Feel like going crazy
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I am really hoping someone can help me understand what is going on with me.I am fixing to be 43,and I think my symptoms although not as bad started a year ago.But the worst part started 2 months ago.I was having a lot of stress from a sick child and out of the blue,bam all these weird symptoms started happening.I developed a uti,hadn't had one since I was 16.For some reason it caused me a great deal of anxiety.After that came the bouts of crying,feeling helpless,shaking internaly,having weird hunger pains,and terrible anxiety.I have had anxiety in the past,but able to cope and control,now it feels uncontrollable.Then comes the adrenaline rush/muscle twitching every morning at 5 Am,or sometimes all night.I have been to ER,had all labs that were normal CT came back normal.Thyroid was normal,pap was normal.Dr refused to test hormones said I was too young.I know this is nothing like I was 2 months ago,and the not sleeping is killing me.It makes my day so full of anxiety.I was used to sleeping till at least 8 am,and I could fall asleep easily,now I feel anxious when lying down because when all of this started I had a massive panic attack in the middle of the night and woke straight up and didn't know where I was for a minute.Now I also pee sometimes every 30 min.Not daily,but the longest I can go is 2 hrs.This is all very confusing,and I hope someone out there can help me.Is this peri menopause?My periods still come every 28 to 29 days.I have had 4 c sections and a tubal 11 yrs ago.Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
2 likes, 24 replies
lori93950 beth54337
beth54337 lori93950
Thank you for your reply,
The lack of sleep is what is making everything so bad.Like right now,I feel like I'm not here,I'm so tired.It a very weird feeling.
pam90720 beth54337
Hi Beth I’m with Lori on this .. I have been (and still going through) just what you have described... I had no idea what was going on.. so scared, so much anxiety and panic attacks... felt let I was dying .. I am blessed I came across this forum... you are not alone!!!!!! The painful fatigue .. not now though I’m in full menopause... I mentioned to my mom so many Times in the past that I felt like I needed to be in a straight jacket.. rocking back and forth saying “ I know I’m not going crazy, I know I’m not going crazy”. Hang in there friend this forum does help so much.. hugs💕🙏
Guest beth54337
lori93950 pam90720
Guest beth54337
Hi Beth! I am 41. Started with terrible symptoms at 40. Normally in perimenopause you will notice periods are different...skipping, closer, heavier, lighter, etc. I believe stress can set some of us on this journey early. I have a special needs child. Testing FSH is not really accurate until you are officially in menopause... 12 months period free. Make sure you join the menopause group, do you can see all posts. THere is so much info...we are a wise bunch! I wish I knew then what I know now! Would have saved a lot of ER visits and panic! 😁
lori93950 Guest
Thank God for the women on here as I would definitely think I’m losing it !
beth54337 Guest
Thank you,
My daughter had cancer at the age of 2,she's 11 now,but Everytime she gets sick ,even with a normal childhood illness,I go into panic mode and think the worse.That on top of the stress from the uti,and the adrenaline rushes every morning are driving me insane.
Guest beth54337
lori93950 beth54337
So teach her now ! Blessings to you .
beth54337 Guest
Yes,I went hoping for answers and she was a woman Dr. that was in her 50's and she still said I was too young and that it was either anxiety or pms.
I was hoping she would say it was my hormones,so I wouldn't think I was dying.I have so much health anxiety,and that is something I haven't had to deal with since I was in my 20's and worked as a nurse.
beth54337 lori93950
Thank you,she is healthy.We eat organic,nothing processed.When we left the hospital she was 3 and they gave her 0 % chance of survival. It was stage 4 neuroblastoma,and with God and our new lifestyle,she is doing awesome.But it's always it the back of my mind.Almost like ptsd.It seems heightened by all of this hormone bs.I always heard menopause was hot flashes,why doesn't anybody want to talk about all the other things that go along with it.Im hoping the surges end soon,I can probably deal with the rest,just not lack of sleep.
susan58415 beth54337
pat48401 beth54337
beth54337 pat48401
It's funny you mention this,because I had Keflex and that is when the panic started.I wondered about the connection,but it's been 2 months,how long does this crap stay in your system?I felt like it messed up my system because I hadn't been on antibiotics in 8 yrs prior to this.
lori93950 beth54337
pat48401 beth54337
pat48401 lori93950
Hi Lori
Even in their manufacturer web site for amoxicillin anxiety has been me tioned as one of the side effects. There is a website called "ask a patient" almost half of people have complained about panic attack and anxiety and suicidal thoughts after taking this drug.
pat48401 beth54337
With you doctor.