Extended periods...
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Hi..I just joined this group yesterday and was happy to find it!! I have been in peri for a few years now, first my periods moved closer together by a few days and got heavier with flooding, hot flashes and night sweats, then they moved farther apart and still were heavier with clotting but were a normal length of days, the last year I have been having less periods skipping a month or two and they are much lighter..I had a light five day period in May and skipped on in June, but this month I started on the tenth with light spotting that has progressed til now, nothing heavy...have had a few days of more normal period type flow but still very light with a few clots..it just won't stop though! I went to my GYN on the 18th..she did an exam and read my monthly diary of symptoms and said it is nothing to worry about..that sometimes it can go longer like this..anyone else had this experience? It worries me, which is another symptom I have..obsessive anxiety. I google my symptoms an have myself convinced I have every disease known to women!! Thankfully I have a patient hubby. <3
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Sochima822 lori610
Lori, when I had spotting for more than a few days of my normal period my gyne did a D&C. Are you on any type of birth control?
lori610 Sochima822
Sochima822 lori610
lori610 Sochima822
Sochima822 lori610
How long have you been in peri? Okay I will at your age, light spotting would go on for days at a time. Until it finally stopped on it's own. Sounds to me as if you're just really starting.
lori610 Sochima822
Sochima822 lori610
lori610 Sochima822
Sochima822 lori610
I remember i had spotting that went on for about 2 weeks after my period. I'm 57 now.
lori610 Sochima822
Sochima822 lori610
Your doctor sounds as if she's experienced with women who have menopausal symptoms, which is a good thing. A lot of women here have doctors who don't know a thing about peri-menopause. You're one of the lucky ones. Best of luck to you!
lori610 Sochima822
michelle46271 lori610
Hi there
I can't answer your question about the periods but I really sympathise with you regarding the anxiety. Hopefully somebody will pop up and answer your question soon. Take care xxx
lori610 michelle46271
Thank you!