Falling apart.
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Does anyone see a light at the end of the tunnel with this peri and menopause? I feel like I am falling apart. My head hurts, I stay bloated when I eat anything, my anxiety seems to come out of nowhere. I haven't had a regular period for several months, just spotting. I think I would feel better if I had a normal period. I get aggravated and stressed out too easily. I am probably driving my husband and son crazy. I have no desire to go anywhere or do anything. I can't even drive right now, for fear that I will have a panic attack. I think I am going through a bout of depression, but I know that will pass. I have gained weight in my stomach and it is killing me because I was always used to being thin. I look horrible in my clothes, and it seems that I just stay hungry all of the time like some kind of ravenous wolf. Oh my! I don't even feel like a woman anymore, just a big blob of craziness. Out of the 66 symptoms of menopause, I have literally had everyone, right down to the itchy nipples. I have complained so much on here that I get tired of hearing myself complaining. I try my best to act like nothing is wrong, but on the inside I feel like I am falling apart. My home life is good. I have a wonderful and understanding husband, great kids, and an awesome Church family. I am blessed beyond measure. I may not have everything I want, but I do have everything I need, so why do I feel so bad when there are people out there who are in so much worse shape than I am? Any suggestions about how to get myself back on track and how to lose some weight would be greatly appreciated. I can't take hrt because of my fibroids. Hugs and love to all of you ladies who feel like they are falling apart too. It has to get better eventually. Kudos to all the ladies out there who breezed through menopause because I would not wish this mess on anyone.
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Foxy62 sherri87081
Hi there , oh you poor thing , im the same but 6 years post surgical menopause . Im a mess quite frankly and yes still having the 66 symptoms like you . I was 8.5 stone before my surgery and now im 13.7 stone . I feel like a fat mess , bloated , ugly , old and haggared and im only 57 so not ancient . I dont sleep because im full of anxiety and have zero energy , i want to change but dont have the motivation or energy to do anything . Its a nightmare and wish i could be more positve for you i really do , sorry just telling the truth . I feel your pain bless you xx
jen78653 sherri87081
I feel your pain. I am going to be 48 and perimenopause has hit really hard. This year, the anxiety (especially around my period) is insane and the corresponding increased heart rate and blood pressure. I have started to use 400mg of magnesium glycinate and I have been tracking my numbers. Doctors feel I am borderline for beta blockers but I really think I need them. This all corresponds to sadness and more anxiety because I feel so crappy. 😃
I am so hoping this gets better when my periods stop, but some women on here are reporting that it doesn't and that scares me.
Do either of you deal with increased heart rate? My resting can be as high as 95. My blood pressure will go to 140/90. I used to have a resting heart rate of 65. Now the best I can do is 75. 😦 even first thing in the morning.
Foxy62 jen78653
yes i do get increased heart rate alot , in fact a couple of months ago hubby took me to A and E with horrible bouts of palpitations that woukdnt go away , i thought i was having a heart attack ..... had an ECG and all usual checks , all normal they put it down to anxiety but its damm scary and terrifying . its awful all of it .
jen78653 Foxy62
two years ago i woke up in the middle of the night with my heart rate at 135. my husband called the ambulance because i thought i was having a heart attack. same results...said hormones and anxiety. i swear i get anxious over everything anymore and constantly worrying.
Foxy62 jen78653
Jen its awful isnt it , to be this scared and need medical assistance shows us how totally terrifying all this is , i thought mother nature was on our side , obviously not ..... i wish i could help and give answers , i wish i could say things get better , i dont know when things might get better because ive read of women in their 70,s still going through this crap . Were all different but then again so alike .
caroline62395 jen78653
i have the same issue my heart rate is never lower than 75, i have had anxiety attacks where it can go to 140 ! i never had this problem before perimenopause, i an 49 and feel so sad
jen78653 caroline62395
Thanks for sharing - you match me exactly. Do you also see your heart rate increase quicker when exercising? I guess because it is already elevated? We are moving and I was running up heavy items up and down steps and after five trips I felt and heard pounding in my ears. I wasn't out of breath but the pounding was so crazy. It went back to normal quickly....but freaked me out. I will be 48 this week. Oh - and I am horribly anxious with my anxiety peaking right before my period.
caroline62395 jen78653
yes if i exercise i get the pounding, i also get a whooshing sound in my ears at other times, its so difficult coping with all the changes
jen78653 caroline62395
hi Caroline. do you get the pounding all the time when exercising or just around your monthly period? this is new for me and im freaked out.
caroline62395 jen78653
not everytime i cant pin
point why it happens, this whole perimenopause is terrible I never thought I would end up in this awful mess
2chr2015 sherri87081
i read this and thought wow she is describing me right now. headaches (which i've never been one to have), bloating, when i do get my period, i do feel better...almost normal. i just want to stay home, belly fat, hate shopping for clothes for church (yoga pants all the way). I am ALWAYS hungry. And much like you, I am blessed....how can i even complain? But i feel terrible. Recently, I have been pushing myself to get some brisk walking in everyday and it does make me feel better. It has not been easy making myself do it since i feel so tired but afterwards i feel better. someone on here recommended the book jump off the hormone swing. It is really good if you can get it. ((hugs)) i hope this helps you
kelly55079 sherri87081
I'm a mess right now too. I feel spacey and drunk mostly. Then the anxiety is awful when it comes around. I don't like shopping for clothes anymore. My periods are heavy-- thinking about having a hysterectomy to move this along-- Dr said it's my choice. It just goes on and on and on. I'm so unsure of myself these days so it's easy to be depressed. UGH!! I swim twice a week and walk a lot at my job-- trying to eat less carbs/sugar and keep up on my supplements-- I guess that's all I can do for me. Oh, I really felt like I needed something so I went to get a facial a couple days ago..-- it was nice BUT here I am a mess again.
kathy55991 sherri87081
You just described me right now. At 52 I keep hoping it will be over soon, but I'm home by myself because I can't stand the thought of crowds and am too tired to shower and make myself presentable so my husband went to the hockey game without me. Also - my clothes don't fit. Spent all day in a funk, fighting tears for no reason and now feeling nauseous. I have absolutely no motivation to do anything which is horrible because i work full time and am feeling useless at work. I have been in my position for years and am coasting on the fact I know my job well but dread going to work every day. Sending good thoughts your way and as awful as it sounds - I'm glad to share with others who are going through the same thing. I had no idea menopause/hormones could affect so many things.
sakura26 sherri87081
You are not alone Sherri! I am SO with you. I just got off the phone with my mother the other day who had NO menopause issues and didn't go through it until 60!! Yet I started peri around 45 and am not even in full menopause and have ALL the symptoms. My sister didn't believe me when I told her I was shedding clumps of hair like I was making it up and am crazy. My family isn't very supportive in general. My PTSD is really bad, horrible painful periods, hair issues, weird rashes that come and go, and my fibroid went through a growth spurt with my messed up hormones so have giant fat disgusting belly and also can't fit into my clothes. I wear the same pair of fat pants every day hoping I'll get back to my normal size. Yet I see women in their 70s with flat stomachs! I don't even want to go out in public yet I'm still single and have no idea how I'd ever meet anyone looking and feeling like this and hard to work when feel crappy all the time but have no choice and I don't own a home or have retirement pension yet I feel like I physically and mentally need to retire now. Like you I can't take hormones because of the giant fibroid so am considering surgery and also have a dermoid. Like I need that too. Yet I've eaten health, paleo and gluten-free since I was 18 before it was a thing and used to do yoga and exercise but now so hard to work out with giant fibroid and constant fatigue. I'm starting to think it's all genetics and luck and I have my dad's lousy genes. I eat healthier than my mother or anyone in my family. Or my friends and they are all just fine, those my age. No symptoms. I want a husband and a life, a home, retirement savings and at 47 I have none of that and am losing hope I will ever have that if my health is falling apart now at 47. My 87 year old mother is in better health. WTF??? Let me know if you find some hope or good treatments. I'll do the same. A friend of mine mentioned the medical community is trying to encourage more women to become researchers since so far research is mainly led by men and that may be one of the reasons there are no great treatments for women's issues.
2chr2015 sakura26
hi sakura. im 47 too. so, the weird rashes..can you describe them? when i read that in your post, it made me realize that these itchy spots i get may all be related to this peri crud.
sakura26 2chr2015
Hi so I get a lot fun skin stuff lol.
Sometimes I get these red bumps that don't itch on my chest. Other times they are just flesh-colored and they come and go. I thought at first it might be an allergy or my gallbladder (have gallstones) but the dermatologist had no clue and now thinking hormonal.
I've also become more prone to heat rash lately esp under my boobs, gross, and on the back of my neck. Once I had a weird rash on the back of my neck that looked like beard stubble!!! Black bumps but the dermatologist said prob just blocked pores from heat.
And then since I hit like 45 been getting what the derm calls "wisdom warts" gross white bumps on my face that don't go away and I think maybe have to be cut or burnt off but really expensive to do. Like a hundred bucks for one!! Some sort of sebaceous blocked pore thing. I even bought some liquid nitrogen online to see if I could get rid of them myself lol. Not to mention the skin tags ...
2chr2015 sakura26
thank you for responding. yea i think i am getting those on my face, i think we talked about this before lol. but i get itchy bumps that look like mosquito bites. they usually stay for a day or two and then disappear. it like a histamine reaction to something but no idea what. sometimes they come up in the same spot.
I am generally just more itchy now than i used to be
sakura26 2chr2015
I did read that as your hormones drop you can be more prone to allergies so could totally be histamine. It's BS that hormones control all of our health and wellbeing and men don't have that issue. Female only hormones should just be about making babies period. We should be healthy whether our estrogen and progesterone are low or high.