Excessive head and face sweating

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I am 63 and for the last 22 years have suffered with excessive sweating on my head and face, which seems to be getting worse.  This is uncomfortable and embarrassing.  If I do anything even slightly energetic (hoovering, ironing etc.) it is worse, and it takes a long time for me to cool down.  I was referred to a dermatologist who prescribed pills, which just dried up my eyes (red, sore and bloodshot within 30 mins) and mouth (making it impossible to eat or even speak).  She point blank refused to consider any other treatment, even telling me botox does not work for the face, which i know is untrue.  This condition, to other people, seems trivial but it is not.  In the summer I cannot go outside, so I can't even play with my grandchildren.  I certainly couldn't go out shopping or to a social event, the sweat drips off me and my hair is drenched within minutes.  I obviously cannot use make-up, or even have a decent hairstyle, which zaps the confidence.  I do have a thyroid problem but that is well controlled.  I am a little overweight but not much.  I have other non-related medical conditions (arthritis, fibromyalgia).  Has anyone any experience of the new gadget around which includes a mask for the face, plugged into a machine - sorry I can't remember the name of it.  I know they are very expensive but I am desperate.  Any helpful tips would be great.  Thank you. 

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  • Posted

    I am so happy to have come across your blog. I was beginning to feel like ì wàs the only one that is going through this. I sweat profusly all the time it is so embarrassing .I had my thyroid burnt out when I was 16 with radioactive iodin because I had a goiter. I wish more research was done befor they did that. I have suffered for years trying to keep it regulated. I had spinal §urjery done to remove L4. I have severe fibromyalgia. I always sweat when I'm around fluorescent lights and read somewhere that it could b lupus. there is so many similarities with all of usi wish someone could figure this out, oh yea I havn oo. I feel like I have met"my people" thank u everyone for sharing oh yea I forgot the years of depression I was going to college to b a nurse but couldn't finish cause my memory got so bad but I made it hrough anatomy and physiology.

    • Posted

      Bless your heart... you have been sick a long time.... my memory is getting worse too in proportion with the ES. Never related it to the ES, but they both became more acute at the same time.Something in your post I do not understand, though. You said, "oh yea I havn oo."... What does that mean?

  • Posted

    Thank God I finally Found this site. I apologize, but I feel a lot better knowing there's others out there like me feeling like a freak show. I swear I sweat about sweating. It helps to wear a ponytail, it keeps me cooler and just the pony tail gets wet so so wet it sometimes will drip sweat down my back. People with sweaty armpits or palms or feet are lucky as that is a lot easier to conceal than your face and head. It has taken my quality of life down to what life? I WISH my armpits or hands or feet would sweat. I went as far as using anti perspirant around my hairline and on my face and forehead. Did nothing which I don't understand because my armpits don't sweat at all because of antiperspirant. I can't go without a antiperspirant, though, because then I stink. I'm so happy to ask my doctor about the medication so there's hope yet.

  • Posted

    Omg, I'm 61 and you and I have the same problem. I've had it all my life. My mother had the same problem and when she got older she became cold nature. I've asked Dr's without luck. It's so embrassing. If you find out anything please let me know.

    • Posted

      Hi Belinda!

      I am so happy that you found this forum! Your story is very similar to to every person that has posted here. I'm 60, and I've noticed one thing in this forum that I've never noticed before this. A great majority of the men and women who have posted here are pretty much in their 50's and 60's, but have suffered with excessive sweating for twenty to thirty years. And, although most of us have talked to one or more doctors about this problem, we haven't had a whole lot of luck finding relief. And, in your case, it sounds like other than your mother, you probably don't know anyone else with excessive sweating.

      HOWEVER, I think you will discover that not only are you NOT ALONE in your suffering, you can also get a whole lot of valuable information in this forum! There are new treatments that you may not even know about! I know I have learned about a good number of those treatments that I had never heard about before I had found this incredibly supportive and informative forum!!

      If you browse through the various threads, I think you'll be surprised by all of the various treatments that may have or haven't worked for others, but just might help you! In what country do you reside? I've noticed that there are people from all over the world here (which is one of the reasons why sometimes the internet can be a Godsend!). So, I guess my best advice is just this—don't be shy...there is a whole lot of info in the forum, and all you have to do is look around and try to find something that just might end {or, at the very least, help cut down} on your excessive sweating suffering!! Good luck, my friend!! If you like, keep us informed, and share both your frustration and your good fortunes!! 👍🏼👍🏼😊

    • Posted

      thank you so much, I hope we can all find some help. I have felt alone and feel like I need to explain myself. Thank you again. God Bless You all
  • Posted


    Well I'm another one now hugely relieved that I'm not the only sufferer with this problem! I'm 54 and am aware of having had it for at least 20 years. I've never been that physically active so I may have had it longer, although I don't think I did in my 20's. I'm aware that I'm very sensitive physically - as well as the sweating I can easily pull neck or shoulder muscles if they get cold, especially turning over too quickly in bed. It seems to me that my body always overreacts to heat or cold - when it's cold the blood supply flees from my skin, leaving the surface muscles underfed, hence they pull easily. When it's hot or I'm working physically I build up far too much heat and so sweat. It's so annoying when it drips onto the inside of your glasses! I am on anti-depressants, but I'm pretty sure the problem pre-dates my prescription for them (citalopram). I have recently taken up golf and even on warm days I find I'm drenched after an hour - it's so embarassing, and then some joker says 'Is it raining?'! My bladder always shrieks to be emptied after a few hours too - even though it's not full. I think there is a nervous element to this. But I'm perfectly relaxed when working in the garden and sweat is soon pouring off me there too.

    From reading all the comments above it does not seem that there's one solution, or even a choice of good ones - just a few options none of which are guaranteed. I've been thinking of asking my doctor about it, so now knowing that I'm not some mutant maybe I will do so. Thanks everyone!!

    • Posted

      You're not a mutant but I understand how you feel because people make comments like that to me all the time. I found something unusual online about the condition but it includes having hot feet. Not sweaty feet, just hot burning feet. Do you experience this also?

    • Posted

      The reason I asked about your feet is because I happened upon this syndrome called grierson-gopalan syndrome.
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      I do find my feet feel hot at night, and I often sleep with them outside the bedclothes. Oddly, if I touch one foot with the other it often turns out they aren't especially hot. So for some reason my brain says they feel hot when they aren't! I think too that going around barefoot or in sandals helps lessen the sweating, but it's not always practical!

    • Posted

      Welcome, from a fellow "mutant"! 😁 I am SO glad you found this forum! And, although you didn't actually ask for any advice, I just want to help a fellow sufferer! 😊 As you have already pointed out, there are numerous treatments available for excessive sweating. The higher numbers don't really mean that they don't work. It is {and, as I'm not an expert of any sort, this is my educated guess} because one thing doesn't necessarily work for everyone. Kind of like why there are so many different antidepressants. Does that make sense?

      However--and this is a big one for me--because there are also numerous reasons as to why we sweat so much, I think that it would be wise to first go to your primary doctor and ask him/her to do a complete physical examination on you that, most importantly, should include an wide array of blood tests--but by no means limited to the following: levels for vitamin deficiency, CBC, Thyroid, etc..

      And, if your doctor says that all tests came back normal (which I would highly doubt) ask for a copy of the test results and take them and go see an endocrinologist. I guess what I'm saying is DON'T GIVE UP, my friend! Something IS out there that will help you! You are NOT alone!!😊👍🏼👍🏼

    • Posted

      Hi racingirl

      Thank you for your help and advice. I will contact my doctor and request the tests.

  • Posted

    I just found this site. I thought I was the only mega head/chest sweater. I have had this for years, it is getting worse as time marches on. I'm now at the point where I don't want anyone to see me. My doctor just shrugs when I try to talk about it. 

    • Posted

      Candace, dont gi e up. I ve been reading from website and finding more and more information involving thyroid, pituitary gland and hormones and find that doctors just dont know enough...but some do. It seems we need to find a Dr that is on her list of top thyroid Drs that actually listen, test beyond the old standards that are 100 years old and treat in more then the the old standards. I found one, but he doesnt take insirance because he doesnt want ins companies dictating how he treats his patients. the 1st go round of tests are around $1000.

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    • Posted

      Hi Candace, just to give you a glimmer of hope with 'the sweats' - i got so down going to the docs and no one taking me seriously saying 'we will monitor it, menopause, it's your meds etc' etc - 8/9 years of complaining but yesterday saw another doctor and prepared myself to have the biggest rant ever ..... but she believed me!! That was yesterday, today fasting for blood tests in a few hours and seeing her Thurs (2 days time) to discuss results and cures...... it was music to my ears someone actually acknowledging me .... theres hope for you. Can you see a different doc? Go and make yourself heard for your sake as what have you to loose if you don't!? Good luck, big hug xx

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