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2:44 am and still awake can't sleep this is so hard going through all these symptoms I've been through so many different symptoms from headache to aches and pains dizziness two brain fog forgetting where I put things now is shortness of breath the chest pain and I've been through this before last year and they did every testing in the book and everything was fine now it's happening again it's so hard I can't really do anything I'm always tired I can't sleep and when I do get sleep it's a heart palpitations and they wake me up I also feel so bloated I lay down and have to sit up because I can breathe terrible are any of you ladies going through the same thing.
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Sochima822 marisol06794
I went through it. What finally stopped it was St. John's wort. If you don't take medicine for high blood pressure you may benefit from it. It stopped my heart palpitations and anxiety almost immediately like after a day. If you can't take it maybe one of the other ladies here can suggest something else. Hope this helps, good luck.
bobbysgirl marisol06794
natallia04776 marisol06794
Hi Mariso, I get up around 3 every morning and just laying there with all crazy thoughts in my head than dozing off around 6 and can't here alarm at 6.30 even my lovely husband rings me on the phone to wake me up 😈 and so many symptoms on the way just name it.
natallia04776 marisol06794
Hi Mariso, I get up around 3 every morning and just laying there with all crazy thoughts in my head than dozing off around 6 and can't here alarm at 6.30 even my lovely husband rings me on the phone to wake me up 😈 and so many symptoms on the way just name it.
brendababy marisol06794
Hi Marisol, sorry I'm short of time this morning, reading your post I just wanted to reassure you, I have and still am suffering from all of the symptoms and many more that you have
I've had a terrible migraine since yesterday totally blighting my life, I'm constantly having to cancel appointments and arrangements because of them
I'm on tibolone HRT but still suffer many symptoms, I've learned not to focus or panic on the symptoms just try and do what I can knowing eventually things will ease
So take care of yourself and enjoy the times when you feel a bit better, you'll get through this
natalie86711 marisol06794
Yes your not alone, I've had all your symptoms and even more, I get tingles in my feet and arms sometimes fall asleep, I am bloated almost everyday, I drink two cups of peppermint tea witch helps a little, just keeping saying to yourself it's hormones nothing else.
liz67338 marisol06794
Oh Maria I'm exactly in the same boat...I'm really at desperation point. Get all those symptoms daily for last 2 years and had the scary chest tightness/shortness of breath for a year now. Completely changed my diet and lifestyle and get short bursts (few hours in a day) of feeling well again but they are short lived. Just started trying regular breathing excercises after a lady on this forum recommended and so far as provided a little relief from shortness of breath. Sorry to know you've are also going through this also.
marisol06794 liz67338
Thankyou liz67338 I'm going to try the breathing excercise and see if it works for me because I'm at the point of crazy this is so hard to cope with one day i feel great and the next i have to drag myself out of bed and it's always something new but these tightness on my chest and shortness of breath are very scary the first time it happened was over a year ago and i ended up in the emergency room they kept all night and ran every test even a stress test and everything came back fine thank god and after that on and off and everything else i menchend before i just came back from gnc i got st johns wort and progesterone cream have you tried it? I hope we feel better soon we do go through a lot 😔😔
liz67338 marisol06794
I went through exactly the same thing when I first experienced the chest and breath issues...I'm also baffled that one day I can feel relatively ok then the next day wake up weak, trembling, dizzy, desperate etc and feeling like it's going to be impossible to make it through the day without collapsing. I've been on bio identical hormones...has helped with insomina but still get all the other stuff...never tried the cream I'll check it out thanks 😊 St John's wort didn't work for me unfortunately. Yes it's incredible how we all manage through this. Xx
callianne_65675 marisol06794
I'm also awake it's 3am. I get what I hear is 'crashing fatigue' syndrome. I can be OK then I literally have to crash. I don't go to the docs as I'm scared of them, but you sound like me. At least you've had tests and can focus on them being okay. With the bloating oh my word, I have been through days of it. Then I seem to look pregs for weeks on end, suddenly my stomach will look normal again. I have started the FODMAP diet to see if that helps. I tried it before, (it'sjust avoiding certain foods like for e.g. onions ) and your tummy might go down. Also stress causes it.
When I am in the mood and have energy, I make green smoothies with watercress, cucumber, kale and other diuretic things and add a fruit juice (I don't think it would be tasty enough for me without), then I pee a lot and my tummy goes down and plus it is good for me. Someone once said B6 helps with bloating, so perhaps I'll try that again. Sometimes if we suffer gastric reflux can give us asthma or can't breathe feelings? Anyway I hope you feel better BIG HUGS XX
marisol06794 callianne_65675
OMG..this is a never ending thing i can't sleep because of the fatigue can't eat because i get bloated at times a look like if I'm4 months preg...and have been trying to eat healty hopefully like you said maybe thay would help ive been to the doctor so many time and keep hearing the same thing your not going through the change just because the test don't show it it doesn't mean I'm not and like you my stomach goes flat then bloeted again I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired i guess we just have to hang in there and pray to god this is over soon i hope you get through this soon wish you the best😊😊
callianne_65675 marisol06794
you too!! (I'm still awake its nearly 6am. I find funny things bloat me, like 'healthy food'. For example apples, or celery etc., I think raw veggies can be too much for our digestion. (I'm no expert but am experimenting with diff things). I also try and avoid gluten and lactose. Although I do give in. There are some large lists of FODMAPS and you can eat crackers for ex. and also spelt bread. I did try it once and it def improved things, but also I am working out (not in a big way, I have a DVD of a lady who does a 1 mile walk not sure if I can say her name, just google 1 mile walk) that might help?? Sometimes when I can't sleep I will find a good relaxation on YouTube. Or, listen to the rain sounds on youtube or sea. Ihope this helps. Message me anytime, if I can share or help I will

liz67338 marisol06794
Aloe vera has helped me with bloating issues...I buy the actual plant locally and put the jelly in my smoothies (it's recommended to only use for 2 week periods then a month break as powerful and highly medical qualities) ...it's great for skin and hair too...has multitude of health benefits x
maria76995 marisol06794
Hi marisol, I know those feelings very well I use to go mad because I just couldn't shut off at night tossing and turning before you know it Morning and that I couldn't handle, I use to lie down stairs in the day get a nap on the sofa but every time I do that I wake up like either in fright or funny feeling... Your sleep will return with time mine did so hang on in there ok,that brain fog is terrible I burn up all my saucepans just forgetting food on horrible, I think party much I had most of those symptoms you mention but good night sleep helps a lot because you need to cut off for couple hours with out thinking about the menopause
dontry a nice cup of Horlicks before bed with Lavender oil on the pillow and try another think about anything while dropping off and say a prayer ask God for help each night hugs to you.
Lady_Emm maria76995
How long did your insomnia last for??
Thanks Mxx