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I know that is probably a symptom that has been discussed before but ...
I am having terrible problems with my eyes. I have always had floaters but on the last few years they have multiplied a lot. Looking at anything white or just brighter makes me feel blind. I feel like I have to blink and squint all the time. Also, my eyes get blurry now and than and I get a pain at the back of my eyes that goes to the head sometimes and usually for a few minutes and then goes away. Granted it happens when I strain to focus from paper to screen or near and far.
I hate the floaters- I remember having just 2 as a kid and now they are like spider webs everywhere. I checked with an optometrist. I go every year and they keep saying they do not see that many floaters:// I wonder if any of you have such eye problems and if it can be due to meno or peri?
1 like, 16 replies
Nettie261962 notsure47790
I too deal with exactly the same thing. I also feel off balanced cause the pressure and sensations are so bad. Eye dr says all is okay though.
Guest notsure47790
I've had all kinds of eye issues too. Used to get a lightening bolt out the side if my right eye. I've had constant twitching in my left eye. Sometimes when i go out on a bright day I'll see what looks like silver glitter rain coming down, I'm guessing those are floaters in my eyes? Sometimes when i look at the lawn i can see the middle shifting a different way than the rest. Sometimes problems focusing. I've been to an ophthamologist. Everything looked normal, he said sometimes as we age the jelly in our eyes gets loose, whatever the heck that means. I just chalk it up to another perimeno symptom, add it to the 100 other ones.
pam90720 notsure47790
ohhhhhh friend!!!!! i am so with you!!! they started developing about 4 years ago!! i have a million of them!! it has put me into a depression 😦
i wear sunglasses everywhere i go and in most stores .... doctor said my eyes are fine... they (mine) are age related .... she said to make friends with them... i try my best to not let them get to me but its so hard 😦
i feel for you, tremendously!!!!!!!! hugs hugs hugs!!!!!!
Guest notsure47790
I haven't experienced any floaters (yet) by my eyes are so irritated now. They get red and burn. I also feel a lot of pressure behind them. It's not constant but happens enough that it is impacting me.
pam90720 Guest
hi kim! you may have dry eyes... i use Systane gel drops lubricant eye drops... you can try and see if that helps!! ❤❤
Sassyr12a notsure47790
Hi not sure
I feel like I'm always saying I have other people's symptoms (like a symptom stealer 😂 ) but genuinely I have this too. It started when I had an ocular migraine about 20 years ago when I first had a go with hrt. After, I had a huge floater in my right eye, and now I feel like I've a ton of them. I don't know whether there is medical evidence to support, but I've always felt it was hormone related. Sometimes I look like I'm chasing butterflies, because I think I've seen something flying past but it's the flipping floater. I just get my eyes checked like you, and nothing can be done really. I don't get any pain though, so may be worth getting that looked at xx
sharcerv52408 notsure47790
Hi Nosture,
This sounds like migraine symptoms. I get everything you've just described when I'm having a bout with migraines. These headaches began with peri also.
notsure47790 sharcerv52408
I don't really have headaches and that is why I didn't think of that. I wonder if it still can be migraines?
Gigi368 notsure47790
I get these symptoms, but I have a name for mine, lattice degeneration in my left eye. It's a disease of the retina but they have no idea what causes it, mine was found on a routine eye exam a couple years ago. My Symptoms include... Headache behind my eye, Blurred vision, Flashing lights,
Floaters, Curtain obscuring part of my peripheral vision. My eye is either dry as a bone or watering like a faucet..
My eye doc told me if I get more than 5 or so floaters to get in her office asap bc it could mean my retina detached.
I'm by no means saying this is your problem and don't want to scare you! But if it continues or gets worse it might be a good idea to rule out an issue with an eye specialist instead of a regular optometrist.
Good Luck! Keep us updated!
nancy0925 notsure47790
Funny you mentioned this as I went to my optomistrist about 5 weeks ago because I started feeling like I had something in my right eye, she didn't see anything but said I had dry eyes and recommended drops. I get a blurring in the eye and floater. Went to another eye doctor yesterday who did a thorough exam and he saw exactly what I described. It's nothing serious, just annoying and could go away on its own. I'm in my first full year of menopause since its been a little over a year since my last period.
notsure47790 nancy0925
I was also told dry eyes. Gave me some artificial tears and that was it. They also mentioned my eyes looked a bit as if I have allergies but not too much hence no treatment. I don't know what to do.
pam90720 notsure47790
hi they have eye drops for allergies too..
my dad uses them ❤
Trixie77 notsure47790
I suffer with very blurry vision some days it is so bad I can barely see and I just want to close my eyes and go to sleep because they are better again for awhile after sleep. I have tried dry eye treatments and they don't help me. sometimes my eyes get so sore and I think I have hayfever but it isn't that either. pretty sure it is just another joyful thing about menopause
Takingtime notsure47790
Wow, I just started getting these symptoms with my eyes since last fall. I see the eye doctor in June, but I feel that pain you describe, sometimes its like a jabbing pain, and other times it feels like stinging pain. I bought eye drops as I thought maybe it was dry eyes causing it. Thank goodness it isn't a constant thing. I do wear glasses for reading and watching t.v, but my vision is relatively good as I can go without glasses doing daily tasks. It seems mostly in my left eye, but have felt it sometimes in the right eye. I will mention to the doctor when I see her. Just very interesting that we all share this same issue.
staci88515 notsure47790
You are not alone friend. I have all sorts of vision related problems that all happened suddenly after experiencing my first migraine with aura. I have not gotten any reassuring answers from doctors.