Eye Dizziness,
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hi ladies, I am new here just join few days. 39+. I have almost had all the 60 symptoms of peri meno. The most awful one is this eye dizziness, as if I have not slept for some days peppering at times. Early Jan dis year wasn't good at all I had terrible anxiety, palpitations, panic attack, migraines at fore head, I can't concentrate, shaking body atimes, I thought I am dying, done all tests all normal..gosh.. then had strongest hot flush that lasted some hours, I haven't had it again except feeling body hot atimes, crying a lot, I cannot be on my own, feeling scared all the time, distance myself from friends, I was so scared to the extent I have to remove my pictures from Facebook thinking someone is after me, it was awful & terrible experience. The most annoying part now is this eye heavy & dizziness other feelings come down a bit I am managing now. My period too has become irregular but comes every months just days apart. WHEN WILL I BE OKAY. I feel am not myself again. Thank you.
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betty90997 mercy21172
I understand all that you're saying I get the same feeling I'm worried I'm might go crazy I sometimes doubt myself I have to remind myself it's the hormones but it's hard constantly worrying what next I have dizziness can't keep my balance we just have keep strong
mercy21172 betty90997
Takingtime mercy21172
mary27278 Takingtime
How long have you been using the progesterone cream? I have been using it also and it seem to help my anxiety along with the b12. When I took the break off for the 2 weeks, my anxiety returned . I think I may need phytoestrogen also.
Because I started to get vaginal dryness, digestion flared up (which had went away) bladder issue ( sympton left when period came on) and anxiety really bad right now. I did do full blood work by my chiropractor and low in iron, hormones way off..
Takingtime mary27278
Hi Mercy, So the cream I count 15 days into my cycle...the day period starts is day 1......on day 15 in the evening before bed I take the prescibed dose (2 pumps) and rub it on my inner arm, I switch arms each night so it is getting evening absorbed. Progestrone starts to rise normally mid cycle (day 15) so this bio identical adds extra to my diminishhing hormone.....this was prescribe by a natural practitioner made at a comounding pharmacy. I too had the vaginal dryness and I was given estrial vaginal cream, estrial is the weakest estrogen....again bio identical, I didn't use it long enough and found something else that has really helped me and it isn't a hormone. The bladder issue, yes I had that too, at first it felt like a chronic UTI and my uretha felt inflammed and when tests showed there was no infection we knew it was the estrogen decreasing. I started keeping a diary each month and started seeing a pattern. I even felt the gums in my mouth were burning, and I found this has a lot to do with hormones diminishing as well. The acupuncture has really helped with my bladder, joint pain and anxiety alog with the B12.....the iron supplements have helped with fatigue and dizziness....but again I got blood work to show I was defiecient I just didn't start to take them because I was guessing. I had been seeing a chiropractor for 10 years for my lower back issue, but in truth I was finding when I started this phase the chiropractor was making everything worse.....so I stopped and my back feels better. It is not cheap especially when I have no coverage, but the way I was feeling before I felt like my life was being stolen from me and I was not going to let it get me...so I researched and found products, and supplements that worked for many people. I also take probiotics for my stomach and bowels, and a vaginal probiotic right after my period because the PH gets altered after a period and that is when I was feeling bladder issues. ....so I hope this helps a bit. It sounds like we have had the same things going on.....I am feeling better than I was last year....thank goodness.
aimee1970 mercy21172
I'm feeling joint pains specially in my hips and knees eve night, my worse is a headache located on the top of my head and just go down my neck and his weird pain on the face like the bones and mouth just damn weird and a pain in my left quadrant mid section and at times go down to the left ovary and up below the breast . I'm scare too? Do you experience this as well? My periods are regular just argg . We will be ok!
mercy21172 aimee1970
mary27278 mercy21172
Hi Mercy OMG I am reading my symptons. I am right now in bed because I have no energy just weakness all over. I have been waking up with anxiety and my mind is constantly going.
I have been praying and reading scriptures, I feel like I'm losing it.
My period is on this week and the day it started I have been having extreme body weakness especially when I wake up alone with the anxiety. It usually lessen up in the afternoon or evening.
My legs feels like jello when I walk. I get the shaking also and inside tremors..body burning, etc.
I am thinking of going to ER but I am tired of going to drs. And medical bills are piling up.
So very hard for me to concentrate or do anything.
Do you have any type of birth control device? I read that the paraguard IUD causes anxiety and other symptons . I do have one and I have made an appt to get it out.
You are not alone in this...HUGS?
mercy21172 mary27278
Hi Mary thanks for your contribution.. I am calm now knowing I am not alone. I am not using any birth control and I have not use any, I gave birth my last child 5 yrs ago. After all the series of Tests and nothing was seen, I decided to help myself by eating a lot of veggies & fruits, eat raw white cabbage everyday, cucumber, carrots & watermelon mostly I eat them on empty stomach before breakfast that has help lessen my symptoms. HUGS
karen77710 mercy21172
Hi mercy, know how you feel. Nightmare all of this. When I started menapause it was the hot flushes and the really bad dizziness for me. I ended I last year going on hrt patches ( which I really didn't want to ) but was really bad. I must admit best thing I did, my hot flushes have gone and I don't get much dizziness anymore. Hope this helps xx
aimee1970 karen77710
karen77710 aimee1970
I've been on it a year, no side affects and no problems. Blood pressure and everything been normal. I'm 50 x
mercy21172 karen77710
lana07071 mercy21172
Hi. I have gone through 9 weeks of dizzy sensation. In my head is weird, not vertigo. All sorts of symptoms. I have seen my internist, a neurologist, an eye Dr, an ENT. It is probably vestibular related ( as in vestibular neuritis or silent vestibular migraines. Other symptoms kept coming up done on and off. Eventually I began vestibular exercises, look it up, join a fb forum for these symptoms, it does help, such as chronic subjective dizziness or vertigo and dizziness. I am healing and for the first time in my life, I am on 0.5 mg once a day Xanax. I rarely take any medicine, not even Advil... It's a long road but it ends.
aimee1970 lana07071
LAna what kind of headaches . Mine are weird and I can't explained only that begins on the top and spread to my face and I feels the pain is on the bone and inside of my head is just weird pain inside like electricity and I get dizzy and goes back of my neck
lana07071 aimee1970
Mine are different. Not really headachy, sometimes light headache. What is your dizziness like? My eyes, especially the right one gets heavy and tired feeling. Computer screens sometimes bring it on. I think you may have anxiety. But I'm not Dr. Can you stand feet together, arms outstreched in front, eyes closed for ten secs? Can you touch your nose then in that same position, eyes closed quickly alternating index fingers? Can you do the drunk test, walking on a line?
aimee1970 lana07071
lana07071 aimee1970
aimee1970 lana07071
lana07071 aimee1970
mercy21172 lana07071