Estradiol, Provera
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I am taking estradiol 1mg and provera 2.5mg how long does it take for it to really work and stop the palpitations and the skipping of the heart beat.
I had palpitations all night last night and the skipping of the heart
When will this stuff really work than this morning my sugar was around a 275 close to a 300
Don't know what to do feel so fruterated and depressed
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TeresaJS susan21149
I know you're going through a lot.... and that you just want some peace of mind, I know, I get it. Could you perhaps consider that maybe it's not all about the HRT? If your sugars are up&down we have a sugar metabolism problem. I can't remember if you said you're diabetic, are you?
If I were you I would take in the morning and at lunch time (never at night) 2000mg/day of vit C + 300mg of B6 + 500mg of B12 + 500mg of B5 and at nigh before bed 1500mg of magnesium. All this for 1 month and see the results.
It seems to me hat your adrenals a very messed up and need support.
I would do this for a month on a trial basis. You deserve to get out of that despair.
A gentle warm hug. XX Teresa.
susan21149 TeresaJS
I also take the 1mg of Estradiol at dinner away from my provera
I take levothyroxine 100mg three times a week and the 88mcg four times a week early in the morning I also take famotidine before breakfast and dinner due to heart burn I am thinking about adding my metformin 500mg at breakfast to keep my sugar down
I don't need the vitamin bs i tried them had a really bad panic attack i don't need to add vitamin b or magnesium or vitamin c when they are all in the multivitamin
I just would like to know how long does it take for estradiol and provera to work, I started the medication on Friday night today is Monday do i wait for a week or so to see if it really kicks in i am not as anxious as i use to be its just that i would like the palpitations to stop and the skipping of the heart the heart doctor already told me that nothing is wrong with my heart after wearing a holter monitor for two weeks and doing an echocardiogram everything came out normal and the ERs tell me the same thing that the EKGs are normal too
TeresaJS susan21149
I remeber now that you told us about the reaction to vitamins - not usual.
I'm trying to think as I'm writing to you...trying to make sense of your symptoms..
You say you're taking levothyroxine which is for low thyroid, correct? The symptoms you're describing seem more like hyperthyroid, high thyroid with nervousness:
The symptoms of hyperthyroidism include the following:Fatigue or muscle weakness.
Hand tremors.
Mood swings.
Nervousness or anxiety.
Rapid heartbeat.
Heart palpitations or irregular heartbeat.
Skin dryness.
Trouble sleeping.
Could the levothyroxine be making your thyroid too high now?
In any case an extadose of magnesium would help.. it's even good for the heart.
Sleep well..XX
susan21149 TeresaJS
I don't think i am on to many meds I am not a walking zombie why would you think i would be on the floor in a coma.
I just want these palpitations to stop
lisa215 susan21149
I think everytime you put more medication in your body you increase risk of more side effects, palpitations could be one of these. You've been assured that your heart is ok so take that as a positive and try and relax. Anxiety will cause palpitations. And personally I think you give way too much head space to this symptom. Yes its uncomfortable, annoying and can be frightening at times but its not harming you. What is harming you is your reaction to it.
Its not about HRT or menopause, its about finding a balance and calming down.
I wish you well.
jayneejay susan21149
HRT takes time, you will be boosting your post meno hormones again, and it will take weeks/months possibly ..
Everyone different ..
then when you stop you will have declining hormones again and peri all over again ..
good luck, stay positive, get a hobby and take your mind off it all
hope you feel better soon
jay x
susan21149 jayneejay
sheryl37154 susan21149
It does seem an awful lot of meds - most of which I don't know what they are for. But take heart, on tv news this morning, it was revealed that scientists have found that diabetes medication (and I am sure I saw a packet of metformin on the screen) is resulting in anti-aging and longevity. Plus diabetics on this type of medication are found to be more cancer free and bad health free than the rest of us.
I hope your dr is constantly testing you for improvements, because if the above is correct, you should be becoming more healthier. Of course, life style makes a big difference.
sheryl37154 susan21149
There is no guarantee, hrt will make your palpitations stop, given all the other meds you are on. You need to harass your doctor, and do some research.
susan21149 sheryl37154
I have lost weight due to walking i am down to 191pounds from a 216
Today not feeling the palpitations that much
It could have been due to my sugar being high
I did take 500mg of metformin to control it
sheryl37154 susan21149
I think Diabetes 1 has to have some sugar but I don't think Diabetes 2 does. Correct me if I am wrong. I eat protein with every meal (even snacks which I need less and less) and lots of greens and cauliflower. One very seedy, nutty bread slice in morning as fried egg without bread is a bit ucky. Other than that all grains, potatoes, pasta, rice and sweet food of course, does not make it into my house.
I give my husband sweet potato and carrot because he is more physical than I. Sugar and starches are for people who are already slim and fit and run marathons. There is a product called slendier slim pasta and rice which satisfies my pasta crave and it is made of konjac root - no carbs, no protein, just fibre which we need to get rid of fat that is going into your intestines. Good oils are essential, i.e. xv olive oil, flaxseed oil, avocado oil, coconut oil (although some disagree about coconut oil - I eat heaps). Cook with it, pour on veges or pour xv olive oil on veges (there is a lemon infused one). Just remember starches are sugar in disguise. Now that I am slim, I do have some beetroot because it has very good benefits. Veges that grow under the ground are high in sugar. Eat fruits only in the morning so you can work it off during the day.
Regarding depression, my husband (who also has haemochromatosis) had severe depression for years after chemo and radium treatment for Hodgkins Lymphoma. He was not feeling sorry for himself for having cancer, he just could not help it. One day his gp thought of Vit B12 and tested him for it. He was very low and insufficient Vit B12 causes neurological problems. He was just not absorbing it from his food (generally meat, eggs, etc), nor the tablets I was giving him. He had to have injections of vit B12.
On the second weekly dose he came home humming and spoke to the "new" next door neighbour who had been there for two years for the first time. I said, I want some of that, but my blood levels of vit b12 were normal to high.
Ask dr to test you for Vit B12, Vit D, (drops work better), and an Iron Panel to see how much ferritin iron you have. Fatty livers cause high ferritin even if you don't have haemochromatosis. Reduction of sugar consumption will reduce your ferritin iron and mend your fatty liver (sorry for assuming, but most overweight people have a fatty liver). Another iron panel every 6 months will let you know if it is working for you.
So good luck to you with that and I hope it works for you.
Also ask dr to test your pituitary gland hormones - not just thyroid, but growth hormone and prolactin. Drs never think of the pit gland either. Ask for copies of all your tests so you can see them for yourself.
Let us know how you go.
susan21149 sheryl37154
Thanks for thinking about the vitamin stuff
susan21149 sheryl37154
I would like to go down more. I do a lot of walking love walking and dancing
I just need to get out there and do it.
I did read that sleep apnea if you get to much air in your lungs and stomach it can cause bloating, Gassy feelings and i read if the air is to much it can cause palpitations with people probaly because the air quality is way to much so instead of using the full face mask that i was using i am going to use the nasal mask than i won't have the stomach upsets as much and the gas and the bloating. Also Gerd can cause palpitations and chest pain if not taking care of so i am back on the famotidine for my acid reflux have to stay away from stuff that is citrus like tomatos, oranges can't eat cheese, i do put rice milk or soy milk on my cereal, otherwise i stay away from milk i do not drink coffee or tea with caffinee i do not drink soda's with caffinee either. I will drink a little bit of ginger ale which does not have caffinee i stay away from sweets too.
The palpitations are less frequent i just have to wait and see what goes on.
Its good that you are looking this stuff up keep me informed with what ever you look up and thank you for you concern i appreciate this
xoxo take care love to you
sheryl37154 susan21149
Also, with your Gerd/acid reflux, have you been tested for Helicobacter Pylori? Another personal experience.
susan21149 sheryl37154
Yes i do have gerd because of my sleep apnea and i am taking pepcid generic famotidine 40mg twice a day to help with the gerd
my doctor did do all the iron test and everything is normal
sheryl37154 susan21149
I wish you well.
susan21149 sheryl37154
If you come up with anything else please let me know thank you