Fatigue for no reason
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Hi....just another symptom I think but it worries me anyway. Does anybody else have days where you are just exhausted for no reason. Today I have felt spacy, tired, palps, achy ribs to touch. I just feel no energy at all and I shouldn't be tired. Its the sort of allover fatigue...I lay down to have a nap but I am not sleepy tired if that makes sense?
I have heard of 'crashing fatigue' in peri...is this it?
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maisie05 Guest
Guest maisie05
Supposed to be our hottest yet...just my luck
Can I please visit someone who lives somewhere cold for....say....the next 10 years or so lol
louise44105 Guest
Guest louise44105
jamie50513 Guest
Guest jamie50513
chelo jamie50513
jamie50513 Guest
caroline25937 Guest
I've had this going on since January and another dreadful night last night with agonising stabbing pain in my side and also in my pelvis (almost where my ovaries are....) kept me awake all night. Months of no sleep really does take its toll on women and with the anxiety on top.. well its a cocktail for disaster really..
I'm having the laparoscopy end of next week which I'm dreading, but they have to look inside with all the discomfort and pain I'm getting now day in day out and this current period is probably the worst i've ever had in my life. They have to look and see. Worried sick !!
The gyne thinks I'm hitting the change at 44 but there is more to it. You do not get pain like this with the change..surely??!!!
So many women out there are suffering daily and this forum site proves how bad it is. I'm sick of looking at doctors in the face with blank expressions on their faces. You really have to fight to be heard and I've fought like mad to make sure i'm seen urgently for the Lap.
Guest caroline25937
Another time I had repeated pain in my pelvic area and left ovary. I had transvaginal ultrasound etc and they couldn't find anything. I kept getting attacks at night for a year....I started thinking I had the big C. I ended up in emergency boxing day am having emergency appendectomy.
Both times the doctors couldnt find anything and I didn't have classic signs. I hope all goes well with laparoscopy. Fingers crossed....thanks for answering and let me know how you go x
caroline25937 Guest
I've had ultrasounds and transvaginal US also.. I've had a CT scan. They found nothing apart from ovarian cysts which have been popping up and then disappearing for the last few months, aswell as all my urine/bladder frequency and pain symptoms.
I've had right sided loin/flank pain for 3 months
They have checked the scans and can not see any stones and say kidney function looks normal as does the bladder.
There is more to it. It isn't just down to perimenopause.. no way. all my symptoms are combined and have been horrendous for the last few days when my period finally started. The stabbing pain waking me in the night and literally it takes my breath away.
The Lap is next week to check out if there is more happening and then I am seeing a urologist and it looks like I might be having a camera in the bladder in the next few weeks also... but to be honest, even though I'm having bladder symptoms and have had one bladder infection (ecoli) since January.... I am convinced its not actually the bladder causing me alll the issues. Its something else. I also get almost contractions when I want a bowel movement (sorry..!!) and sometimes pains going into my legs/thighs and vaginal pain before a period.
This has all been getting worse since I became unwell January
The estregen vaginal cream and Vagifem the Gyne gave me only made all symptoms worse so i had to stop using them.
I;m praying it isn't a sign of endometriosis.... a few people have mentioned this to me.
Guest caroline25937
I read it can be a sign of endometriosis as well. I hope you get some answers from your tests....like you said you know when something isn't right. I have heard cysts can be quite painful...maybe its related to that? Keep in touch and hope all goes well x
caroline25937 Guest
Shall keep you posted. All the best to you
jamie50513 caroline25937
caroline25937 jamie50513
As I say, my symptoms have been on since end of January hence the reason its been escalated now and the laparoscopy is end of next week.
I've been admitted to hospital twice with severe stabbing pains and the rest and was on morphine.. very scary experience for someone that usually is fit and healthy.
My period last time was shorter and lighter and the one prior to that lasted 3 weeks ! !!!
jamie50513 caroline25937
caroline25937 jamie50513
Perhaps you should be referred and go see a gynecologist. My gyne is doing my lap for me next week and I am scared silly about it
As I'm typing this my right side is gnawing again and my pelvis stabbing...
jamie50513 caroline25937
caroline25937 jamie50513
I'm actually having the Lap done at a private hospital nearby...although under the NHS. The Gyne works at private and NHS hospitals throughout the area and gave me the option where I could have it done.. its a more relaxed atmosphere... well if thats possible to be relaxed on the day. I will be literally having kittens on the spot I think.
Scared silly as never had anything done before in all my 44 years.
If you feel something is WRONG for sure.. then you must push it.. as stressful as it is. I know my body.. as I'm sure you do... and this has to be sorted out properly once and for all. All I want is an ANSWER... !!!!
jamie50513 caroline25937
caroline25937 jamie50513
shall keep you posted x
carole44875 caroline25937
caroline25937 carole44875
I am dreading it, have been in so much pain and discomfort for a few months now, so naturally I am scared stiff. Total wuss as never had anything done before, so no doubt I'll be balling my eyes out when I turn up at hospital.
Keep you posted.. and thanks again X
carole44875 caroline25937
caroline25937 carole44875
I have problems sleeping at the moment, well for months now... so it makes me wonder how on earth I will actually be knocked out ?!!!