Feel alone, scared, symptom list, pushing through
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hi everyone again,
Not a good day today, so feel the need to come here. I have loving friends and family but no one can understand what I.m going thru so I really feel alone. Sometimes I.m okay and sometimes I.m not. Some days and moments are better than others but as soon as some of my symptoms subside and I feel more like my old more confident self then I.m knocked right back down again.
I feel like if I knew all of this was normal and that one day I would get relief, it would be much easier to keep pushing, but that is not always the case. Although I have no idea what else could cause all this madness, I still cant help but think I have some virus, cancer or one of my organs is failing. Sounds so severe but so are my symptoms. I cannot do anything these days without all my symptoms flaring. If I stand or do any activity I start to get hot and everything gets red like my legs and arms, face. I start to dry out...dry eyes, lips, mouth, skin. Skin looks really dull. I start to breath heavy, have dizziness (whole body dizziness) and I cant think well, feel l.m drunk and in black hot fog. I also then of course have increased heat/prickly/itchy sensations, stomach starts to gurgle, loss of appetite, anxiety and depression. I can be hot all over but have freezing feet, hands and nose. All this keeps me from being able to live and focus on what I love. It's all so disheartening, confusing and scary. My mind cannot rap my mind around it all and days like today I lack perspective or hope that its temporary. How could such horrible symptoms and body changes be temporary and how long is temporary, 10 years?? Only my love for the old me and my children keep me going. I.m gonna list my symptoms below. Some are obvious as hormonal, some not so much, everyone says I.m too young for this at 41 ๐ฆ Hugs to anyone experiencing anything similar.
woke up with dead arm
Stinging heart
Tingling all over body
Skin tone darker
Skin super soft
Feels like bug crawling on skin
Hemorrhoids /Fissure
Excess saliva
Burning up back
Boobs deflated
Dizziness, off balance, boat feeling
Changes in taste, smells
Blackheads on my arms
Worse symptoms after standing
Felt faint after standing
Periods closer together, heavier
Oil behind ears, forehead, b.w boobs
Fingernail ridges
Thinning skin
Dull skin
Changes in skin, blotchy, red...face red
Burning eyes, tongue
Cravings...orange juice, chocolate cheese
Brain fog
Sick in the mornings
Itching in pubic hair area
Nerve pain at clitoris
Leg muscle twitching, foot cramps
Dead skin cells
Muscle soreness
Trouble writing/puffy hands
Heavy breathing
Popping/creaking bones
Swelling, face puffy
one morning had black circles under eyes
Sensitive teeth
Formication...burning, stinging, numbness
Burning sometimes feels like indian burns
Acne on back of neck
Lack of focus
Facial hair
Feeling flat, no emotions
Flu like symptoms
Armpits smell musty, onions, only one side smells
Feet freezing...feet, hands, nose and ears
hot with cold patches of skin
Allergies, allergic to milk
Dry lips, mouth, eyes
Watery, red eyes
Eczema, rashes, hives
Morning anxiety/anxiety/depression/panic attacks
Thinning body hair, patches of hair loss legs/arms
New hair growth
Vibrations, thought was cell phone
Hot flashes
Flu like symptoms
Eye changes, blurry vision
Hungry late at night
1 like, 26 replies
pamela2016 Lkl2019
your not alone have all of what you have or have had it most of your symptoms i still have on a daily basis im 9 years in so no end in sight most days i feel like something bad gonna happen from all this crazy scary crap. worst for me is the burning skin,hit all over cokd hot sweaty armpits, off balance dizziness facial flushing extreme burning ears. heart racing off and on. i have no answers for what helps i suffer daily. just hang in there the best you can, ive learned to try as hard as i can to stay calm doesnt work most of the time but it makes all my symptoms worse if i react and panic to the symptoms. distract yourself the best you can your not alone im in the same boat as you and so is so many others on here. we will get through this one day at a time. what doesn't kill us will make us stronger i say this to myself everyday and pray God helps me through everyday
Lkl2019 pamela2016
I had mild dizziness, insomnia, night sweats, flu like symptoms, anxiety, allergies and fatigue in the beginning, got "sick" day before my period at 37 where I had sound sensitivity, loss of balance, loss of appetite. Got all my vitamins up and started on birth control and felt better for a few years until the bottom fell out on 40th bday wkend. I.ll be 42 in May. So almost 2 years of the really bad stuff but symptoms since mid 30.s. my sister was post meno at 48, I can only pray I am if not sooner, but even with that as a light, I don.t know how I can hang on that long. If it weren't for my kids, sister and the hope of regaining myself one day...b.c I soooooo miss myself! I dont think I could make it thru. Prayers and hugs to you.
pamela2016 Lkl2019
im 43 started this journey at 34 past few years its gotten bad and the worst being since this past may cycles is way out of wack now hoping they end soon
c14889 Lkl2019
Mine got weird at 40 and now I'm almost 42. This is no joke and I feel like I had no warning! Hang in there!
Sgt.lindalee Lkl2019
Hi Lkl2019, Well first, have you seen a Dr.? there are a few things that could be going on but, it sounds like menopause(no it isn't impossible) my Mom was 42, I had surgery and it started at 32, my Mom suffered it out and treated her symptoms for 10yrs...I thought I was losing my mind, all those symptoms....took HRT(Hormone Replacement Therapy)back to ME....for 15yrs(Its not for everybody and I was on it a really long time, there are risks) just NOW, going through mild hot flashes since I stopped the estrogen....something the Dr may want to check is thyroid, estrogen and various other hormones, maybe a few other levels/tests to be sure it isnt auto-immune, endocrine or something else. I totally feel your pain, there's no need to feel like this, get into your Dr. bring your list of symptoms, if its hormones you can get patches, topicals & etc(instead of oral or bioidenticals are made specific) that will help a huge chunk of symptoms(if THAT is the cause)or you can treat your symptoms, some anti-depressants are used, not for everybody but, get a diagnosis...and have your Dr. get a treatment plan....you'd be surprised how much a difference it can make when you know, it will go away and you aren't REALLY dying...maybe a therapist can help with stress & relaxation, changes in diet(stop caffeine, lower sodium, small regular meals) and exercise can help everybody, try to keep weight normal and consistent, maybe a multivitamin can help(made me feel much stronger & not get sick) ....take one day at a time(one hour at a time) everyone of those symptoms can be dealt with, its that there are so many at once, making it like torture....Best Wishes, hope your Dr. can help find answers...come back here if you need more specific help!!๐๐๐๐โฎ
unico31026 Lkl2019
The majority of the symptoms you listed i have or have had! i started peri at age 35 . i am 44 now and i feel so much better. hang in there and we are here for you โค
sakura26 unico31026
So menopause has been better for you? I have heard from several women menopause is even worse than the peri hell we are all dealing with. So not looking forward. ๐ฆ
c14889 unico31026
Unico31026, Did you have anxiety and depression? If so, did that eventually get better?
charlotte57631 Lkl2019
You are not alone..It is unbelievable how menopause can make you feel...prayers for you and one day with God's help we will get through this๐๐๐
michelle29462 Lkl2019
OMG i had to look back and see if i was the one who wrote this.You have explained my whole life for the past year.my every waking moment is consumed by trying to figure out what is wrong with me.I have mostly all those symtoms,but the worst for me is the feeling of air hunger and also i have the boat head feeling,my skin feels like i took a bath in icy hot menthol.then i sweat then i freeze. the i also have a feeling of acid rain drops falling on me. I feel dizzy when i stand up my heart feels werid.I feel trapped and want to run but where,no one can seem to help.I have been to the ER more time in the last year and they have no answers except antidressants same with my dr.I feel like im being slowly tortured.
Lkl2019 michelle29462
so sorry you are going thru this as well. toture, exactly that! I.ve had that word come up quite a few times, no one can understand unless you are going thru it. I see other women my age raising their kids and living life and i feel like I.m left to suffer and I.m unable to be the mom I want to be to my last two living at home ๐ฆ its horrible. half the torture is physical, the other half mental. on BHRT but it only seems to help with the anxiety and depression, not too much else. I went to the ER 6xs the first year. after realizing no Dr can do anything or help I no longer run up those bills. so yes, all this going on and adding debt to that. not sure if or when any of this will change for the better, but we have to keep hope alive and get thru each day...praying we can live to tell the story. thats what I hope! hugs!
debra64760 Lkl2019
Hi dear just wanted you to know I have half of these symptoms too. Mine lately but has calmed downed tremendously was burning after urinating just so dang on horrible. Peeing every 5 minutes and etc. leg pain and erc. I could go on by sometimes or somedays they are ok. Please try to relax as much as you can. Believe you me I have thought I have had everything too. Ty Google ugh
It's scary to think that way and it makes your syptims worse it's horrible. I was crying every single day for a month in a half. I've gotten used to the hit flashes which is all mostly at night and hardly sleeping cause hot flashes and going to the bathroom. I had the urologist put me o oab meds and so I wont pee every 5 minutes or so ugh. Hang in there dear. keep yourself busy and think about fun things too hun.
staci88515 Lkl2019
I am fairly certain I have experienced all of these symptoms at some point. I know for sure I experience half of them on a daily basis. You are not alone. xo
NothinforNothin Lkl2019
Been just over a year for me with the blurred vision, dizziness, drunk spaced out feeling, muscle aches, carpal tunnel, severe anxiety and panic attacks never experienced before peri. Scared to leave my house for the last year. Just resorted to another antidepressant after trying to tough it out with out them. No, you are not alone. Many, many scary horrible days and nights. With time my severest symptoms have eased but, it takes time. The more you fight it the worse it gets. I know. I did that in the beginning. Try to keep busy, get some relaxing projects to do, distract yourself and try to stay positive. I know how hard that is. I'm waiting for the day I wake up myself too for myself and my family. Your soul seems to fly away during this. Sending hugs...we are all with you...
tamsin00119 Lkl2019
I know how you feel dear... had such a bad night last night, have been feeling many of the worst of your symptoms... burning, numbness, anxiety, chills, muscle pains, headaches, lethargic, sooo emotional, and and and... I lift my eyes to the Lord and ask Him to help me through the crisis at that time... take a walk outside, have a cuppa, not easy I know... hang in there... sending lots of hugs