Exhausted & tired all the time.

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I have been to Dr about my long list of peri menopausal symptoms.

My main symptom at the moment is the constant tiredness, shaky jelly like feeling when ever I do small tasks.

I am finding everything difficult & have to pace myself throughout the day to the basic things that have to be done. Taking hours to restore my strength after doing a small task ie preparing veg, cleaning bathroom, hoovering, showering, hanging out the washing.

I have had lots of blood test but nothing showing. My FSH is 15.5 Dr said it shows i'm not menopausal that my overies are working, but obviously at almost 53 peri menopause. Does anyone know anything about FSH?

My Iron is 29 although at the lower end of the scale not anemic.My B12 is fine.

I take B6, a multi vit, iron tablets, Chai seeds, Flax seeds.I have been taking Magnesium citrate for a week now & because i cannot cope with the tiredness I am going to try HRT (although always been opposed to it) I have to wait until my next period before I can start on it.

Does anyone know anything else i can try? & is anyone else feeling this extreme tiredness during peri?

I'm not depressed & have very little anxiety my only anxiety is could this be anything else other that peri menopause!!!!


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23 Replies

  • Edited

    Hi Deborah! The tiredness WILL pass! It absolutely floored me and worried me to death with no help from doctors (UK). I did give up work that's how bad it hit me.... You need to listen to your body and if it's too much then you don't do it! It will get better but you have to be kind to yourself no matter how frustrating it gets. I am always on the go like you and found it a very difficult phaised! It made my anxiety worse so keep calm and avoid stressful situations, think of yourself and your own needs. Sending big hugs to you. I am so much better than before so stay positive. Xx
    • Posted


      Thank you. I'm not going out to work but do host foreign students, I don't have any at the moment.

      I am finding it very frustrating & find it difficult to explain to family & friends how i am feeling as they don't understand. Two friends  & my Mum breezed through the menopause with a few hot flushes & nothing else.

      I am a positive person so thought i would breeze through it too but the constant tiredness is really getting to me. I will try to relax & rest.

      Big Hugs to you too. x x

  • Posted

    Hi Deborah,

    Have you had your thyroid checked? Just a thought as an underactive thyroid can cause fatigue and often rears its head at this time of life, it's easily remedied. Having said that, I have certainly had episodes of extreme fatigue and feeling shakey and wobbly on exertion and  read of other women who have had the same so I think it is fairly common.

    • Posted


      Yes Thyroid & Blood sugar checked both okay.

      Thanks for your reassurance just hope it passes quickly.

      Really want to go on holiday & find some Sun but no energy to think about packing etc

      x x

    • Posted

      I have had lots of bouts of this Deborah and it HAS passed. Crushing fatigue is a recognised symptom of peri. Hugs xx


  • Posted

    Hi Deborah - I am 53 & also get so very tired its terrible as you want to be the same as you did beore but I do agree with Trevis think of yourself & rest, I sometimes have a little 20min cat nap & try not to do too many things at once! I do take B6, Biotin, Black Cosh & more but I'm going to try Menopause plus, as I heard it has a good combination of vits as well as Bs & B6.

    Keep talking & look after you! Love Barbara X

    • Posted

      Hi Barbara

      Im 53 next month but feel as though I'm a young 53 (well I did until this) still feel I have a lot of life left in me  (Mentally I do) physically I don't!!!!!

      I do have a cat nap usually only 5 mins though but will lay down for an hour.

      I've just ordered some Menopace (superdrug have an offer on buy 2 get 1 free)

      Thank you for your advice. x x

  • Posted

    Oh well done, I will try the menopace also! I think its about trial & error but with this website we can get through it together! Let us know how you get on with them, fingers crossed!
  • Posted

    Hi Deborah.  Main thing I have noticed is that the clue for peri is our periods. Whenever it  starts  to "change",  everything else crumbles.  As you were all checked, do not get overconcerned. it is probably peri, or maybe your iron level, that you say it is a little low. Your FSH is still in fertile level, so you could take birth control, which is already a kind of HRT. Tough, it is a characteristic of peri that  hormones are so up and down that tests may be misleading, and that may be a reason for you feeling this tired as well. As much as I know, menopausal FHS levels are over 20, but really, I may be wrong. To have a better maybe you should check it three months in a row, but I guess it can still be misleading same way.  

    you are doing good with your vitamins, but you should be taking Calcium and .vitamin D as wel, I do not think your doc would oppose to that.

    If it is peri, and you are lucky, the worse part of it takes 4 - 6 months, when we can feel a lot of things, not only tiredness, unfortunatelly.  After that, things tend to get much better with all symptoms receading to a manageable point.


    • Posted


      My periods are changing slightly can go a couple of months regular then miss a couple of months. They do tend to be very heavy particularly 2nd day, may have to change super plus tampax every 45 mins then get lighter following day usually only 3 days.

      Dr said 15.5 (FSH) indicated my ovaries were still working, well I kinda knew that with my periods!

      I have lots of symptoms, but extreme tiredness, dizziness, shaky feeling are the worst for me at the moment. Hot flushes, night sweats etc not so bad at the moment but last year were very bad, I think B6 & flax seeds have helped alot with those 2 symptoms.

      I'm finding that im eating more as I kinda think that food will give me energy but its not working & I don't want to put weight on. x x

    • Posted

      Do not eat more, eat better smile. Wiser women here recommend more fruits, vegetables and fish than pasta, bread, and fried things.  Avoid sugar, drink wine with moderation. In your case, because of the iron deficiency, do not diminish your meat intake but avoid the fat ones, it will keep your heart and arteries safe. That is the "mediterranean diet, basicaly. If you are not used to it, it may make you loose weight, instead of gaining. 

      You are fully peri, just that!


    • Posted

      Hi BellaRubia

      I do eat pretty healthy most of the time, lots of fruit, veg, fish, chicken a steak now & again, don't eat mince can't stand the smell of it when cooking. Do not like fizzy drinks etc

      But have recently been drawn to biscuits, going to stop buying them as they seem to be shouting from the cupboard, chocolate is another downfall sad

      Thanks for your advise, will be eating more salads as the weather improves with things like dried apricots, roasted sunflower/pumpkin seeds/red peppers/tomatoes & a mixture of salad leaves just drizzled with a little olive oil Yummy smile

      Hugs to you x

    • Posted

      Sorry, it took long to repply, I just saw that today.

      Smart lady smile 

      About the chocolates, some say it may be lack of Magnesium once the chocolate have Magnesium, specially the dark ones.


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