Links can't be posted here, sorry.

      As for your ESA it depends on your circumstances as to whether you're entitled to the Income Related top up. As you're claiming Contribution Based then you'll always remain on this but have the top up added.

      Do you have a partner, if so do they work? If they don't work what benefits do they claim? Once you answer those questions i'll happily give you further advise. Another question do you claim PIP daily living or DLA mid/high rate care?


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      One last question, sorry but what is m/d?
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      Also l don't get dla or pip I don't have a partner I get £220 A fortnight contributory based esa with no top up in 2011 i was migrated to contributory based esa from incapacity benefit so how do i get top up?

    • Posted

      They are in the process of contacting people regarding that but to speed up the process give them a ring (ESA) on Monday morning. You should have an Income Related top up, providing you don't have savings/capital over £6,000. The top up is the Enhanced disability premium but they will only back date it to November 2014, the same for everyone. It's about an extra £15 per week give or take a pound or two in the past few years, as this premium does go up slightly each year.

      Mandatory Reconsideration is (MR)

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