Extreme shortness of breath ANYONE
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I am a complete mess right now as i write this. A friend came over and we both decided to go for a walk. It started out great but could only do about 2 blocks. I had shortness of breath and felt exhausted. I never felt that symptom before and tried not to freak out afraid of the anxiety that it might bring on. As i walked home i stopped a few times to basically breath. What is happening to me. I am lying on the coach crying. I am scared i might have lung/heart problems. My mind is going crazy with bad thoughts. I am 4 days post period. My body today feels worst than the days before my period. Is this normal. Have you women had this terrible symptom.
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Sassyr12a hopeforever
Hello hopeforever
Many women on the forum complain about breathlessness and I'm sure there could be lots of non scary reasons for it :weather, hormones, allergies, blood pressure, bit of dehydration maybe so please try not to worry for now.
Might be an idea to get it checked out but I've had the same when walking, talking, even lying down watching TV. I know it's scary but you're going to be okay, get yourself a drink, breathe and relax and then see how you feel. Big hugs xx
hopeforever Sassyr12a
Sassyr12a thank you for your response , it sure does help calm my mind. It's now 12:24 am and i cannot sleep. I am hoping that i will get some sleep. Insomnia has plagued me for the past week. My mind just wonders. I will try not to worry. Thanks once again for taking the time in responding. Hugs
Sassyr12a hopeforever
Hi hun
I know what you mean, its 5am in the UK and I'm still watching TV... No sleep for me again it seems. The only thing I can say is that you need to find a way if you can, to relax and work through the bizarre symptoms that arise. They all feed the anxiety and can be terrifying and limiting otherwise. Keep walking, keep breathing and try meditation love. It's not magic but I've found it helps take the edge off and you can always rely on breathing in and out to calm things down. You're doing a great job and I promise you'll get through it xx
michelle97919 hopeforever
Hi hopeforever
I recently wrote a post on the same thing
Im two years post had a ten year peri hell
You probably know me from other discussions
I have been through a lot if family stress and i feel like im constantly on the verge of a panic attack
I had a major one last night not had one for a while
Anxiety is been ongoing but full blown panic attacks went
U ntil last night
I have managed to get out of bed this morning to try to go to work but i feel like im dying
Butterflies in my stomach and chest just want to cry
Stay strong we are all in this together x
unico31026 hopeforever
I have been in peri since i was 35 and i am now 42. I JUST started getting the shortness of breath while walking about two months ago. I know its a part of peri because it doesnt happen all of the time( i usually walk to the shopping plaza 4 to 7 times a day to try and keep the weight off) and ive lost 25 pounds just from replacing all of my side items with asparagus! So i can walk to the plaza one minute and be out of breath and walk 15 mins later and be just fine. We will all get through this horrible time but until then try to stay positive and try not to worry too much because in the beginning my worries gave me nothing but plenty of anxiety attacks and hospital visits
unico31026 hopeforever
I have been in peri since i was 35 and i am now 42. I JUST started getting the shortness of breath while walking about two months ago. I know its a part of peri because it doesnt happen all of the time( i usually walk to the shopping plaza 4 to 7 times a day to try and keep the weight off) and ive lost 25 pounds just from replacing all of my side items with asparagus! So i can walk to the plaza one minute and be out of breath and walk 15 mins later and be just fine. We will all get through this horrible time but until then try to stay positive and try not to worry too much because in the beginning my worries gave me nothing but plenty of anxiety attacks and hospital visits
unico31026 hopeforever
I have been in peri since i was 35 and i am now 42. I JUST started getting the shortness of breath while walking about two months ago. I know its a part of peri because it doesnt happen all of the time( i usually walk to the shopping plaza 4 to 7 times a day to try and keep the weight off) and ive lost 25 pounds just from replacing all of my side items with asparagus! So i can walk to the plaza one minute and be out of breath and walk 15 mins later and be just fine. We will all get through this horrible time but until then try to stay positive and try not to worry too much because in the beginning my worries gave me nothing but plenty of anxiety attacks and hospital visits
kim35797 hopeforever
Hi Hope i know how you feel I went for a walk a little while ago and felt the same and felt as if i had completed a marathon . Im guessing its our hormones going down hill its not nice i agree with you .
tracy43395 hopeforever
I have developed asthma since starting menopause. I need 2 inhalers. Nobody can explain why.
ImagineOneDay tracy43395
Me too!
CinnamonCat ImagineOneDay
Me too!, never smoked and now my nose is super sensitive to any fumes, post nasal drip, sinus issues ugh!...these issues have all happened since peri & menopause kicked in!
Serradipity hopeforever
Hi Hopeforever,
At the beginning of the year I was having the same issues with breathing and tightness in the chest. So bad I went to the ER and it was just my body, plus stress. I think Sassy said it best, "..try and find a way to relax and work through the bizarre symptoms..."
And because we have so much knowledge about this and that, it is really easy to trick ourselves into worst case scenario ...I knew I wasn't having a heart attack, but my thoughts when to Lung Cancer too (both grandparents passed away from it.)
Good luck, feel better, we're here to hear your worries!
AJacynM hopeforever
Hi there,
I got this as a symptom and I'm sure it starred around menopause... I'm now 47 and not really overweight plus try to exercise (sometimes!!).
My friends and i sometimes walk down the prom next to the beach... sometimes after a short time i just get so breathless, i can't hold a convo without huffing and puffing and it's quite hard to stay calm and not panic.
It doesn't happen all the time but I feel it mainly happens a lot if I'm overtired... which I am A LOT!! Panic, even internal panic and trying like crazy to
stay calm, will quite possibly make it worse as I feel it does that to me, so i try to focus on something (maybe the conversation or a view point etc...) and measure my breathing, taking bigger breaths through my mouth.
Maybe start to monitor it to see if it happens all the time now or just sometimes and maybe try to work out if there is s common factor that causes it.. tiredness, worry, time of the month...?
If it's worrying you badly then get it checked out to out your mind at rest.
AJ. xx
Sorry, lots of typo's there - like I said, I'm overtired!!!! 😉
Finny2018 hopeforever
Yes I have this! A while back someone posted air hunger - and I get that, too. So sometimes it's periods where I am short of breath - even if I'm sitting and other times it's this feeling of air hunger. I haven't kept track, but when I first had it last year at 49 it was a scary feeling! For me- a lot of the symptoms are scary because ALL of them are new and they are all coming fast and furious. The shortness of breath comes and goes - maybe two to three times a month now? I feel so bad when you say you are on the couch crying. That was me for about 3 months when it all hit. I was so scared wondering what was happening and if this was my new normal. The anxiety feelings for the first time, the adrenaline rushes with hot flashes and a panic feeling etc. It will get better! So many women on here helped me on this journey and they will help you, too!