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Ok so i know its going to hurt but just want some reasurance i think.

I had a F.K.R on Tuesday 06/09/2016 been home 2 days my leg very sore swollen,very hot they said i did not have staples in my knee and i have,it also pulls on the wound when i stretch my knee

I have an ice cast evry half hour and take the meds required,i thnk i just want to know its normal?

Cheeers SueSue

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25 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sue im 9 days in now your medication is very important to you make sure you take it all the time or you will suffer dont try and do to much to quickly get plenty of rest use your ice pack it will get easier as the days pass good luck.
  • Posted

    Good morning. Everything you just mentioned is normal 2 days out. Keeping it elevated, iced, an stay on those meds. Therapy is very important too.
  • Posted

    Everything you are sending is very normal. Keep up the meds and ice and give it a couple of weeks. Things will start calming a little as you work your way into the therapy and post op practices that really start th healing process. Drink lots of water to help flush the anaesthesia from your system and do your best to rest as much as possible. Eat healthy and not just empty calories. It takes time. You've been through more trauma than probably ever in your life. You'll be fine......just don't let every little change scare you. Stay with this group and you'll get a lot of answers and encouragement

  • Posted

    Hi sue most of us recovering from tkr go through the same thing pain sleepless nights  i became very depressed then we worry that somthing is wrong with the new knee i think thats all very normal physio  is painfull it takes a while to settle down but it will improve a bit slow but it will come my advice is to sleep when you can and keep on top of the pain meds try not to let if get you down you have to remember that most people on here are worriers thousands have had this op its one of the most succesfull ops you can have it may never feel like your own knee

    but its a lot better than the worn out old knee pain good luck and dont forget the ice pack

  • Posted

    Yes it's normal keep taking medication even if u feel u don't need to for the 1st few weeks I put a pillow under my knee to elevate it works for me get some boi oil for scar it's really good my scar not so bad since using this and keep wound clear fresh air will do it real good good luck with ur recovery

  • Posted

    Sue, interesting I for one have passed the day you are at, moving on knowing the pain you are talking about.  Yet it is hard to remember back to that time.  Your body has a way to not remember those first two to four weeks.

    I do know this, you must get up and walk.  Push your body to your own limit, not the P/T's limit for you.  Everyone is different, so you know what is best for your body.  Ice was and is my best friend.  Make sure you cover the back of your knee as well as the front.  If you have an opertunity to go online and watch the proceedure you will see very easy why you are in the pain you are in.  This is a brutal operation.  I could not believe the abuse the doctors put your knee through, when you have FKR.  The operation will leave you speechless.  You are doing great, however keep the movement happening all your waking hours, even if you are only moving your feet up and down you are doing exercises to loosen up your stiff leg.


    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply and reasurance.and its good to know i am not alone and going in the right direction

      Cheers SueSue

  • Posted

    I'm 14 weeks post of TKR and still stuffing with stiffness and swelling but when I think back to those first few days my thoughts are with you. I was in agony to begin with. You must rest when you can and definitely take the medication to help with the pain. I've had hydrotherapy which I loved and on Monday begin an 8 week knee rehabilitation gym programme. I'm hoping this will help with this stiffness. Do the exercises when you can but remember what a brutal op this is as others on here have mentioned. I never realised that I'd feel so awful for such a long time but I'm getting there I guess. Stay on this forum, I found it at 4 a.m. when I was unable to sleep one night (well most nights to be honest) and it's been great. I love hearing how others are doing and realising that what I'm going through is what they're going through too. Good luck, stay on here, rest, elevate, ice, it gets boring but must be done!! 🙂 with best wishes xx

    • Posted

      I didn't realize how brutal the operation was. I have to keep it in mind. Thanks for your encouragement.

    • Posted

      Hi Phillip most of us who have had to go through this operation including myself have been suffering ling term pain yes it is very painful afterwards but long tetm most people will have there normal lives back again i know thats rhe reason i did it .
  • Posted

    Sue, I had total knee replacement in April. No-one prepared me for the agony, and I've given birth 4 times. I spent the 1st 3 weeks in tears. I thought I had made myself disabled. I thought I would never will properly again. But after 3 weeks I felt just a little better, then every day I could do a little more, and felt a little better. Now, I sometimes even forget I've had my knee done at all.

    It will get better believe me. Just rest, exercise, ice and elevate that leg. Good luck.

    • Posted

      Oh Lucie you gem !! Just what I needed to hear. My emotions are all over the place and even though I know all is going well I have been regretting and living in the past. It is almost a mourning for what has gone and a fear of what is to come. I am hoping in 6 months I am offering the same positive advise. I do feel way better at 2 weeks that at day one that is for sure smile


  • Posted

    Hi Sue - I am nearly two weeks out from a TKR. It's a journey all right ! I am sorry but can you explain FKR ? I am new to all this terminology smile

    Going on my limited experience I would say you are totally normal. My knee is still very swollen - I measure it and it is surprising how it goes up and down depending on if I have iced it or used anti inflammatory or been standing. It is not as hot as it was in the first week and I imagine the heat is due to the swelling. 

    Mine has internal stitches and not staples but it feels like it is pulling often and it has been explained as the healing taking place so a good thing.

    Pain wise that is really diminishing and last night I slept for 4 hours straight and woke in a different position to when I went to sleep - very exciting as it feels more like my leg again and not a long of wood !!!

    I find myself getting very emotional for no apparent reason and find being inactive a true penance BUT we have to play the long game from what I see here smile

    All the very best and I look forward to following your journey,



    • Posted

      I haven't had a full night of rest since my knee replacement two to four hours is it. Im 8weeks post op

    • Posted

      It is one of the big challenges. Did you used to sleep all night ? 

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