Feel like my life is over.

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I am 40 years old, and over the past month I have noticed changes within. Firstly, my period was 10 days later, although I felt all the symptoms a week before it was meant to arrive, only to experience them again. Shortness of breath has become ridiculous, where I think I may die in my sleep. For the past week to date , I am experiencing blockage in both ears, head pressure - sometimes the whole head, right side or left side and neck pressure. The head pressure is very frustrating, it isn't like a headache or migraine, its feels like my brains neurons are getting tangled up, sometimes the pressure spreads to my eyes even. Especially when lying horizontally at bedtime, do I feel the same head pressure and even more extreme, like it might explode, its scary plus the shortness of breath. Its like I might be better off dead as I don't enjoy this one bit. Its so bad that all the other symptoms (fatigue, mood swings, listlessness) don't bother me so much. Like rihht now, as I type, my neck feels pressure as well. So, I cannot hear, breathe, or think straight with the head pressure..What is the opint of living like this. In addition, I am a mature student and will be attending university.graduate school this September and wondering how I will cope with study. 

What to do? Does anyone else experience all these symptoms. Should I start bio identical hormone therapy seeing as I may be entering (or already in) pre menapause? I need all the help I can get. I don't want to give up on my life. I want to be able to manage this somehowcry

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23 Replies

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    It sounds really rough what you're going through and I'm sorry for that. Very scary.

    You could begin to try and figure this out by first having a work up at the doctors to rule out some basic things; have some labs done and have someone take a good look at you with regards to your neck and head pressure.

    Anxiety and hormones can cause a whole array of strange symptoms for sure.

    Do you have people around you that are close to you that know you well? have they observed changes and you?

    Does the out of breath feeling come out of the blue or is it brought on by anything?

    Please stay on this form as all of us here will give you as much support as we can.


    • Posted

      Sorry for the late reply mauiblue. I have been so out of sorts lately that even forget to check my mail sad

      Yes, you are right I need a full check up at my doctors and have arranged an appointment now. Unfortunately, I don't have many connections in the area that I recently moved to, though slowly making connections. My partner is being supportive but there is only so much he can do and my step kids are understanding also, thankfully. 

      I have been monitoring the shortness of breath and seems to not be linked to anything I'm doing. It'll just come out of the blue and this goes for the head pressure also. Interestingly, at night it is the worst, especially when lying down for some reason rolleyes

      Last night was the worst. Shortness of breath and head pressure at the same time. Not sure whetehr to start a separate thread but, it really isn't like your average headache or even migraine. It radiates down right side of my face, and I feel the pressure in my right eye - when I bend down, my head feels like its about to explode despite my blood pressure being 104/68 and thereabouts and no major fluctuations, even after exercise -if anythign a drop in blood pressure. You would think I had hypertension. 

      Another thing happens quite frequently and I notice a link between not eating early in the day. I don't have breakfast as I never feel like it so early so tend to break my fast around 12 pm most days. Anyway, yesterday I felt vertigo, dizziness like I was just about to faint and I hadn't eaten. I dabbed my finger in sea salt and ate it straight, and half an egg sandwich and I felt better instantly. To add, before I ate food my blood pressure registered at 99/68 which is bordering on low. Thing is, I have never felt like this when eating later in the day and have been intermittent fasting for 4 years now with no issues, and I wonder if peri has anything to do with it. Maybe peri is lowering my blood pressure and therefore I need to eat more frequently over the day, than two main meals (lunch and dinner). It could be that the lowering of blood pressure is causing the head issues, shortness of breath and dizziness. In addition, I have been now taking potassium with every meal, though I think I am not getting enough. I may also be potassium deficient -feel like an electrolyte issue may be there ....

      So many variables, and all so confusing - but the main unmistakable thing is that I don't feel myself and the brain pressure worries me like crazy where I want to cry and lie in bed all day. What has my life become? I start university as a mature student in September and dreading it now. I was excited just a month ago before all these symptoms!

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    One more thing that might be true is that I have recorded that all these symptoms had begun from ovulation and have gradually gotten more severe. My period is due on Friday (though it may not come -phantom period). Praying and hoping these symptoms bugger off after. Need all the tips and advice I can get. Thank you all for your input, so good to know so many women can share in their experiences and offer advice. After all, we are the ones going through it and learning from it. Thank you again!
    • Posted

      This hits home for me.  My symptoms started at 40.  Now 41, and still struggling.   Periods all over.  Fatigue, dizziness. Terrible anxiety out of nowhere. I had the head pressure 24/7, made me unbalanced like walking on a boat.  My sinuses bother me wicked, especially on humid/rainy days.  Got checked inside and out.  I’m healthy.  Hard to get drs to hear me when I say hormones and perimenopause .  I am on an AD now to bring down my anxiety.  Have to wait until Dec to see obgyn, as my last one left the practice and my primary dr is an idiot.

      Keep charting all your periods and symptoms.  Mine are horrible right before next period...which now seem to be every 21 days, so i have like 5 days where i feel human.

      Good luck to you...so sorry, but you’re not alone 😊

    • Posted

      Thank you lou,

      I will keep charting and have some check ups. Tbh not feeling so scared now hearing a lot of women experiencing the same things, having tests to find out nothing is wrong with them! Guess we will have to deal with it! sad

    • Posted

      I think that for sure its best to get something in your system first thing in the morning even if its a half of a bowl of cereal ad a piece of banana with some milk of some sort-almond/soy whatever.

      Being in bed all night without eating ..you need something to give you a bit of energy to start your day.

      I HATE eating in the morning so i understand that its not your preference..  I make myself eat now for the same reasons.

      maybe even taking a mineral supplement would help.

      My hunch is that its all related to your hormones and hence stress.. 

      You are under a lot of subtle stressors. 

      Your blood pressure is good and thats a big deal. I still would try to (when you are able) to get a workup. Just rule out some things.

      The whole hormone journey has been a life changer for me, as its affected my moods, the fog brain, indecision, depression, its horrible. 

      You have support here, and so embrace it.



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    Forgot, my BP is low too.  That doesn’t help matters.  Drs don’t care unless is high 🙄

  • Posted

    You're not alone, and we all experience the different perimenopause symptoms at different times. In fact, I'm 51 and just now having the head pressure and shortness of breath. They're not pleasant! I am new to the idea of bio-identical hormone replacement but I even have a friend who is a nurse for a naturopath who provides this, and I still haven't done it, though I easily experienced 50 of the 66 perimenopause symptoms, many simultaneously, with the shortness of breath and head fullness being current and the worst of them all. I'd suggest progesterone to start with, along with deep breathing exercises. I use Flonase for my nasal congestion but then, it's also humid and summertime in the American southeast.

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