Excessive head and face sweating
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I am 63 and for the last 22 years have suffered with excessive sweating on my head and face, which seems to be getting worse. This is uncomfortable and embarrassing. If I do anything even slightly energetic (hoovering, ironing etc.) it is worse, and it takes a long time for me to cool down. I was referred to a dermatologist who prescribed pills, which just dried up my eyes (red, sore and bloodshot within 30 mins) and mouth (making it impossible to eat or even speak). She point blank refused to consider any other treatment, even telling me botox does not work for the face, which i know is untrue. This condition, to other people, seems trivial but it is not. In the summer I cannot go outside, so I can't even play with my grandchildren. I certainly couldn't go out shopping or to a social event, the sweat drips off me and my hair is drenched within minutes. I obviously cannot use make-up, or even have a decent hairstyle, which zaps the confidence. I do have a thyroid problem but that is well controlled. I am a little overweight but not much. I have other non-related medical conditions (arthritis, fibromyalgia). Has anyone any experience of the new gadget around which includes a mask for the face, plugged into a machine - sorry I can't remember the name of it. I know they are very expensive but I am desperate. Any helpful tips would be great. Thank you.
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belinda5723 gill22568
Has anyone tried 0.5% glycopyrrolate solution to the face and forehead . I found this on another website. I'm looking for anything. I can't enjoy going out and doing things with my church family. My family knows I've always had this problem.
bill09319 belinda5723
edith23912 belinda5723
Hi Belinda,
After a car accident in 1990, I started being diagnosed with one disease after another. It's truly amazing how our bodies react to stress!
Anyway, besides RA, Fibro, Sleep Apnea, and COPD, I have been diagnosed at the Mayo Clinic with hyperhidrosis. As your symptoms sound the same, I'm wondering if you had a severe concussion as well? The doctor had suggested over four different meds to TRY ! Once again, we are the guinea pigs! None really worked until I got to the last one; Glycopyrrolate. Not sure of spelling. It seemed to work or slightly help but then after a couple of years it stopped working. I feel they should work on our pineal gland but no doctor wants too. I hope we all can find help because I'm getting so tired of people looking at me and it's such a downer to have to carry a sweat rag around and change my clothing more than once! I hadn't heard of using Glycopyrrolate on the face! Wouldn't that be something if it worked? Praise God for miracles daily
belinda5723 edith23912
I'm gain to try anything. So Blessed that I found others with the same problem. Tried of people asking me in the store if I'm okay. That is how bad it is. i've almost stopped shopping in store. Thank goodness for online shopping. Why spend two hours getting ready and then it's all wiped off due to sweating. I'm going to check on the botox someone said they tried. I'm trying to find a doctor that will try it on me. Will keep it posted if I have any luck.
mary_10261 gill22568
Hi gill I'm 66 & I've been suffering with this for 20 years,I start sweating from my head & then my face & down my body,I'm fed up with it because my hair is plastered soaking wet & I look like I haven't washed at all.I am so embarrassed with it but my doctor says I'm menopausal, I need some help or advice here because it's ruining my life.So any info from anyone would be appreciated.
Koolmomme gill22568
I'm going to try this but it seems when I reply I can never figure out how to c if anyone replied so if sum1 could send me a link that would b great lol anyway. I have the exact same problem with the horrible head sweating and dry mouth I have a spinal injury and several other health problems so it never occurred to me that they could be tied in together also I always assumed it was menopause and put it aside because of all of my other medical problems but now I don't know what it is.I would also love to know how to relieve this. It is a terrible thing to deal with.
I would like to say that my mouth use to be so dry that it was hard to take a breath and then I stopped breaking one of my mess in half like my doc told me to do and now it is not as dry as it use to be
Thank you all
dawn44847 gill22568
This is exactly what happens to me too. I'm 45, have always had the problem as a teen when playing sports, but over the last 7 years it has become so severe it makes me sick to even go to grocery store. My hair drips so bad my shirt can be wrung out. I can squeeze my hair and make a puddle, my children say I'm raining. Had cbc and menopause ruled out. My Dr says it's probably your meds but as I told him, this was occurring before the rxs I'm on now we're being taken !! He just shrugs and says well don't worry what others think! That's only half of it, it's extremely uncomfortable, then my head , neck and shoulders cramp up from the sweating, people ask me if I'm ok, then when it's over and I've dried off I'm drop dead exhausted. I can't even go to my child's parent/teacher conference. The last time I did I was so embarrassed and then that anxiety made it worse, so light headed I couldn't even participate or fully recall the conversation. I also have fibromyalgia, it's interesting to see alot of ppl on here do. So how exactly do I put deodorant on my scalp without shaving it bald. I also have chronic folicitis on my scalp so it gets itchy and burns too if I have sores.
I feel hopeless, it's caused me to avoid being active which is making all my fm symptoms worse
bill09319 dawn44847
Im the same way. Before i started glycopyrrolate, standing in the checkout line was the worst experience. People asking if you're ok... people looking at you and the anxiety making the sweating worse. I feel you. Im right there with you. Im 34 and i really hate to think i will have to rely on a medication for this for the rest of my life... and im scared of the long term side effects. For now it works for me though. You may have to go beyond your GP and look up anything you can find on local dermatologists... that's what i had to do. My GP shrugged it off and acted like i shouldn't care. I found a dermatologist dealing with hyperhidrosis that was willing to put me on a trial run on glyco and now I'm going on 4 years. It has changed my life. I do all the grocery shopping now... and im totally ok to go to my kids plays or teacher conferences. I hope you keep looking and i wish you the best.
drennen_92505 gill22568
That's wonderful news. I'm going to see my Dr. And inquire about the pills. At 65 I'm very active. The constant head and face sweating just ruins my life. I can't do anything that requires any physical exertion my face gets reds d the sweat fund down my face. My hair is dripping I can wring it out. When I cook I have to put a hand towel around my neck. It's very embarrassing. I have poor Kidney function. I'm doubtful they will allow the meds because of my kidneys, but I'm going to give it a try. Thank you for posting your story. Something positive comes from reading these posts. Just hearing of others that are suffering everyday make me not feel so alone.
eric_39717 gill22568
Hi. I concur with everyone else. Physical activity, being flustered, nervous, or getting talked to death by patients (introvert), causes my head to bead up and drip. I'm bald by the way. 34, healthy. Endo checked out. My biggest concern however is concerning my running hobby. The sweat from my head will make it's way all the way down my shirt just within a short 5 mile run. After that, head sweat will start to coat my shorts. Cooling off? Forget about it. Takes at last 90 minutes. Used my son's forehead thermometer after a run the other day. My stomach read 81.7 degrees. My scalp read 91.2. My question is: if you take glycopyrollate, is physical activity contraindicated? Will I simply overheat? I'd like some relief during meetings, traveling, gatherings, but I just wish I didn't have to dehydrate on an easy run. No reason why I need so suck down all these electrolytes for a 3 mile run.
bill09319 eric_39717
I was very cautious starting out, so i could get an idea of how it would affect me. I take it in the morning (6:30) and have been going to the gym after work (5:00) and i sweat like what i would consider a normal person would. Overheating is a possibility, but i have not felt like i have come close to it. I took the pills as normal over a three day stretch at Disneyland in June and was just fine. No overheating... and it was really hot. If i was running outside on this medication and it was hot out i would just make sure to stay hydrated. That's the biggest thing.
bill09319 eric_39717
LostNtKing gill22568
Outta no where been seating head and face. Like dripping. Like crazy i never sweat like this before been sweating 3months. Friends have told me why did i sweat alot
seanpaul0617 gill22568
I get full body sweat even when it's cold top to toe it really uncomfortable
charlotte65403 gill22568
Oh what a relief - others suffer too. Read most postings and have noticed a fact that a lot of us also have fibro, CFS , arthritis. I too am on 2 anti depressants, wear patch for pain & take 2 dif pain killers, blood pressure meds, antihistamines etc. Like some had a lot of surgery (on my 4th knee replacement) damaged spine etc etc ..... it's interesting that a lot of us have the same extra problems on top of the sweats. I'm 52. I've been moaning to my doctor now for 8/9 years but in the last 6 months got 100% worse sweat wise but it's also causing boil like spots all over my face - oh how fantastic it all make me feel!! Yesterday I saw a different doctor telling her I'm tired of being told part of the course for menopause, but then 12 years ago was told I'm going thro early menopause, tired of being stared at, being taken to one side in shops where they thought I was anxious shop lifting, changing 5 times in a day, looking ugly, and find it so very embarrassing doing whatever I am whilst drips of sweat are falling onto the table/counter/book, Water blocked ears or stinging eyes ... list is endless isnt it. SHE BELIEVED ME! This was such a relevation for me as got tired hearing 'we'll monitor it, will pass, its your meds etc. I cant tell you what a relief it was that someone actually took it seriously. Going for fasting blood tests later today then got 2nd appt with her Thursday (in 2 days); I will mention this site & meds you've all mentioned and can't thank you all enough making me feel a little bit human again knowing it's not 'just me. However I'm sorry you are suffering this horrendous thing, unless you suffer you will never know how we all feel life can't go on like this any more. Won't it be great when we find a cure - save electricity (No extra washing loads of soggy clothes, hankies etc) save money in not having to buy tissues or flannel when out to 'mop up' etc etc but mostly, can feel a little bit better about ourselves and an incy bit confident in going out again socialising.
Thank you everyone, with love n hugs to all sufferers. Will let you know what Doc says on Thurs. Xx
laurie25006 charlotte65403
Hi Charlotte.....so sorry to hear of your plight. I am in the same boat. It only started this year, this bad, and I am 56. I am curious to know how your blood tests went? Did they find something unusual? I have been reading everyone's remarks and want to really find a solution to all this. Look forward to hearing how it all went. Thank you!!!!