Excessive head and face sweating
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I am 63 and for the last 22 years have suffered with excessive sweating on my head and face, which seems to be getting worse. This is uncomfortable and embarrassing. If I do anything even slightly energetic (hoovering, ironing etc.) it is worse, and it takes a long time for me to cool down. I was referred to a dermatologist who prescribed pills, which just dried up my eyes (red, sore and bloodshot within 30 mins) and mouth (making it impossible to eat or even speak). She point blank refused to consider any other treatment, even telling me botox does not work for the face, which i know is untrue. This condition, to other people, seems trivial but it is not. In the summer I cannot go outside, so I can't even play with my grandchildren. I certainly couldn't go out shopping or to a social event, the sweat drips off me and my hair is drenched within minutes. I obviously cannot use make-up, or even have a decent hairstyle, which zaps the confidence. I do have a thyroid problem but that is well controlled. I am a little overweight but not much. I have other non-related medical conditions (arthritis, fibromyalgia). Has anyone any experience of the new gadget around which includes a mask for the face, plugged into a machine - sorry I can't remember the name of it. I know they are very expensive but I am desperate. Any helpful tips would be great. Thank you.
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gary69160 gill22568
Hi all, Glad to find this forum. I'm 67 and have head sweats for 15+ years. Details are like many others - Tim's description & others are pretty close to mine. Certainly happens when I do a lot of work or activity.I'm OK with that because it's closer to normal times people sweat, except mine is mostly from SOAKED head and dripping wet face. I'm looking for something to help when stress seems to trigger it - big time. Stress from public, including small groups, speaking or preparing for an activity - something I need to get done by a certain time. It happens when I can feel the stress, but also when I feel I shouldn't be stressed, so it's probably the unconscious mind "fight or flight" reaction. At least I know I'm not alone now. Overall I don't feel overly hot, but my body has decided to soak my head and face with dripping sweat to cool me off anyhow. Those are the embarrassing and very inconvenient sweat dripping occurrences. Like someone else said, it's a bad time to sweat in a TSA line or doing sales discussion - doesn't make you look confident or honest - even though you are both and aren't aware of being very nervous. Looks like no silver bullets since Gill started post 2 years ago. Hope to figure out something. The sweating in front of people usually causes me more stress than what is causing me to sweat - an ironic cycle. I am learning to say to myself, "Let it go. It is what it is. Keep talking and wiping off my face and hair line around my head."
belinda5723 gill22568
You just told my story. I can get ready for church and by the time I get out of the car and sit down in church I have sweat dripping off of my head , I've just turn 61. My mother said I came out of her sweating. It's getting worse with age. I've had back problems and 6 back operations and now on pain meds, but I was this way before I had any health problems. I'm ready for the drs to take me serious. Someone said botox helps. My husband told me to find someone that will try it. He knows how angry I'm getting not to find any help. If I can find someone to try it on me I'll post it. We need a dr to see this posting to know I'm not the only one with this problem.
a87903 gill22568
A low blood Vitamin D level also can cause head/facial sweating symptoms.
a87903 gill22568
A low blood Vitamin D level also can cause head/facial sweating symptoms.
Frogsndogs4ever a87903
liz2316 gill22568
Did you ever find anything that worked ?
I have the same thing I'm 59
I feel like a freak , I'm so miserable
I have the same symptoms as you I thought I was reading about myself, reading your story.
wayne9053 liz2316
I know what you mean when you say that you feel like a freak because that's exactly how I feel. It feels like everyone is watching you. Your not alone so please try not to feel like that. I hope you find help coz I'm still searching for an answer. I'll post if I do to let all know.
liz2316 wayne9053
Thanks for your reply, I went to a dermatologist today and he prescribed Robinol ? Not sure if I'm spelling that right.
I'll pick it up tomorrow and see how I do in a
month. I've had this condition for 18 yrs.
jeanne70329 liz2316
I can relate to feeling.ike a freak, it is disabling! Most of the time when a woman sees the sweat runners no down my face, they say "oh, I have the same thing"haha😟 Of course we know it isn't post menopausal, but... I have been using the RX Drysol, after shampooing when my hair is stil wet, I apply around my face and hairline, the top of my head is too sensitive to apply it, but the "partial application does help the sweat from running down my face, at least for a while. I think that my heart medications make it worse, the doctors don't think so, but it is my experience. When I ask doctors for help with the condition, they have never heard of it (especially face/cranial) and often look at me like I have lost my marbles😖 I am 74 and have had three life-threatening heart episodes; each time the sweating gets worse and I have no idea why. Good luck to you!
laurie25006 gill22568
Hi Gill22568....you sound identical to me. It is kind of embarrassing, but, I just go about my day. Have you found anything yet that could help? I don't want medication. I carry a fan with me. Otherwise, I could fill a bottle on some days. If you have found anything since your last post please could you share. Thank you.
wayne9053 gill22568
I really do feel for you, I too can't do anything without the sweat pooring from my head and as you say it's so embarrassing and degrading. I feel like I don't want to leave the house because of this and that itself will cause lots more problems. I really do hope you get it sorted mate.
wayne9053 gill22568
I really do feel for you, I too can't do anything without the sweat pooring from my head and as you say it's so embarrassing and degrading. I feel like I don't want to leave the house because of this and that itself will cause lots more problems. I really do hope you get it sorted mate.
jeanne70329 wayne9053
If you haven't read my post about the RX Drysol, I will fill you in. The bottle has a "roll-on" top; I have had a little relief from using it every two or three days. Forget the instructions that comes with it. When I followed them, it "burned" my skin. Now I use it when my hair is wet, only around my face and neck. I roll it on my scalp, staring from hairline, about three inches into my hair. If your skin tolerates it, you may be able to use more. My head still gets hot and I can feel weird sensation of prickling where I applied it, but it helps preventing sweat running into my eyes. I think any doctor could write a RX for you. Good luck!
Patsy_-_Pat gill22568
Guest Patsy_-_Pat
Yeah, that's the hard part. Narrowing it down to one thing. I only take Benedryl occassionally, so that's not it. I was told by my Dr. that Benedryl raises your blood pressure and I have high blood pressure now. I started sweating way before high blood pressure, but it could be the medicine's I take. Which I take about 8 a day for various things. I also take several supplements, but I also was sweating way before I took any of these. Now artificial sweetener I've been drinking since I was a teen, so I've never tried not using artificial sweeteners for a while and see if it makes a difference. Maybe I will start there. Thank's for the possibilities.
jeanne70329 Patsy_-_Pat
Thank you for sharing, I am so happy that you have made progress in your "journey! I do use Stevia and will discontinue that now to see if it makes a difference. I have to take 10 prescriptions daily, and have always thought that with each additional RX that my condition worsens. Even in childhood I sweated more that other kids. The condition is terrible now and just started using the RX Drysol and that helps in controlling the sweat. My head still gets hot and I feel the "prickling" from the Drysol. I still get uncomfortable and feel wiped after.
Good luck to all of us with this condition!