Farting Blood Stained Mucus

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Hi All

Got quite an embarressing problem going on at the moment, and wondering if anyone can give me some advice, info or help about it.

Today, I've been having long, non smelly farts, but when I do I have to wipe my bottom as I feel a discharge occur. When I wipe my anus there is clear mucus present with spots of bright red blood present. On top of that, I have been getting quite a bit of lower abdominal and back pain, and also feeling quite lightheaded and dizzy, had some stomach bloating and burping and have a slight headache, I generally feel a bit unwell.

This isn't the first time its happened, although its not a frequent occurrence, I was wondering if anyone knew what might be going on.

I am due to see Gastroenterologist in a couple of weeks following a referral from my doctor. I was diagnosed with IBS about a year ago, but in recent months my condition has been getting gradually worse, hence my doctor referring back to Gastroenterology. I have had a colonoscopy, endoscopy, ultrasound, loads of blood, urine and stool tests done and nothing out of the ordinary was ever found, I did have polyps removed which were completely benign.

Could this be a bad IBS flare up, or are there other possibilities why this blood stained mucus is happening. Any views or ideas would be greatly appreciated, and give me some ideas and thoughts to throw at the Gastroenterologist.

Many thanks in advance.

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    I’m so glad I stumbled across this discussion . My symptoms began right at 2 months ago now . The only thing I can associate when it began is when I started drinking organic carrot juice from California U.S before I’d hit the gym for cardio. I was in the men’s room for nearly an hour having such severe abdominal cramping , the the little stool I did pass came out thin and orange like the juice , I don’t remember any blood on the onset .  My symptoms were intermittent and gradually getting worse . Mid September is when I started farting out the bloody mucous . Made an appointment with my primary care  and been to urgent care in the meantime , leaving with more questions than when I came .   I’m having some lower back pain , a little more so on posterior left . Having the bloating also , blood in and on stool , the bleeding had stopped for a couple days and today I see it has returned this time just with the darker blood , no bright red .i don’t feel like the Doctor’s are listening to me , sure I had recently had anal sex , but there was a good 2-3 week window between that and  symptoms began. May I ask if there is any correlation between you all and having anal sex ?      Also I’m scheduled for a GI consult on the 16th , I could use some pointers on what to tell the specialist so I get taken seriously ?   I wouldn’t wish this pain onto anyone , I’m 30 years old and crying myself to sleep , thanks Paul for posting about this , feels like I’ve been able to read about this from the right people 
    • Posted


      Glad that you have managed to gain some comfort in reading this discussion.

      In answer to some of your questions, unfortunately I can't really comment on the anal sex query you had as this is something I've had no experience of in my life, and definitely won't in the future either. As for getting taken seriously by a specialist, the fact that you have experienced darker blood from your anus should be ringing alarm bells with any conscientious doctor, consultant or specialist, and they should be investigating this further without too much delay. Dark blood, dark stools are signs of bleeding higher up the gastrointestinal tract, and not to alarm you but could be signs of something more seriously wrong with you. It probably isn't anything too serious as I was passing dark, tarry stools and darker blood a few years ago along with abdominal pain and bloating, my doctor put me on Omeprazole and within a week my bowel movement went back to normal, indicating that I was probably suffering with stomach ulcer(s), which could well be what you are experiencing, but I can't stress enough the need for you to get these problems under investigation. I would be saying things like the symptoms you are going through are affecting your daily life and causing you stress and anxiety, and you feel so unwell with them, your quality of life is deteriorating rapidly. You need some extensive investigation done on your problems without fail, and if you feel like you are not getting the treatment you feel you need from your current specialist, I would be tempted to get a second opinion.

      I hope some of that helps, all the best and keep us informed of your progress.

  • Posted

    Glad I found this discussion! I’m a 21 year old college student and my gastrointestinal distress has been getting unbearable for the past couple weeks. 

    I started two new meds over the summer, Wellbutrin and birth control (Loryna). A side effect of starting either one or both of them is constipation. I have food allergies and intolerances so I was used to having several loose bowel movements a day. However this constipation feels like agony!! I feel so bloated and it hurts my stomach. I’m trying to drink a lot more water which does help most of the time.

    However, a couple weeks ago I got what i assume is a stomach virus. You know, threw up once, had painful green urgent diarrhea for a couple days. It got to the point where I wasn’t eating anything solid so my intestines were still trying to push stuff out but there was nothing there and it just hurt sad I was forcing myself to eat crackers just to have something come out. 

    Since then I just haven’t felt the same. I’ve been alternating between constipation and diarrhea, both painful. I’ve also still been feeling fatigued and don’t have much of an appetite. I notice that I’m weaker as well. I’ve lost about 20 pounds since the start of the semester (but that’s also because I gained about 10 pounds over the summer from living with my grandparents, lol). I didn’t think much of it until today when I farted bloody mucus. My stomach feels super bloated- I’m on my period right now but it’s not the same as period bloating, it feels different, and it’s been around longer than my PMS/period start.

    My guts just.... feel weird. I don’t know how to describe it. I was recommended by my allergy doc last year to see a gastroenterologist for possible eosinophilic esophagitis but I never ended up going, as life and money got in the way. I don’t know if that related to this or not. 

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      I know exactly what you mean when you say your guts feel weird, mine never feel normal, and like you I am constantly bloated, which will be the cause of a lot of the pain you experience. It's taken me 2 years to accept that severe bloating can cause such pain, discomfort and other symptoms which I struggled to believe were connected, but it does. My stomach and lower abdomen constantly have a dull, nauseous pain to them, with intermittent sharp pain anywhere. Sometimes it feels like my insides are sore, almost like the feeling you get when you graze your skin, which increases in intensity when moving around.

      I don't know if you have had stool samples tested yet, but if not, I would be tempted to ask for samples to be tested for blood and faecal calprotectin. The sample tested for blood would would rule out / confirm anything serious going on in your digestive system, and the faecal calprotectin test will look for inflammation. Following negative blood and positive calprotectin results, which is a sign of having IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), I have been referred for a colonoscopy to look for signs of inflammation and bleeding in my colon, and following that will be having a small bowel MRI.

      Just a quick heads up for you, constipation can cause bleeding, usually due to the straining of having to pass a bowel movement, and the dryness and hardness of the stool rubbing against the insides of your colon. I'm having a bout of constipation at the moment, and managed to pass a small amount this morning, however it was a bit of a struggle, and there was bright red blood present. Our bowels naturally produce mucus to help the stool pass out easier, so is quite hard to tell whether mucus present is abnormal or normal.

      As I said, get those stool tests done if you can, it should give you an idea of what is going on. if anything.

      Good luck and all the best, and please let us know how you get on, a lot of people come on here to get advice, facts and reassurance from others, but they never seem to take a few minutes of their time to give us all an update. Any info posted on these discussions could prove useful to others, and is always welcome.

      Take care!

  • Posted

    Just a follow up on my status.  Doctors are useless and imo very negligent.  Write a script and get the next dollar sign in. Anyway, what I stumbled across that helps me greatly is naproxen. The last dr I saw told me to NOT take it so I didn't for 10 days. I was completely miserable and depressed. So I took 1000 mg before bed last night and woke up this morning extremely happy feeling normal. It took away the mucus/blood farts and the swelling that felt like a tennis ball in my rectum. If anyone else tries this please let me know if it works for you 

    • Posted

      Thanks for the follow up Hope, and glad to hear Naproxen has helped your symptoms.

      I steer clear of Naproxen, or any NSAID / Ibuprofen now as Naproxen was the cause of all my digestive issues, I was fine, and had a normal life before I was prescribed it for back pain. A day after taking it, it felt like something inside my stomach was ripping it to bits, I was in absolute agony. I was suspected of having a stomach ulcer at the time as I was having dark, tarry bowel movements, and as soon as I stopped taking Naproxen and was put on Omeprazole, the pain went away and my bowel movements became normal again after a couple of days. For me, thats the only thing the doctors have got right for me so far, I mean its taken them 3 years to do a routine stool test for inflammation, when there were signs of inflammation and bleeding in my colon during my sigmoidoscopy 2 and a half years ago. Absolute Joke!

  • Posted

    Hi All

    Brief update for you.

    Had my colonoscopy yesterday, which was ok in itself. I was awake through it all and watched the whole procedure on the TV, it felt like it went really quickly, swear the actual colonoscopy last 15 - 20 minutes, might have been the sedative that made it feel like it went slowly. The doctor and nurses commented on how healthy my colon looked, there were no polyps and numerous biopsies were taken. There were no obvious signs of inflammation and bleeding, the only thing of note was that I had internal hemorrhoids, and the doctor said even these weren't too bad, but could cause bleeding if I was going through a bout of constipation.

    Not much else to report other than the results of the biopsies will be available in about 10 days, which I will let you know the results of.

    Hope you are all as well as can be. Take care.

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    Meant to say it was the sedative that made the colonoscopy feel like it went 'quickly' (not slowly)! Duh, I think I could be under the influence of the sedative still! lol

  • Posted

    Hi paul I seen your post and would like to speak to you about my ongoing problems.

    I get that horrible mucus all the time, everyday. I have a rectocele and descent in the bowel and these are constantly rubbing together which is why I get it. But even before I had these problems I used to get it along with my stools or before I pass a stool. I also been told I have IBS (consipation) I go to the toilet to open my bowels everyday and my stool is mostly soft. I find I have to empty alot and have alot of poo (unsure why) also struggle to pass a stool and am sat on toilet for long periods of time.

    I noticed you said you had a stool test (they actually never tested my stool!) I had these problems for 7 year's am I 26.

    I had a colnoscopy which showed ulcers in the bowel so they thought it be crohns. Sent in stool test didn't test it because it was a formed stool.

    Noticed you said you have a sensitive bowel because of all the wiping you do, I feel the same because I wipe alot too. Have you had anything for that or do you just use anusol?

    • Posted

      Hi Ruby

      Nice to hear from you and really sorry about all the problems you have been, and still are having, I do hope they aren't making life too difficult for you.

      If you don't mind me asking, have you been diagnosed with anything other than IBS? The ulcers in your bowel should have given you a confirmed diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's Disease. Why your stool sample wasn't tested baffles me, the stool sample I provided for testing was formed, and it was tested. I did read somewhere that people can be constipated, even with regular bowel movements of any consistency, and I can't help think this could be a cause of my problems, as I hardly ever feel like I've had a complete bowel movement.

      When I said I had a sensitive bowel, what I really meant was that my anus is prone to tearing quite easily, either with a bowel movement or with wiping. I don't bleed every time, but I bleed more often than I would like. The anusol was prescribed to me when I had a very heavy bout of bleeding when I was experiencing a bad case of constipation. The doctor wanted to rule out hemorrhoids, and after taken the anusol the bleeding did ease up a lot, and eventually went away for a while. I haven't bled as bad as that bout since the anusol, but as I said I still do bleed now and again. The colonoscopy I had yesterday has confirmed that I do have hemorrhoids, which has helped me relax a bit about any further bleeding I might have in the future. I find using moist toilet wipes help prevent bleeding much more than using toilet paper.

      If there is anything you'd like to know, or any questions you'd like to ask, please don't hesitate to contact me and I'll help in any way I can, you are welcome to private message me if you feel more comfortable talking about things that you'd rather keep private.

      Hope some of that info helps. Please look after yourself and all the best.

    • Posted

      Thanks Paul I would like to stay in contact, I could really do with the support and could probably help each other? Unfortunately I'm finding it really hard life at the moment.

      They diagnosed me with solitary rectal ulcer syndrome. The person who diagnosed me couldn't tell me much was actually getting his information from the internet.

      You say you don't feel like you had a complete bowel movement. I actually know this is the case because I can feel the stool in the bowel still when wiping. Also when moving around I get the feeling something is there. I can also be completely unaware stool is there. Mainly in the mornings if I let out a little pump I think I am actually passing a stool. The stool won't come all way out. This is embrassing I know..

      Did they put a band on your hemorrhoids they done this for me before during a colonoscopy in 2011

      I get the odd bleeding like your if I wiped far too much from going to the toilet to often.

      By the sounds of it I do think we have similar problems.

      Did you notice anything during your colonoscopy? I noticed the mucus and ulcers.

    • Posted

      We'll try and overcome the struggle we are having with life together Ruby, perhaps we can come up with some ideas!! I feel for you, really I do, it sounds like your problems are very uncomfortable, frustrating and embarrassing for you. I get so worried at times that there is something more sinister going on inside me, that the doctors have missed. I don't have great faith in doctors, if it wasn't for me requesting stool tests be done about two months ago now, I would never have known about my high faecal calprotectin results and never had my last colonoscopy, and all my problems would have been put down to IBS still.

      Firstly, I would be very interested to know what your faecal calprotectin levels are like, is there no way you can get your doctor to get a stool sample tested? Have you had a stool test done for faecal elastase? Personally, I would get the faecal elastase and calprotectin tests done, as well as one to check for blood. If your doctor is unwilling, maybe try and see a different doctor, or get a second opinion. I did get a second opinion when the first doctor I saw when I started having trouble was adamant my problems were IBS, but I knew different.

      As for the incomplete bowel movements, my problem seems to be more of a case of a loss of sensation in my bowels. Before I started to started to get problems 3 years ago, I knew I had a bowel movement when I went, now when I pass stools it doesn't feel like much comes out, but when I look I've usually passed more than it felt like I did. Following that there is almost always the sense that more needs to come out.

      Do you have any other symptoms? I feel groggy most days, very bloated often, and sometimes when I'm at my worst I feel faint / lightheaded, get shortness of breath, get very tired, elevated heart rate, plus other things. I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and CFS/ME as well, although I'm dubious of these diagnosis as they are usually the ones given like IBS, when the doctors can't actually pinpoint what the precise cause is. I also seem to have a lot of food intolerances, and have a very strict and unvaried diet.

      As for my colonoscopy, my hemorrhoids weren't banded, apparently they weren't that bad to warrant banding them, but might get worse and need it at a later point. The doctor doing the colonoscopy said to me that my colon looked very healthy, my bowel prep was excellent and he couldn't see any mucus or ulcers. He took biopsies which I should get the results for in about 10 days time, I'll be interested to know what the results of my biopsies are. I've been told that the next step for me will be a small bowel MRI scan, to see if that reveals any issues, no idea when that'll be happening, but might be before christmas. I did a bit of research into high faecal calprotectin results with healthy colonoscopy, and I noticed crohn's disease can affect the small intestines only, and it can be microscopic too, making it very hard to find and diagnose.

      I would be interested to know if you have any other symptoms, no matter how small and insignificant they might be. Let us know if you do, in the meantime try not to let it get you down too much, it's hard I know, but I always have a bit of faith in me that I can get my problems under control and be able to enjoy life again.

    • Posted

      I do think they is more to it for you, the MRI scan should give you answers I been told they are good to have. If your unsure of your diagnosis get a second opinion

      I will have to request to have my stool tested, because after 7-8 years I never have.

      I did recently have my blood tested for everything you could think of. Was mainly because I felt tired all the time and short of breath. All came back clear just found raised levels of bilirubin in my blood. (Doctor not concerned) just need another blood test done.

      My main problem is my bowel. When I wipe I just feel flesh if this makes any sense. I'm not good with my words lol. It feels like I hit a wall and I can't go any further. Also skin in my rectum feels thick.

      I get a lump in my stomach at night when I put pressure on it. It dissapears. Been told it is stool moving.

      I get stomach pains nearly all day, worse after some foods. Still trying to figure out what my triggers are. After speaking to someone on here I decided to try a FODMAP diet.

      The only time I find it easy to pass a stool is if it formed. If its soft or in broken peices, not so good. Diarrhea even gets stuck in my bowel and I have to strain.

      I get bloating almost all the time, nearly everyday nearly all day. Even if I cleared out all day the bloating is still there, even after diarrhea.

      You sound like you really have a hard time, that probably is because your multiple diagnoses (I never heard of them) off to investigate.

  • Posted

    I can see why you would feel slightely fobbed off with these diagnosis the fibromyalgia and IBS are actually linked too. What do you feel it may be?

    The doctor was getting at depression for my extreame tiredness and life. Which I have to agree.

    • Posted

      Hi Ruby.

      Sorry I haven't replied to you sooner, really struggling at the moment. Been getting, among other things, some really bad episodes of feeling faint / lightheaded, along with loose bowels, nausea, bloating, random sharp stomach pains that last only a few seconds at a time. Feeling very grotty at the mo! I will reply to your last messages in more detail, once I'm feeling a bit better.

      Take care and I'll be in touch as soon as I can.

    • Posted

      Hi Paul, that sounds awful really hope you get better soon. Sounds like you need some answers from those professionals.

      Keep in contact if you can.

    • Posted

      Hi Ruby

      Sorry its been so long in replying to you, I do hope you are ok, and your symptoms aren't messing you around too much. Thought you might be interested to know that I think I might have discovered a breakthrough with my symptoms.

      I posted another discussion on here where I got a reply from someone who was experiencing much the same problems as me. They suggested an elimination diet, so I thought I'd give it a go. I started on Saturday, after a severe case of diarrhoea and feeling really ill. I ate gluten free rice krispies for breakfast, plain boiled white rice and chicken for lunch and the boiled white rice and lean minced beef for dinner, oh and I was naughty and had a couple of gluten free biscuits and a few chocolates. I woke up on Sunday and was amazed to find I was feeling really good, only some very slight abdominal discomfort. I ate the same on Sunday, except substituted the lunch chicken with beef. Woke again on Monday still feeling better than I'd done in a long time, so decided to introduce potatoes into my diet for lunch instead of rice. Woke on Tuesday and felt ill again, so went back onto rice for lunch and dinner and woke up today feeling really good again. I know that I've had a problem eating fruit since becoming ill, it's now looking like vegetables are troublesome for me too. It seems like higher fibre foods might be a cause for my worsening symptoms, don't get me wrong, there still isn't something quite right with me, there is still odd random sharp pains in my abdomen, bloating and burping, abdominal churning and gurgling, but nowhere near as bad as it was prior to starting the elimination diet, and I've not experienced the bad bouts which included me feeling faint and dizzy, rapid heart rate, nausea, etc. My sister in law also has digestive problems, she can eat anything processed, but eating fresh fruit and vegetables really messes her stomach and bowels up.

      My only issues now are bowel movements and nutrient deficiency. Being on a low fibre / residue diet can lessen bowel movement frequency and stool bulk, but it was making me feel like I was constipated as I'd had only one very small bowel movement since Saturday morning. That was until this morning when I had a more eventful bowel movement, still not a great deal considering I hadn't been properly for 4 days, but a normal looking stool none the less, which was nice to see considering all the diarrhoea I'd had prior to starting the elimination diet, and no blood which is a bonus. I've also got to find a way of getting some vitamins and minerals inside of me now, I don't want to change my diet as the physical benefits I'm feeling with being on this diet are great, but I am going to be lacking what my body needs. Some I'll consult my doctor about when I next see him.

      Take care and do let us know how you are getting on.


    • Posted

      I wouldn't worry about how long it takes replying I struggle to get on myself most of the time

      I'm glad your finding something that is helping you. I been reading up about things too and it does say anyone with stomach problems should try gluten free diet even if they aren't gluten intolerant.

      One thing that I could suggest for extra nutrients your missing maybe liquid diet? (Soup, smoothies) not sure if thats something you tried but I find I empty better when I had soup

      (lentil soup). I been thinking about even going on a liquid diet just to see how things go for me.

      Unfortunately not having a good time and very worried. My bowel just seem to not open and contract, even passing wind is a struggle. Strangely my physiotherapist said most people she sees can't stop passing wind however I struggle. She has mentioned a injection that goes into the foot. (I forgot the name) she said she wants to try that with me as its been known to help people with incomplete empyting.

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