Fed up.....

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TKR was 3 weeks ago yesterday, and I thought I was making good progress, but today I feel like Ive been hit by a sledgehammer! 

Im getting very little sleep now, cant get comfy for love nor money. Even my "go-to" comfy places i.e. the sofa or spare bed offer no respite.

Im trying hard with the exercises, including the ones the Physios have shown me, and I know Im making progress (I managed a straight leg-lift today) but my positivity and humour seem to have vanished.....

With daughter in hospital, and the prospect of her being off work for around 3 months depending on her surgery date, Im doing my best to keep her spirits up, but I feel like Ive got nothing left.....

Poor hubby is looking at me like he doesnt know what to do or say for the best.....

Good job Ive got you lot, at least you know what Im babbling about.....


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26 Replies

  • Posted

    I had a lot of trouble sleeping after my TKR nearly 3 years ago.

    Initially when I went to bed I used to drop off to sleep for about an hour .

    Then I used to wake up in pain and discomfort and could not get bqck to sleep.

    To be honest I think even now it has changed my sleep pattern.

    I always used to be such a good sleeper so this was something I was not expecting.

    Hope this settles down.


    • Posted

      Hi Sarah

      If you have a good reflexologist in you area, give them a try.  I found a good one and she has helped me with all sorts of issues.  Some people are a little sceptical and so was I until I had my first session.  It's worth a try and she/he may be able to help you get a good nights sleep.  If you think it's something worth trying, ask around for recommendations then check them out on the internet first.

  • Posted

    Terri you poor thing you, I'm afraid this is exactly the way things go with this op. you feel you are making headway and sump here it goes again. You must be desperate for some sleep and you would feel more able to cope if you could get some. I used to feel I was going insane then the Dr gave me low dose sleeping tablet what a god send. Sorry you daughters not well, no wonder you are feeling so low. Things will get better my freind
  • Posted

    Hi terri 

     I am now nearly 5 moths post TKR and at 3 weeks I was just the

    same but it will get better. I am still having to do a lot of phiso to strighten

    my leg . As others here have said each day is different. I found taking some

    tramadol befor bed Time worked to get some kind of good sleep . 

    Hope this was of some help to you 

    take it one day at a time 

    take care.

  • Posted


    I'll be 15 weeks post op tomorrow. At 3 weeks I was still very much immobile and really struggling with my bend. I did have to have an MUA due to developing arthrofibrosis (big build up of scar tissue) but now after lots of hard work i've now got my bend to 115° and those days are really like a distant memory :-)

    Hold in there, things really do get much better with time and we all recover at different rates.

    Em x

  • Posted

    i had mine done on the 5 march and one day i thought it was getting better then the pain set in bad and like you  i have lost my sence of humour gone and replace with tears i understand how your husband feels as mine the same ,i was up and down the stairs to the sofa and in and out of the spare bed so i no what you mean when you say no respite and when im crying like a baby  he massageing my leg and trying to comfort me, and i get annoyed with myself for crying.i can only take parseotamols sorry cant spell it but they dont have much relief for me, codine helps but i cant take them as i have irrertable bowles and they made me so constpated my belly swelled out and gave me real bad  pain. it seem like i have to take one pill for the pain then another to stop me from being in pain with my bowles, what i would give for some sleep, im so worn out and so lite headed, i just dont no which way to turn
    • Posted

      Also remember that this is a very major operation, and the mood swings, crying etc. are pretty much common to all of us. Pity about not being able to take anything stronger. . . that does make it difficult. Glad you have a supportive husband. . that will help a lot.  don't worry about frying . . I think most of us have done that, been there!  Soemtimes a good cry makes you feel a bit less stressed afterwards . . . 
    • Posted

      OH NO I meant crying, not frying!


    • Posted

      Hi Marlene, I also had my right knee done 5th march,  I came home but managed to get cellulitis so been on two lots of strong antibiotics which seemed to have cleared it but this left me with very swollen knee, legs and ankle which stopped me from exercising.  I have done as much as I can and had my first physio session Tuesday which went well.  I can bend my knee when sitting at the dining table and at the computer but getting up afterwards is h***  the tightness in my thigh is horrendous and I do have a problem staightening  my leg but hopefully this will come. I had my left knee done 7 years ago and it is fine, took me 6 months to bend it properly but then used my exercise bike daily.  In fact  the left knee is stiffening up because I am not using the exercise bike so doing all the leg exercises now with both legs.

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