Feel like I'm losing my mind

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Hi. Just beginning perimenopause. I feel as if I'm going to lose my mind 😔 Started back on antidrepressant and anti anxiety meds but only a couple of weeks ago so more side effects than relief just yet. I'm ok one minute, then just want to go to bed as early as I possibly can just to end the day. I hate it so much. Anyone else feel this way? 😔

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Brenda yes I have felt the same way as you. You are not losing your mind...it really feels like it though. You are hormonal normal. I felt that way for a good 3-5 months. I do feel better most days. You will get better too! It takes a little time but the ladies on this site will help so much. I hope that you feel better soon! Take care
    • Posted

      Thank you Becky. I feel pretty alone in this. It means alot to know that I'm not. Thank you for writing. It makes me glad when I reach out and respond to someone that I may be making them feel better like you have just done 😊

    • Posted

      Awww Brenda you are sweet! You are definitely not alone! Hang in there. It is a roller coaster ride but we will get through it smile
    • Posted

      I take raw vitamin d3 (mine was very low), I watched only uplifting shows, light walking everyday, read devotional, Peri books, kept my mind active (even if it was dishes or doing laundry), stayed on this website daily and I pray everyday for all of us. Once you realize all of this is hormones (it takes a while to believe it) You will be able to handle it a little better.
    • Posted

      Thank you Becky. I am also praying every day for all of us here. This forum has given me the opportunity to have someone to talk to about this and I check on it daily to receive and give help. 😊

  • Posted

    YES! And I'm scared to try anything what are the name of the two meds and does it really help or make things even worse?

    • Posted

      Hi. The meds are Fluoxetine and Buspar. Pretty low doses. Well the Buspar I take 3 times a day, it was prescribed that way. I think it's helping because I'm not constantly crying, but I don't feel like myself yet. Only been a couple of weeks on the meds.

    • Posted

      Common fluoxetine side effects may include:sleep problems (insomnia), strange dreams;

      headache, dizziness, vision changes;

      tremors or shaking, feeling anxious or nervous;

      pain, weakness, yawning, tired feeling;

      upset stomach, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;

      dry mouth, sweating, hot flashes

      Wow that med would make my condition even worse. Why they give meds that make our anxiety and panic attacks even worse!

    • Posted

      No kidding! But it's supposed to level out in time so I figured the side effects would really stink for awhile, but at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I can't believe so many women have to suffer through this!

  • Posted

    I'm persevering without anti depressants and anxiety meds and trying the natural methods but either way it's hard. I hate looking at myself in mirrors/photos and find myself in low moods or easily irritable most days. I'd love to just stay indoors and stay in bed but have to push through for work/family etc. I have OK days and bad days but would love to go back to when I liked myself and loved life! Sigh. I hope it gets better!

    • Posted

      Hi Angie. I was just doing some reading on Magnesium. Do you take a supplement of that? Hope you feel better. I can't believe how awful this is and I'm so grateful for this forum. It's fsntastic to have people to talk to about all this.

    • Posted

      Hi Angie it does get better. I still have a couple of rough days now and then but nothing like before. Best thing to do is keep your mind active, remember that this is caused from hormones and try to take a light walk everyday even if you don't feel up to it. We will get through this. You are already another day closer to being done with all of this. Take care!

    • Posted

      I take magnesium, plus Vit b and d and a low dosage of 5htp. I feel much better than before but now where near my previous happy self. Thanks for the advice. You're right to suggest Day by day!

    • Posted

      Thank you Angie. I think I will try the vitamins along with my meds. 😌 This forum is just full of caring people 😊

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