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I have a question for the eyeglass wearing ladies. As I have posted numerous times, my vision is the worst symptom. Although, my newly acquired dizziness comes in a very close second. I was prescribed bifocals a few months ago, but never wear the glasses because they make me feel weird and the whole world look odd. So, here is my question(s). Does your eyesight fluctuate daily? I feel like I would need a new prescription every week. Also, being as specific as possible. What is your vision like when you aren't wearing your glasses? Can you still read or is everything blurry?
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tmpearce staci88515
I have been wearing glasses most of my life and have worn multi focal lenses for about 6 years. One of the things I have noticed over the past few years is the fluctuations in my vision. I will have several days where my vision is slightly out of focus and then it gets back in focus for a while and the cycle repeats. My eyes check out for no issues and my prescription strength has remained unchanged the past few check ups. I am VERY nearsighted so any minor change is very noticeable to me. I am convinced this is hormonally related! It seems that the times my vision gets out of focus I also suffer from joint soreness and aching in the back of my neck and shoulders.
staci88515 tmpearce
Yes! Thank you for replying. It is so strange. So, as a eyeglasses wearer you did not have the fluctuation prior to peri, right? I am trying to figure out if eyeglass wearers in general have fluctuations or it's all because of peri.
tmpearce staci88515
I did not have the fluctuations prior to peri. When I was deep into peri I started feeling the symptoms of brain fuzziness and then the visual fluctuations. Its like my vision is slightly off focus and I definitely didnt have this problem until about 5 years ago. I am probably in menopause phase now, post peri. Had a hysterectomy 3 1/2 years ago with ovaries left in so its hard for me to track where I am on this journey. I had periods up until hysterectomy, although they were irregular. But based on symptoms I am thinking my ovaries have fought the good fight and have given up and now I have reached post menopause. I still have the visual fluctuations but not as often now. Hope this helps!
staci88515 tmpearce
Thank you. That info absolutely helps. It let's me know that I am not alone and gives me hope that there is an end to this suffering. Or, at least a lessening of the symptoms.
cindy_45475 staci88515
over the last 2 years my eyes have really deteriorated. I am 51 and post menopausal of around 4 years. I'm having to wear varifocal glasses. These too took me a few weeks to get used to. I can see without them but I am aware that I cannot see faces clearly anymore without. I most definitely cannot read anything without. I am hoping this is just another menopausal symptom and my eyes will not continue to deteriorate in health.
staci88515 cindy_45475
I have noticed that faces are blurry when close up. It is so bizarre. I have always had perfect vision, so it gives me anxiety. I have astigmatism too, so words look like they are on different levels. I have no idea if that makes sense. It isn't just blurry. It is like one eye sees better than the other and so they don't work well together anymore.
jo67532 staci88515
Hi Stacie! I am 49 and my vision does seem to change day to day. Some days I feel like its better than others. I noticed it about 3 months ago while on a trip out of state. The highway signs seemed blurry or soft to me. I would have to be very close to the signs before they seemed sharp to my eyes. I thought maybe it was the cloudy weather, but when I got back home I realized it was happening here too. I guess I am just used to driving here and never paid much attention to the street signs. I had my vision checked and sure enough I needed glasses for not only reading, but for distance as well. I have never worn glasses before, so they still feel very foreign to me. I almost feel like I am in a fish bowl.
staci88515 jo67532
Oh. My. Goodness. I am 44 and this is exactly what has happened to me. I literally had perfect vision one day and then needed glasses. I also have fishbowl vision when I try to wear the glasses. I have not committed to wearing them full time because I hate that weird off balance fish bowl feeling. Thank you so much for replying and easing my mind.
Cloutie staci88515
Have you tried contact lenses? I find them amazing, the putting in and taking out takes a bit of practice but worth it. My one eye is for reading and the other for distance, somehow it works brilliantly. I do a lot of work on my computer and do presentations which are on a big screen... Plus putting make up is a breeze with contact lenses.
staci88515 Cloutie
Two different eyeballs? I have astigmatism and sometimes I feel as if my eyes are each seeing differently. I don't know if contacts are for me. There is just something about putting them in and taking them out that totally freaks me out.
kellyb75 staci88515
hi staci! i can barely see with my glasses now as well. my eye doctor prescribed bifocals for me too. i haven't been able to afford them yet but i was wondering if that's what would happen to me. i have constant dizziness and ringing in the ears. i feel like life is just falling apart. im so sorry to hear you are dealing with this too. i hope you feel better
staci88515 kellyb75
Do you think the dizziness is related to the vision or the peri or anxiety (if you have it)?
Izzie_Lizzie staci88515
Hi Staci,
I have worn glasses all my life, and started to go through Peri about 5 years go. However, this last year I have noticed a significant change for the worst in my eye sight. In recent weeks I've had floaters so badly I though there were midgies or flies around me! I do have other serious health problems but after reading these replies I think it is Peri. HOWEVER how many ladies who are worried about their eye sight deterioration are on HRT? Just a thought! I have been on them for a while now.
Having Peri also happens around the time when we would have a natural decline in eye sight whether man or woman.
The fluctuation is very difficult especially as it doesn't matter when you go to the opticians for new glasses they will never be right!!!
staci88515 Izzie_Lizzie
Thank you for replying. You are right...the glasses are never right. When my vision is better (after ovulation) the glasses seem too strong. When my vision is bad (after period) the glasses don't make things clear enough. Unfortunately, I had my first migraine with aura 8 months ago, so HRT is contradicted. Some days I have floaters, some days I don't. How is that even possible!?