Feel like my life is over.
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I am 40 years old, and over the past month I have noticed changes within. Firstly, my period was 10 days later, although I felt all the symptoms a week before it was meant to arrive, only to experience them again. Shortness of breath has become ridiculous, where I think I may die in my sleep. For the past week to date , I am experiencing blockage in both ears, head pressure - sometimes the whole head, right side or left side and neck pressure. The head pressure is very frustrating, it isn't like a headache or migraine, its feels like my brains neurons are getting tangled up, sometimes the pressure spreads to my eyes even. Especially when lying horizontally at bedtime, do I feel the same head pressure and even more extreme, like it might explode, its scary plus the shortness of breath. Its like I might be better off dead as I don't enjoy this one bit. Its so bad that all the other symptoms (fatigue, mood swings, listlessness) don't bother me so much. Like rihht now, as I type, my neck feels pressure as well. So, I cannot hear, breathe, or think straight with the head pressure..What is the opint of living like this. In addition, I am a mature student and will be attending university.graduate school this September and wondering how I will cope with study.
What to do? Does anyone else experience all these symptoms. Should I start bio identical hormone therapy seeing as I may be entering (or already in) pre menapause? I need all the help I can get. I don't want to give up on my life. I want to be able to manage this somehow
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Guest loonarider
loonarider Guest
Lisaippie loonarider
Yes I have exact things going on it has been pure hell ! I can barely function I have an appt with my gyn next week they couldn't get me in any sooner I feel like my life is over too I am so tired of all this! What state are u in ? I'm in NC
loonarider Lisaippie
Hello Lisa,
Sorry for super late reply. I am live in the UK, England. Glad I am not alone but sad that we have to go through this! Hope you're feeling ok today x
sarah05599 loonarider
Have you had a chat with your doc, if not I would as they will probs run some blood tests to check your overall health and check your hormone levels although in peri its hard to detect as the hormones fluctuate so much so they tend to go by your symptoms as in my case they did. Hope you find some answers.
loonarider sarah05599
I have finally arranged for some blood tests and check hormone levels. Thanks a lot! x
Guest loonarider
I did have those symptoms, but eventually it lessened. Every now and then I still get the hard to breathe thing and head pressure. It seems like everyone starts getting symptoms exactly when their period starts changing, so it can't be a coincidence that hormones are to blame. And it's amazing they can do so much to our bodies. I don't know if your doctor will give you hrt, but probably will want to give you birth control pills. But you could start out and get some natural progesterone cream and see if that helps some, you don't need a prescription for this. Progesterone is the first hormone that starts plummeting well before periods end for good.
Please don't feel discouraged, you've got a lot of living to do. I wish I was 40 again. These symptoms will lighten up once your body starts to adjust to the hormonal changes. Keep your anxiety in check. Support your immune system. Make sure you are getting sleep!
loonarider Guest
I believe this too - that this HAS to be hormone related given the change in period frequency and so on. I am definitely going to look into progesterone cream, make sure I get adequate sleep and try some relaxation techniques for the anxiety. Thank you so much for the comforting words and the advice, it is really appreciated.
Just one thing, how do you describe the head pressure you experience? I am not sure I am describing it well, but the pressure radiates to one side of my face and feels like I am about to have a seizure or paralyse. Its so scary and worse at night that I cannot sleep. Its just terrible.
Guest loonarider
I described mine as sort of an adrenaline rush running through my body and in my head. I know, it's hard to describe the feeling and doctors just look at you like you have three heads when you try. I also had this tremendous pressure rushing up the back of my neck in to my head. I had all kinds of tests including a brain, neck, and thoracic MRI. All was normal.
Maybe you should see an ENT just to make sure your sinuses are OK?
vicky77852 loonarider
I was in the same boat! I am 43 and my nightmare started a year ago!
I had terrible symptoms and was suicidal. I didn’t know that I was in peri and I was struggling to function daily.
After spending a lot of time, energy and money I found an well informed gyn who gave me hrt almost immediately. Actually it gaves my life back.
loonarider vicky77852
Sassyr12a loonarider
Hi Lou
I know it seems hopeless at the moment but it's gonna be fine. I'm 43, always had these hormone issues so you're not alone. Your list pretty much covers most of the posts on the forum, so whilst it can't actually make you feel better, it is good to know that we know how it feels. I started bhrt 4 months ago, and I'm so much better than I was. I sleep better, much less pain and fatigue and though I do still have bits of anxiety I'm able to function and do the shopping without the feeling of dread. Speak to your gp, get out as much as you can, walk/run/cycle/juggle 🤹??? anything to create a positive change. Try yoga and mindfulness (it's good) and take some vitamins (not sure why but it seemed a good idea). Xxx
loonarider Sassyr12a
kelly55079 loonarider
Yes.. I've had the head pressure. A lot of it with me is the weather as this 'fronts' are coming in. Try over the counter sinus medicine specifically for head pressure.. See if this doesn't help. At times when I stress myself out with all that is going on, I do find that it's worse! I try to walk or swim every day. I think this helps me stay focused on what I'm doing and not think about what I have to do in the upcoming weeks. Pay attention to your blood work. Taking supplements could help. My fatigue/tiredness comes and goes. When it hits, I do the basics, get plenty of rest, eat whole foods, drink water and pray that it passes soon!
loonarider kelly55079