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I have a question for the eyeglass wearing ladies. As I have posted numerous times, my vision is the worst symptom. Although, my newly acquired dizziness comes in a very close second. I was prescribed bifocals a few months ago, but never wear the glasses because they make me feel weird and the whole world look odd. So, here is my question(s). Does your eyesight fluctuate daily? I feel like I would need a new prescription every week. Also, being as specific as possible. What is your vision like when you aren't wearing your glasses? Can you still read or is everything blurry?
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tina39899 staci88515
oh my goodness your message is at just the right time for me! I suffer from health anxiety and my latest thing is my eye sight! It has got SO much worse over the last couple of weeks and ive convinced myself something more serious is going on with me. Ive had varifocals for the last year but i cant see anything close up with or without them now. To be honest i have something different going on with me on a weekly basis
staci88515 tina39899
Yes! I feel like my eyesight varies daily. But, is that peri or typical of eyeglass wearers?
Betty97 staci88515
I only wear reading glasses, my eyesight fluctuates as well, I can have a few days of blurry vision then back to normal, I had a routine eye test the other day and all was well with the health of my eyes, I was convinced I'd got cataracts because of the blurriness, I was advised to buy dry eye drops. I'm 63 and still have menopuase symptoms even though I'm 9/10 years post menopause.
staci88515 Betty97
The blurry eyes is the worst. But, is that a symptom of peri/meno or is that normal for eyeglass wearers?
Betty97 staci88515
I don't think in my case that it's to do with wearing glasses, my distance vision is fine, I have blurred vision the nearer objects get to me, that's what I consider normal blurriness, but on top of that is the blurriness that comes and goes, eyestrain can bring it on but the blurriness that comes on from nowhere I believe could be menopausal symptoms, to me it's as if I've suddenly got hayfever but it's not hayfever, it tends to come and go.
When I think about it Staci I would say this started in my 40's and I never put it down to wearing glasses because I didn't need them then, I never knew why it happened just that it did, I didn't worry about it and never at that time put it down to peri because it was a time when the menopause wasn't talked about, it's only now that I'm in my 60's that I'm putting things together like a jigsaw puzzle!! so I've had the on off blurriness for about 20 years.
staci88515 Betty97
Thank you so much for sharing. I wish I could not worry about it. It causes me daily stress and anxiety. I can't believe how drastically your life can change in such a short amount of time. Looking back, I have had peri symptoms for 7-8 years and didn't realize it. Maybe in 7-8 years, I will look back and feel so stupid for not recognizing the signs AGAIN.
cindy_45475 staci88515
stacci I didn't even know that something called Peri existed, let alone realizing that I was in it.....I to must have been in Peri for several years.
staci88515 cindy_45475
So many women say this. The needs to be more education on women's issues!
kellyb75 staci88515
don't ever feel stupid! you are going through something that happens to females and still hasn't been studied enough for doctors to help us. being female and a Registered nurse i find it sad that this issue isn't being addressed more. I'm being treated like I'm seeking due to my severe anxiety to the point i cant write my name. my tremors are so bad. its hard to be a great nurse while you're worrying about being looked at like something is really wrong with you. I'm not a big religious person but i do believe there's a higher power. so God bless, Namaste, XOXO. i hope you can get the help you need soon.
love and hugs,
katyD211 staci88515
Yep, my eyesight fluctuates almost daily. Some days i dont notice any issues, and other days i suffer from blurry vision, really dry eyes, scratchiness like gravel is in my eyes, floaters,etc. A visit to ophthalmologist last year revealed the beginning of a cataract in one eye
She said most people get them at some point as we age, and many are never bad enough for surgery. I didn't know that. She said to revisit in a year, so i need to check in. It doesn't seem any worse.
I wear contacts w readers daily. When i am home, i take out the contacts and wear prescription glasses. However when I don't have contacts in, I don't need readers; I have to remove prescription glasses to read up close.
It's just really insane the adjustments we have to make during menopause
staci88515 katyD211
It is all so confusing. Is my vision age related or peri related?!? And, do "normal" eyeglass wearers have fluctuations or is that just peri?
katyD211 staci88515
I agree it is very confusing! I know it stumps the drs, too!! I guess it is a combo of age related hormonal shifts! Whatever the cause, it sucks!!!
staci88515 katyD211
You can say that again...it sucks!
Sassyr12a staci88515
Hi staci
My eyes are a pain, I wear glasses full time, but not bifocals. I suffer from the usual floaters, flecks and flashes. Everyone I know who has bifocals or varifocals has trouble adjusting at the start. The lenses are split between short and long sight so the position your glasses are, or the way you turn your head is going to feel weird. I think, get them on your face for a week and see how you go. I'm sure you'll adjust and it may resolve some of your eye issues... Then youll be able to see what you are left with, and what you can do next 🤓 xx
staci88515 Sassyr12a
It is so hard to get used to! Then, when I take them off I can't see at all for a few moments, which really freaks me out. I am paranoid that if I start to wear them, I won't ever be able to see without them.