Extreme aches and pains (upper arm and legs), head pressure and dizziness. Is it anxiety ? worried!
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Okay so a year ago I had a very bad experience with cannabis where I had extreme panic attacks and I thought I died and so much happened that day even the ambulance came and everything I was traumatised so much. So after that night I was never the same. I would often get panic attacks and have constant anxiety and thoughts of death would make me so panicked I would experience sweaty hands, cold sensations, heart palpitations and extreme fear. So now that has improved a lot since last year however I could feel I was getting fatigue over time for no apparent reason and that would bring my anxiety back on. It wasn't until last month I had a viral Infection which was so bad. I mean it was really bad that I thought I had a killer disease which would kill me (again death thoughts). I went to the A&E three times in such a panic. Once thinking I had toxic shock syndrome. I mean I didn't care all I cared about was my health and I would do anything to find out what I have. Had blood tests done and it was all clear. Been to the gp like every week and they said I was fine too after taking bloods and urine samples. I also thought I may have an sti so I got checked at a sexual health clinic and again tests came out all clear.
So my viral infection started with a lump under my jaw and constipation. I then experienced night sweats, chills, disorientation, shortness of breath, a lump in my upper neck, Photophobia which was so bad it would give me migraines and I couldn't go out at night with all the lights outside, panic, fever, extreme body aches and extreme fatigue and extreme dizziness. This lasted 3 whole weeks and every time I would get all sorts of symptoms. So I would panic and go to the gp and sometimes A&E and all they would say was it's just an viral infection. Plus before my infection I was constipated and I had bowel problems too. In the 4th week my flu symptoms stopped. Such as sweats, chills, disorientation (I would get up feeling like I can't feel my body or like I'm leaving my body, it was SO weird, I would shake myself to gain consciousness or wake my sister to feel better) thankfully that has gone.
So It's the 5th week now but I'm still not well my fatigueness (which includes aching upper arms and legs) has not gone, neither have my headaches I get pressure in my head an ears still and I occasionally get dizziness and shortness of breath. I also feel a lump in my throat which the go said is normal however I don't. I mean I can't function properly anymore I get extremely exhausted after 3 hours of work where I work as a sales associate. My body feels like it's giving up on me. I'm in extreme pain even at this moment my arms are paining so bad. I've got an appointment for an abdominal scan and I want some other scans done too because at this moment I feel as if I have something which is causing all this pain and discomfort. Maybe then I'll be in peace that it's nothing serious and it's all down to my anxiety. I hope it is. However I don't know how to tackle it. I wake up during the night feeling strange, short of breath or I can hear my heartbeat beat so fast or hear a heartbeat in my head when I sleep. Yes I'm so paranoid and worried. My aches and pains are not going.
I need some help out here. Has anyone experienced something similar. Please get in contact. It would make me feel so much better
Thank you
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SpideyLew Ameli98158
Even the timescale. I've been suffering for what will be five weeks on Wednesday. Been told by 3 GP's, 2 Doctors at the Hospital and numerous NHS24 advisors that it's viral.
Only the most recent Doctor at A&E has said it's not viral. She reckons its Migraines and is arranging for me to see a headache specialist. She has also recommended I go back to my GP about my anxiety.
laura11272 Ameli98158
I have experienced pretty much the same as what you are describing. Last Christmas 2014 I had a really bad cold, the worst I had for a very long time. It went from a head cold, to a sore throat to a chesty cough to a tickly cough. Couldnt get rid of it and it last about 3-4 weeks. On new years day 2015 I basically had a massive panic attack, although at the time i didnt know that was what was happening to me, basically the overwhelming sensation that you are about to die together with a fever and intense dizziness. Not room spinning dizziness but like you are being pulled down to the ground and a floating sensation. Anyway went to the GP a few days later turned out i had a urinary infection. 1 year later and I am still experienceing the dizziness together with panic attacks which has lead to some depression. i was seeing a ENT specialist for the first 5 months of the year, had a MRI, multiple blood tests the whole 9 yeards all back clear. So bsically it has all been written off to a viral infection. I have googled the hell out of researching and trying to find an answer and basically there isnt one other than Viral infection you just have to ride it out and it can take years. One very interesting thing that I have been reading more and more of is the link between viral infections and dpression / anxiety and panic attacks. It appears there is a clear link between the two especially if the viral infection is vestibular related. I have gone down the road of more natural remedies like using st johns wort or 5HTP rather than antidpressents and keep reminding myself that what I am feeling it not real (the panic attacks), its a viral infection and I will get better over time. I'm sorry of this is not quite what you want to hear but there doesnt seem to be a quick fix for these types of infections. If everything else comes back clear than at least you know its not serious and need to give yourself time for your body to heal.
Take care and hope it all works out for you - you are not alone
timtheturtle Ameli98158
(Tired, dizzy, burning skin, palpitations, tight chest, short breath, head pressure, stinging legs arms & face, lump in throat, weak, no sleep, digestive issues, cold limbs, sinus pressure - the list goes on really).
I'm a smart guy and not one to jump to conclusions but this really defeated me for a long time, with doctors being no help. The head pressure was unbearable and I was convinved there was something seriously wrong that was undetected.
I tried super healthy, vegan, gluten free, elimination diets, no drinking, no caffine and all that stuff. Tried loads. nothing. Ended up smoking weed to deal with it all, not good.
Finally I said to myself, OK let's just say this is anxiety. I started researching the stress response (you don't have to suffer from anxiety to have these physical problems).
After just 4 months of CBT, lots of research on the fight/flight response I'm now 90% better and I feel the best I have in years. It's insane. This time 5 months ago I was having episodes of deporsonalization and thinking of ending it all - because of these symptoms.
I still get them, but now they last a minute or two rather than days, or weeks. It's crazy to believe that this can be caused your thought processes but it can (and when you start looking into it - it actually all makes perfect sense). I just wish the doctors had pointed me down the anxiety/stress route before.
I'd recommend looking into it and also CBT. Basically I slowly started analysing my symptoms one by one and finding a link to the stress response (eg - stinging legs is simply the nerves firing and muscles prepping for fight/flight). Then I could stop worrying about them. It worked.
The best thing you can really do is breathe. Deep breath and let it go. (This is much easier to do now with an understanding of the physiology of it all, breathing did nothing at first).
I'm not saying that you aren't genuinely ill with something else - but I'm a pretty grounded 30yo guy and was convinced that I was ill, for over 10 years. I mean really ill.
Like I said, now I've almost shed all the anxiety/stress and the symptoms have subsided 90%!
If anyone wants to Skype then I'm happy to share my thoughts as I know how much this SUCKS. It nearly drove me to end it all. I feel I should help if I can.
I'm no expert but I sersiouly learned a lot in the last few months and it really changed my life so much.
PM me if you wanna chat.
katieleigh25 timtheturtle
So I think I may also have an anxiety disorder, I'm still trying my best to diagnose myself but it comes & go in stints. So when I'm ok, I feel fine, but when it's bad I feel absolutely aweful! Weather there is something more to it I don't know but I feel like I can't relax my stomach, the tops of my arms ache and tops of my legs, I'm constantly exhausted, I'll walk up the stairs & my heart will be racing. I get back ache too. My mind is constantly full of thoughts of what it could be, why do I feel like this, how can I get better. I'm constantly lethargic and I mean my diets pretty good.
Some days I feel like I'm living in a dream and my mind is foggy
I've not yet seen a doctor but guess I should
amanda_59685 timtheturtle
Hi Tim I can totally relate to your story and would appreciate if I could talk with you. Finding it really hard to talk to anyone, as all I usually get is "stop being so dramatic" as I always have some sort of symptom!!
Mrshaggy Ameli98158
I have had the same symptoms for over 5 years. The first 2 years was really hard but i didn't have the muscle ache.
After lots of tests initially i was told i have anexiety, i didn't buy in to it and kept doing tests.
The first year was really bad and i had constant dizziness and palpitations all day every day. I couldn't lie down flat for a year and had few pillows under my head and back for sleeping. And i would jump up few times every night in panic. I sarted citalopram in the first year and also metapralol for palpitations. Gradually i learned to live with it and symptoms slowed down but never vanished.
One of the most difficult symptoms was the falling sensation in my head that would really scare me.
Like you i ended up in A&E over and over because i thought i am having heart attack.
I still did not accept i have anexiety because all symptoms were physical but believed that doctors can't find the peoblem. After 4.5 years my father passed and a few months ago i started to have severe panic attacked every few hours.. it was so bad that i couldn't function anymore. I was running Out of options so i thought if this is anexiety then i have to see a psychiatrist and that was the best decision. He explained to me scientifically why i was having physical symptoms and it all made sense. I asked him for a medication to stop the panic attackes so i can function again and he gave me Pregabalin. It worked instantly, after the second pill the panics stopped. So i accepted that i do have anexiety and went to see a therapist which has been helpful at some level.
So if you are feeling the same then here is my advice:
-Accept that you are having anexiety.
-see a psychiatrist
-exercise is the best treatment
-find the root cause
-understand your physical symptoms, read about Fight and Flight response in panic. You can read it here https://patient.info/health/panic-attack-and-panic-disorder it explains what your body goes through in panic and why you feel all the physical stuff.
I have been able to some how control some of it but have not recovered fully.
Hope this helps.
Emis Moderator comment: I have replaced the given link with a link to the equivalent article on our site.
ross01891 Ameli98158
md44969 Ameli98158
fatima59009 Ameli98158
how are u doing now? I came across this now and I feel everything in ur post. I was diagnosed with GAD..
have you overcome your feelings? I would like to know how things are now
joshua1996 Ameli98158
I struggle with the same problem almost every day arms and leg pain and cramping stomach pain dizziness headaches dry throat burning sensation sometimes even diarrhea I need answers cause I'm tired of it and I just want my life back😔
timtheturtle Ameli98158
To all.
I had this for 30 years (I'm 31 now). I would not have considered myself an anxious person, or stressed or particularly worried or anything like that. Yet, I had sooo many symptoms I was convinced something was seriously wrong, doctors had missed it etc. Anxiety can't be physical right? Think about stage fright. How does that horrible feeling happen? Mind goes blank, legs shake, feel sick... There you go, a direct physical response as a result of a mental process ("oh crap there's loads of people". Anxiety is extremely physical! We're not really built for 2016 as humans, as our primal fight/fight response is still there but is now activated by modern day stressors like work, overthinking things, social interactions / implications (yep, that's Facebook etc), too much choice and basic things like that.
Over the last year of my 30s I began ticking symptoms off the list 1by1. Legs, arms, cramps, brain fog (my god the brain fog), fatigue, tight chest and the list goes on..and on...and on. For me, the tiniest little thought will trigger an immediate physical response in some way. Usually I can tell if there's something going on if I hold my hands out and they shake, even slightly (adrenaline from fight/flight).
Anyways, I would highly recommend you do some learning on the fight/fight response. It took me months and months of horrible testing on my part (allergies, gluten, autoimmune disorders etc) before I accepted anxiety as I was so convinced it was something deadly (and so were my friends, who know me well).
The way I did it was to correlate my 'weird symptoms' with anxiety ones. What I mean is, I deliberately went into a situation that made me anxious (public speaking, new busy places I didn't know, even some social media circles) and I noted what I felt. You're going to match up at least a few, I guarantee it - then you can quit worrying about them.
For me that was the first steps to beating the hell outta this thing. I still get symptoms on a daily basis (not every day) but because I know it's anxiety I can just massage my neck, breath and chill out mentally and it's gone instantly. (I had brain forg for 10 years straight, now it goes in seconds. Wish I knew that years ago!). I also backtrack my thinking and there's usually something minor in there as the trigger "must remember to buy milk later" - yep that'll do it.
So, the more I get used to spotting thinking patterns and teaching my brain 'it's ok, no response needed thanks" (by breathing slow etc) the more it disappears entirely.
Hope me this makes sense to people and helps someone because I know, trust me I know how hard it is. 2 times near suicide purely because of this and the doctors didn't help me one bit. Don't take meds if you can help it, they're a short term fix and I've seen friends lose it. I had a prescription for SSRI and now it's in a frame on my wall. I didn't take it - and I won.
Good luck! PM me if you like but I'm not that active on here anymore.
Tim X
marlon67169 timtheturtle
Best Marlon
Lalithsaikumar4 Ameli98158
I am here to disclose what's actually happening to me since 20 days. I didn't had any bad habit even till 3 months ago but due to some fantasy I started smoking weed in my area which is not of high quality. Till now hardly I had smoke 10 to 15 times and the last time was on December,14th 2016. On that day I had an adverse effect of some kind of panic attack which caused high heart beat and took a bath straight away to get out of that. People here say that some insect repellent is sprayed on that weed to increase the weight. I didn't inform the right reasons to my parents and went for EEG test, CT scan, 2d echo pad test and ECG. My doctor saw it and all reports were normal. I'm still having heaviness in head and numbness in hands and legs. I had muscle spasm before. It's really like a torture and I'm unable to decide whether I'm facing anything else or an anxiety disorder.
debbie83588 Ameli98158