Eye issues; pain in feet
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HI ladies,
Just wondering if anyone else has multiple issues with their eyes? I've been to the eye doctor multiple times with floaters, eye pain, burning eyes. everything looks healthy. I am on the tail end of perimenopause. could it be the culprit?
Also, recently having a lot of pain in my feet. Has anyone else experienced this? Anxious about it, so not really looking for suggestions of other disease possibilities, just wondering if other ladies have had it.
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debra16694 cindy17746
hi Cindy - out of nowhere, i developed blepharitis with my eyes - non-stop watery, inflamed, blood shot eyes - also have ocular rosacea - i go to Dermatologist he says its ocular rosacea, go to opthamologist he says its blepharitis - all i know is i never had either before this stupid menopause - yes, out of nowhere i developed achilles tendonapthy on both of my feet, like overnight - no one in my family has this & i have never bern a runner or athlete for that matter - i do double up on my omegas to try & ward off my achy legs & feet, sometimes i think it doesnt help until the days i forget to take it & then i feel it - everything has gone haywire with this menopause - its nuts!
cindy17746 debra16694
Thank you so much for your reply. It is really helpful. It is one thing after another with menopause. Hard on the head.
staci88515 debra16694
Debra, I had achilles tendonitis for a few years and it was so painful. I have eliminated it by wearing Birkenstocks during the day and Crocs when home. If you wear shoes with a high and solid in-step, it cures the problem. Avoid flat soled shoes.
debra16694 staci88515
hi staci - oh yes, my achilles tendonapathy used to kill me with pain, not so much anymore. Now i am just left with a disgusting bump on the back of my heels & have to wear 1/2 larger shoe size to accomodate the bump. i cant really wear closed heeled shoes anymore. Yes, cute shoes are a thing of the past, i am all about the comfort - for me, Vionics & Merrills offer the best support, because they have cushy heel pads. i blamed this happening to me on the blood pressure Rx that i was taking for 5 years that was a calcium channel blocker, now i am not so sure it wasnt just a massive drip in hormones & yes, i rarely go barefoot anymore because i need constant support for my feet -
staci88515 cindy17746
Hello! My eyes are my main issue. I had my first migraine with aura almost a year ago. Since then, my vision has been odd. I have 24/7 blurriness, flashes, floaters, light sensitivity, after images, etc., etc., etc.. I have been to several eye doctors...nothing out of the ordinary. No answers. It is frustrating. You are not alone. xo
cindy17746 staci88515
OK, sounds just like me. I get flashes and after images too. Every day! Thank you for the reply! Feeling less anxious! 😃
juanita93228 cindy17746
Yes! I'm nine years post menopausal, but had no symptoms until 2014. Dry eyes, watery eyes. Here lately it's been floaters, which I've had for years, but I seem to notice them more. I also have had eye pain. I'm trying not to freak out as I am not working right now and and no insurance to see my eye specialist.
A few years ago I when I would get up in the morning it was like the bottom of my feet were sore. That did go away and I haven't had it since.
You are not alone. I pray all the time. Prayer and this forum have helped me.
cindy17746 juanita93228
Thank you. I pray a lot too. Thank God for you ladies .
gilly_64426 cindy17746
Yes. Yes yes. I got floaters in my eyes. soar eyes this summer. my feet swollen under like balloons. what else i ask myself. 50 and not sure how is it possible that there are so many symptoms
Guest cindy17746
Yes, I have eye issues too. I have sensitivity to light, dry eyes, blurriness, pain around my eyes, sore tired eyes, floaters, you name it, I pretty much have it! I have been to an ophthalmologist and optometrists but they all say my eyes are fine aside from a bit of deterioration due to age. I wear glasses that have been specially made for me, they have a blue light filter, anti-fatigue, 20% tint and have a 0.5 prescription. I find these help a lot and allow me to do computer work, which is my full time job, so thank goodness for that! So it seems that hormones can cause many eye issues. Who would have thought. Lately I have had burning and tingling in my feet amongst MANY MANY other symptoms. I am 3 years into peri and hope this will end soon. I hope it does for you too.
cindy17746 Guest
Thank you! I hope it ends for you too. Thanks so much for the feedback.
Lisaippie cindy17746
yes ive had eye
issues since peri floaters migraine with flashing lights been to eye dr everything is normal leg and feet pain and leg pain also its been so annoying
kelle34850 cindy17746
Yep! Eye pain, headaches and very achy feet and legs. Mostly all on my right side. Not sure the cause but it did seem to start the same time as my period started changing 2 yrs ago. I pray you feel better!
sharcerv52408 cindy17746
Yes I get the fuzzy vision and floaters from time to time. I also have been experiencing feet issues especially my right foot. I am right-footed like when I walk or am standing, I bear more weight on my ride leg. I went out to dinner tonight for relative's birthday and we a lot of walking to the restaurant and back. I haven't really walked that much in a long time. My right foot is throbbing now. I used to walk all the time when I was younger. Some Sundays at my church, I am an usher and it's been getting harder to stand up all through a worship service on that bad foot. I have been looking for good shoes that supports flat-footed people because I have no arches in my feet. As I've gotten older and certainly since Peri has begun, my feet woes have increased. Another thing to tack on to the menopause list.
cindy17746 sharcerv52408
It's become quite a list! Thank you for your reply! Take care!