Feel Like No One Believes Me :(

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Anyone else feel dizzy/off-balance every day? I don't think my doctor(s) believe me when I tell them that I feel this way (almost) every day....I've not actually fallen down, but it feels as though I'm swaying even when I'm standing (or sitting) still....in fact, it's almost worse when I'm standing/sitting still....I was talking to someone in the hallway at work yesterday and thought I was going to fall over (although I don't think anyone can actually see me swaying)....I also feel a weird "internal" shaking in my legs sometimes...I've had a ridiculous number of medical tests, and they all came back normal....my doctors have suggested that it's anxiety, but I'm wondering if it might be perimenopause? My periods have been very erratic for the last eighteen months or so (which is about when all of this began happening)....coincidence? Looking for some advice from anyone who has these physical symptoms....how do you get through the days? I'm so frustrated...I just want my life back!!!

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231 Replies

  • Posted

    hi kitty im feeling just like you are dizzy and heady all the time. Normally starts at the beginning of my periods. x
    • Posted

      hi lesley....just curious to know if you're taking anything for the symptoms? 
    • Posted

      hi yes b6 and b12 only just started taking them. Also take a multivit and evening primrose oil. What do you take x
    • Posted

      Lesley, Only 3 days ago, I experienced (for the first time) a week-early period, dizziness, a nasty headache, and nausea-- all in the same day. It was so scary because I had no idea what was wrong. It was literally the day after my 50th birthday. I've just begun to investigate on this website and your post caught my eye immediately--- specifically, that it astarts at the beginning of your periods. I really hope I'm not in for that feeling for years to come. It's awful!!!!!!!!!
  • Posted

    Waery.. I feel the dizziness all the time. It is so crazy. Not a spinning dizzy but an off balance dizzy. There are days I want to scream.


  • Posted

    Hi. I feel like this too, most days. It's not great but I have to just soldier on. I try to focus and sit it out but it's so difficult. I don't know what mine is either, all tests come back normal. It makes you so tired because you have to concentrate so much harder. Have you ruled out any inner ear problem? Worth doing that to be sure. I honestly think that mine is probably hormone related. I get such tight muscles in my head , which give me head aches and pain and I think makes me fuzzy and dizzy. I know exactly how you feel. It's so frustrating . I am so envious of people who can just go for a walk instead of having to concentrate so hard to go a short distance.  I think that relaxing stuff like meditation or yoga can be helpful, especially the floor exercises where you don't have to worry about falling over. Xx
    • Posted

      I know exactly what you mean about feeling envious of other people....everything I do these days feels like such a chore....I miss being able to just hop in my car and go shopping or out to eat or to visit a friend without struggling....there are days I want to just lie in bed and cry for the life I had....it sometimes feels as though I'll never be well again sad

      I have an appointment with an audiologist next week to rule out inner ear problems (my ENT doesn't think they'll find anything wrong, but it's worth checking)....and I'm supposed to begin physical therapy to help with the off-balance feeling (have you tried that?)....feels as though I'm grasping at straws, trying to find anything that will help.

      I'm sorry you're struggling too....it does help me to know that others are going through the same thing....I'm told that this too shall pass (I just hope it's soon!).

    • Posted

      I understand exactly what you are going through. I have been through all the same emotions. I am trying now to focus on each day as it comes and not to think too far ahead or look back. I have found that trying to concentrate on what I can do rather than what icant helps  a little but I agree it's tough. I have had physio for work on my neck muscles and it did help me over a period of time. Unfortunately I had vertigo again whch has kind of thrown a spanner  in the works! I am trying all sorts of natural stuff including the B 6 that Jaynee has suggested. Still early days so can't tell you if it has worked. The Drs havnt found anything in any tests so I'm sure it's all hormone related. Xx
    • Posted

      Hi Mooma....I agree that keeping the focus on today is the best thing to do....I find myself constantly thinking about how things were in the past and worrying that they'll never be that way again....just this morning, I woke up and was crying even before I got out of bed because I couldn't stop thinking about how easy and carefree my life had been up until last March....I tried doing my deep breathing and mindfulness exercises, but I couldn't get myself settled down....I just feel as though everything has fallen apart and I don't know if I'm strong enough to pull it back together.....sorry for the rant, just feeling sorry for myself today.

      I did start the B6 yesterday and will see if that helps with the physical symptoms....if I could just not feel dizzy for a few days I think I'd not be so sad.....

    • Posted

      I could have written that 😔....huge hugs to you xx you are not alone 💓
    • Posted

      Hi,I know your post is a few months old,but I was just wondering how you and everyone was? I ve just turned 46 and I feel dreadful,tight head,I have no appetite,I shake and feel anxious most of the time and I have a major panic attack if I m late eating a meal,sorry forgot to mention the tight shoulders and off balance feeling,the doctors just look and say it's anxiety,but I ve had anxiety andi never felt like this.Did you find the answer to your problem.ThankYou x
    • Posted

      Hi fudgey

      sounds like typical peri and menopause symptoms hun..

      it causes alsorts of problems..

      i had a ten year peri and 20 post meno now aged 51 next month

      and still suffering aches, pains etc 

      jay x


    • Posted

      Hiya, still looking for a solution I'm afraid. Still got tight head, neck shoulders and back. So many aches and pains I feel 90 some days. I know what you mean about the tight shoulders and dizzy/ off balance feeling, horrible. I'm currently trying a low dose HRT, not ideal but last resort for me. It's early days, only been taking about 3 wks so I've yet to see if it helps. Hope you find an answer, it could well be hormone related with you too. My symptoms started well before my period started getting irregular probably about the same age as you. Xx
    • Posted

      Sorry I ve just seen yours and jays replies to me thanks ladies,I think it's hormonal but my dr didn't think so,I wonder if she ll have the same opinion when she starts the Menapause,you have both saved me from going crazy,I just feel permantley stressed out for no reason,thanks so much to both of you xxx


    • Posted

      I'm wondering that if dr have give the go ahead and let us know nothing is wrong maybe we should just not worry about it I'm not real bad pain

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