Farting Blood Stained Mucus
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Hi All
Got quite an embarressing problem going on at the moment, and wondering if anyone can give me some advice, info or help about it.
Today, I've been having long, non smelly farts, but when I do I have to wipe my bottom as I feel a discharge occur. When I wipe my anus there is clear mucus present with spots of bright red blood present. On top of that, I have been getting quite a bit of lower abdominal and back pain, and also feeling quite lightheaded and dizzy, had some stomach bloating and burping and have a slight headache, I generally feel a bit unwell.
This isn't the first time its happened, although its not a frequent occurrence, I was wondering if anyone knew what might be going on.
I am due to see Gastroenterologist in a couple of weeks following a referral from my doctor. I was diagnosed with IBS about a year ago, but in recent months my condition has been getting gradually worse, hence my doctor referring back to Gastroenterology. I have had a colonoscopy, endoscopy, ultrasound, loads of blood, urine and stool tests done and nothing out of the ordinary was ever found, I did have polyps removed which were completely benign.
Could this be a bad IBS flare up, or are there other possibilities why this blood stained mucus is happening. Any views or ideas would be greatly appreciated, and give me some ideas and thoughts to throw at the Gastroenterologist.
Many thanks in advance.
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mandi20630 paul75665
Hi guys, I have many of the same symptoms you have described and believe it may be down to something called small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) Google it and see what you think. The links between this and ibs are persuasive. Drs Mark Pimental and Allison Siebecker are at the forefront of this research in America and Dr Pimental wrote a book called A New IBS Solution which I am going to show my doctor! Hardly anyone has heard of it here in the UK.
paul75665 mandi20630
Hi Mandy. Thank you for you comments.
Funny you should mention SIBO, as I had a couple of other people make the same suggestion to me. I did mention this to the doctor and his suggestion was to take the antibiotic Metronidazole, he said that hospitals don't think the hydrogen breath test used to diagnose SIBO is very accurate, so instead of doing the test, he prescribed me Metronidazole straight away. I took two of these before I started to feel quite unwell, and within about 2 hours of taking the second pill I was vomiting. Shortly after that I developed really bad diarrhoea, and physically felt awful, needless to say I couldn't continue with the antibiotics. It was only after speaking to my sister a few days later that she told me she had the same reaction to Metronidazole as I had, prescribed by her doctor for an absess.
Looking at the symptoms list for SIBO, which seems quite extensive, I actually only have three related symptoms, all over constant abdominal bloating, nausea and fatigue, and the one that affects me the most in a day is bloating. But the bloating is quite severe, I weigh just over 11 stones (70kgs) and I look pregnant most days, and that in itself causes many other problems and pains. I'm sure the intense bloating is causing the bloated parts to push against organs, nerves and other structures in my body and leading to whole host of problems, like random abdominal, chest and back pain, lightheadedness and feeling faint, shortness of breath, hot and cold flushes and raised heart rate to name some.
I've also been told that I could be suffering with chronic constipation. I found this odd as I do have bowel movements, maybe not every day, but most days, but they look quite hard when I do have one. However I spoke to someone who was having bowel movements most days and even with that she was diagnosed with chronic constipation, and she had a lot of the same symptoms I have. She said she had been tested for this, although I can't actually remember what test they did, but since being treated for it, had found a dramatic improvement of her symptoms. And I have to say, the only day in the last month I have felt as near to 100% as I can, was the day of my colonoscopy, after going through the bowel prep. Yes I was pretty drained but it was the only day I felt no bloating and associated symptoms.
Either way, it's pretty much all guesswork for me at the moment, and it's getting quite tiresome and frustrating. I'm going to chase up the results of my colonoscopy biopsies today, I live in hope that they may have the answers, but no doubt they'll come back clear like virtually all the tests I've had done.
mandi20630 paul75665
Hi Paul,
I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through. My saga continues as shortly after I posted last time a doctor showed up at my house on the Saturday night (!) to tell me my latest stool test came back positive for c.diff and I needed to start antibiotics again asap! I never heard of a doctor just turning up without being called - scared me a bit! So apparently wiping out your good and bad bacteria opens the door for any other nasties lurking in your gut (or your environment?) to take over. And getting diarrhea, especially bloody, when taking antibiotics is a big sign that something is going on. I am now back on Metricondazole 10 days at 1200mg per day (in 3 doses). This time I am going to start probiotics and prokinetics as soon as I finish the antibiotics to try to build up my good guys again before any other nasties take hold. Let's see how that one goes! 😊
So I wondered if you'd had a stool sample cultured just to see what else is going on there and if there are some nasties, what antibiotics they are resistant to?
Sending warm wishes for your health!
paul75665 mandi20630
Hey Mandi
Sounds like you are going through a pretty torrid time at the moment as well, so sorry to hear about your problems. That must have been quite worrying when the doctor arrived at your door, and on a saturday night as well, now that's service for you, and comforting for you to know that your doctor seems very committed to making sure necessary steps are taken to keep you as well as you can be. I do hope the treatment of antibiotics, followed by probiotics and prokinetics gets you back on track very soon.
I only had my stools tested for presence of blood and inflammatory bowel markers, the blood test came back negative, which was a relief, but the inflammatory marker result was positive, with a result of over 1400, which according to my doctor was one of the highest results he had come across. Hence the reason why a colonoscopy was arranged with biopsies taken. I'm trying to get the results of the biopsies as we speak, but it's proving to be hard work trying to get through to my doctor or the hospital, makes you wonder why they even bother with phones tbh!! I'll definitely mention getting a stool sample cultured just to see if and/or what else is going on there, my doctor will definitely do that for me, he's always willing to look into different info and ideas I mention to him, thanks for the heads up there!
Right, back to feeling like poop for me again today, pretty bad day actually, and I'm sure it's down to all the gas I'm producing that's making me bloat so much. Maybe we'll get there one day!
All the best and get well soon Mandi.
mandi20630 paul75665
PS: Have you tried taking a prokinetic to encourage your Migrating Motor Control, ie, the cleansing wave that a system that is working well employs to clean out your gut of any left over food particles and bacteria (mostly during the night). If you have slow transit gut emptying it would lead to that feeling of fullness and bloating (and probably constipation). You can buy herbal prokinetics such as Iberogast or Motilpro on Amazon. Worth a try? Mandi
paul75665 mandi20630
I questioned taking probiotics and prokinetics with my dietician, and she feels that until I've had all the possible, relevant tests and examinations done on my digestive system to rule out other possible causes for my symptoms, that introducing any supplements right now wouldn't be wise. Once we know that my digestive system is all in order, then we will look into supplements, etc. The only supplement I can take are vitamin D pills, this is because my vitamin D levels were very low, due to my inability to get out and about with my Fibromyalgia and CFS/ME. Your ideas are definitely worth noting for the future, thank you!
Boundlesswonder paul75665
Hi All,
Happy to see I’m not alone in this difficult situation. I have been having blood and having bloody mucus. I don't feel swollen down there, I have been getting headaches as well as terrible piercing abdominal pain. I now follow the low-fodmap diet which alleviates alot of the issues I have as a result of whatever condition I have. I just got frustrated with drs dismissing any issues based on my age (35), feels like I'm handing over hundreds of dollars for nothing but with an increasing amount and frequency (everytime) blood is now present I feel like I have no choice... It isn't going away, any advice is welcome. Thank you.
paul75665 Boundlesswonder
Sorry to hear of your problems, speaking from experience it can be a troublesome and worrying situation.
The only advice I can give you is the treatment I have had, and I would be inclined to ask for the following tests to be done. Firstly a full blood count should be done, including vitamin, mineral and electrolyte levels if possible. On top of that I would get stool samples tested for faecal calprotectin, faecal elastase and for blood in the stool. The faecal calprotectin will show up inflammation if there is any present and the faecal elastase will reveal if your pancreas is working ok. The stool blood test for you might be difficult if you are experiencing frequent bloody mucus, so you would need to take a sample when you are having a period where you are not producing blood, if this is possible. The faecal elastase test is very accurate, the faecal calprotectin however can produce false positive results, so it is important you don't take a sample if you are ill with stomach bug, food poisoning, flu, etc and if you have taken certain medication, NSAIDs, Ibuprofen to name a couple, as all these factors can give false positive results.
The results of these tests should give you an idea of the next course of action, but I wouldn't be surprised if a colonoscopy / endoscopy is on the cards, but I would be tempted to have an upper abdominal ultrasound too, just to check your liver, pancreas, gall bladder and spleen. I've had all the above done and apart from my faecal calprotectin result being very high, which could have been a false positive, no other issues were found (still awaiting results of colon biopsies taken during a colonoscopy a few weeks ago, although doctor said my colon looked very healthy). Now I'm due to have a small bowel MRI scan in the very near future as it's the only part of my digestive system that's not been looked at in any great detail.
Apart from this, I really don't know what to suggest, but if you believe food might be a cause for your problems (I note you are on the low FODMAP diet) as I'm inclined to think it is with me, have you thought of doing an elimination diet? I started on just rice for a couple of days, gluten free rice krispies for breakfast (no milk), plain white boiled rice for lunch and dinner and just drank water and within 2 days was feeling so much better, plus I can't remember when I last produced bloody mucus either, certainly hasn't been for at least a week, maybe even two, and when I did last produce some there was hardly anything there. I've been introducing a different food at a time, and I'm pretty sure I've discovered that potatoes are a problem food for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm still experiencing my usual symptoms, but they are mild and I can cope with them the majority of the time, but if I eat potatoes the following day I feel really, really ill, worryingly ill to be honest. Once I take them out of my diet I start to feel ok again. I'm still going through the elimination diet, it is very time consuming, with no other discoveries as yet.
I hope some of that info helps you decide which course of action you'd like to take. I wish you all the best for the future and please let us know how you get on.
Abueckert paul75665
It all started about 2 1/2 months ago, I had a dime size mucus tainted with blood when having a stool. This continued to happen on random days, about once a week to week and a half. I started having the urgency to go to the washroom frequently passing small amounts of stool and sometimes just mucus. I went to my doctors immediately and was given a rectal exam, nothing. I was then prescribed metronidazole 500 mg for 2 weeks. On the last day of the antibiotic I experienced about a loonie size, so I went to ER and put me in for a rush colonoscopy just to be safe. I had the procedure and no masses or polyps were found, in fact the surgeon said everything looked really good. The procedure was done about 4 days ago now. Last night I experienced mucus again with some blood, and a small amount this morning with barely having to push. I know these can be after effects of the colonoscopy. But I am finally glad to have found a thread I can relate to. My anxiety has been through the roof these past months.
Hopefully someone can give us an answer soon!
hopeb69 Abueckert
Abueckert hopeb69
paul75665 Abueckert
So glad you have managed to find some reassurance in reading this thread, let's hope, as you said, one of us comes up with some answers in the near future.
My bloody mucus is at the moment being put down to a combination of constipation and hemorrhoids, which I do have as it was written on my colonoscopy results sheet in big bold letters. My colonoscopy biopsies were normal and there were no signs of inflammation, ruling out Ulcerative Colitis. I am due to have a small bowel MRI scan at the start of the new year, waiting lists for outpatient MRIs are quite long here in the UK. This will be to rule out or confirm a diagnosis of Crohns Disease, but personally I have this feeling that the scan is going to come back normal, like every other test I've had done, apart from the two faecal calprotectin tests done recently which were positive.
As far as the bloody mucus goes, I haven't actually had much of that going on lately, some very faint traces of blood now and again on the toilet paper after I've wiped clean a few times, but nothing of any great significance and likely to be hemorrhoids. But I'm still feeling quite ill most days, lots of bloating, burping and flatulence, feeling unsteady like I'm on a boat, bouts of nausea, random abdominal and chest pains. There's a big part of me hoping the MRI comes back normal, but also a part of me hoping there is something found so that there are answers to why I'm feeling so ill almost everyday. There's got to be a reason for the high faecal calprotectin results, just hope they can find it.
All the best for the future and if you get any answers please let us all know, it's very comforting to know we are not alone.
Rubes123 Abueckert
I'm the same mucus and can't pass gas. Stool comes out in little peices.
I too been told this is IBS. Very frustrating. I have alot of othet problems now because of the (consipation) despitr going every day soft stools its consipation. Have you tried lactulose? I have it around christmas time so I can enjoy it works great have about 6 table spoons a day with alot of water got to be careful not to have too much. Its recommended for children but I find it helps me great.
Abueckert Rubes123
Is the mucus an everyday occurrence for you? Mine was only happening about once a week.
Thanks for your reply
Rubes123 Abueckert
Mucus is everyday normally. Started off once a week 8 years ago, I have pelvic floor problems from having children and also solitary rectual ulcer syndrome. I think they just told me that for a excuse for the ulcers tbh.
With IBS just feel fobbed off. The doctor just asked me what was going on and said this is IBS C give me lactulose. When I first started having it nothing happend went back to doctors, he said its works well have more with lots of water. I have some in morning with a full cup of water. He actually told me I could have up to 8 spoons a day. Crazy
Speak to your doctors about it, If i ask any other doctors about it they just say they give that to children. I think it draws alot of water into my colon and really gets things moving faster when I have it I have what I call normal BMs again. I don't want to take it long term.
Theres also other tests you might want to consider like a colon transit study.
Abueckert Rubes123
Thanks for your comments.
Rubes123 paul75665
Rubes123 Abueckert
paul75665 Rubes123
Hi Ruby. I'm doing ok I guess, could be a lot better of course, but could also be a lot worse so should be grateful to some extent. How are you getting on?
Sort of glad that the biopsies of my colonoscopy came back normal, so no signs of colitis which is good, but I was sort of hoping something might be discovered to give some answers at last. My last hope now is the small bowel MRI I'm due to have, no date for it yet but it will be at the start of the new year. Again, I hope it comes back clear, but then again I hope they find something. I've got this feeling that'll come back fine as well, leaving me more in the dark than I've ever been. I've not had any bloody mucus for quite some time now though, perhaps I'm having a bout of remission from whatever causes it. There is still some mucus present when I do pass a stool, but can't tell if it's to do with my digestive issues or whether it's normal production to aid in passing stools. My eyes have been feeling quite irritated lately though, whether that's to do with my problems or just from being quite run down is anyone's guess.
Not really much else to report I'm afraid. I hope you are coping well and your problems aren't getting on top of you too much.
Rubes123 paul75665
Glad colonoscopy came back ok. I read on here most people end up diagnosed with crohn's by having a capsule endoscopy. So maybe worth asking about. I been told MRI scans are good to have.
I think the problem is we need answers thats why you kind of hope something comes back from tests because what is happening to us is not normal and impacts our life.
Being told you got IBS seems like a easy diagnosis for anyone with bowel problem's. I know someone who got told she had IBS she had a cyst on her ovaries.
I'm the same as usual. Get horrible pains even after having water some days. Got appointment friday to find out if I be having surgery. Probably be told no and get discharged. I told them I got worse they don't seem to care.