Fear for breast cancer
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Hi ladies! I am 42 with early menopause and on hrt! I have no symptoms and feel like my old self again but I am very very afraid of breast cancer!
I think I am obsessed with that, when I take my pill every night I feel that I am in panic! I read a lot to get informed and everyone says a different story.
Can I ask you how you handle your fear? Today I feel completely lost because of my fear and I spent all my day googling...any ideas?
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Guest vicky77852
Hi Vicky, I am so happy for you that you are feeling well! I am 41, in perimenopause and feel like crap! Anyways...step 1...please stop googling...you will send your worry through the roof. You have a legitimate concern about cancer. Everybody, even the “professionals” have a different opinion on HRT. If you are on it, your probably low risk...example your family history of heart, cancer, stroke. Also, have you had a mammogram? Maybe request one if you have not...more to ease your mind.
In the meantime...please, enjoy your old self...😀
vicky77852 Guest
I have mammograms yearly and scans every 3 months because of my fear! My gyn says that my scans are mainly for psychological reasons.
I have no history of breast cancer but I have a history of osteoporosis. Sometimes I feel that taking hrt is like poisoning myself and feel absolutely paranoid and paralyzed because of my obsession!!!
Guest vicky77852
You sound like me...I have recently started Lexapro for my peri anxiety issues. I thought I was going to take 1 and combust! 😂
susane84679 vicky77852
do not Google your symptoms! you will think you have every disease known to man! I have chosen not to do hormone therapy for the very reason of cancer, among other things. as I have said before, my dr and I have discussed it in length and I have done hours of research. so after all of that, my dr, my husband and myself have chosen not to take them. your risk of cancer is so much greater if you do. I'm not saying you shouldn't take them because everyone is different. it was the right choice for me. I wish you the best!
vicky77852 susane84679
Thanks for replying Susanne! 💐
victoria86074 vicky77852
I agree, enjoy your old self & try not to let the fear take over. Also I would lay off googling, there's too much conflicting information which will make you panic more. Speak to your doctor with your concerns. Good luck!
jilllieberman vicky77852
vicky77852 jilllieberman
I’m so sorry jilllie! Hope things will get better for you! Take care! 💐
maria76995 vicky77852
Hi Vicky, 2 years ago my Dr put me on low dose of HRT and it worry me so much with the ifs this if that happens that I stop taking it after just 3 weeks of starting I didn't want to regret anything..I'm now in full menopause and seem to be better then I was, I always think wether you take it or not the menopause comes to and end it does not go on for ever..but if you feel you can't cope well yes try it good luck and I which you the best ((((((HUGS))))))
vicky77852 maria76995
My gyn is adamant that hrt is out of question for me due to my young age and my family history of early menopause and osteoporosis. So it is a difficult decision for me and feel helpless sometimes. Thank you for replying! 💐
Sochima822 vicky77852
You have posted conflicting stories about being on HRT. Are you on it or not? Your original post says you are and feeling like your old self, in some of the posts you answer you say your doctor says you're too young and it's out of the question, which one is it?
Also, if you believe anything Dr. Google says, then you should have been dead yesterday. I googled a few symptoms I had, I swear according to Google, I've had diseases that aren't even seen in this country. I called my doctor told him I'm dying. Gave him my Google diagnosis, he told me to come in, only to be told to stop being a hypochondriac and that im not dying. Phew, what a relief.
vicky77852 Sochima822
kazzaxs vicky77852
Hi, Vicky,
I am 45 and I started my menopause journey at 41 I was advised to take HRT as I was too young, and the risk of osteoporosis was very high also the health impacts of not having enough estrogen and the effects it has on your body. I did the google search and oh my god it was everywhere CANCER, CANCER, CANCER!!!!!
I also have an underactive thyroid so i couldn't take most of the other supplements as I am not allowed soy as it affects my medication consumption, so i just carried on feeling like crap and it got worse I started to lose my hair I had every bloody symptom known to the menopause.
I did some research of my own and made the decision that something had to change my quality of life was nil at this point so I went to my GP we had a very long conversation and we decided the best way forward would be the HRT patches this would also make sure I was having a period and therefore protecting my womb.
What I will say is this is a very personal decision and rather than google everything speak to your doctor and read your medication leaflets, Most medication will have side effects some worse than others you have to decide what is right for you.
It was the right decision for me I feel like my old self and I am enjoying my life again nothing is certain in this life but remember there are reasons why we need this as women and there are also benefits to taking HRT.
Good Luck
vicky77852 kazzaxs
Hi Kaz! Nice to hear from you! It is so relieving for me to know that I am not alone!
I visited my gyn today and he tried to calm me, he said that there are many risks for my health if I don’t take hrt and he reassures me that taking hrt until at least 51, it is safe enough.
I don’t know why I am in panic sometimes! I promised to myself to stop googling, it makes my stress worse!
thank you again! 💐