Feel like something stuck in my throat
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Hi. I'm really hoping somebody can help me, can't find any discussions on here! For the last few months I've had a feeling of having something stuck at the base of my throat or like a lump. It's not there all the time and comes and goes. I went to visit the doc and she had a look but said couldn't see anything and all looked and felt good, but to be in the safe side would refer me to ent to have a look. So today, a month after seeing doc, I had a letter from hosp. I have an urgent appt in 5 days to be seen so that they can rule out more serious conditions such as cancer. This letter has completely freaked me out and I have been in tears all day and am now thinking I have some form of cancer! I'm a 41 yr old lady and a complete mess today as I can't phone or speak to anybody for assurance or advice!
Could my go have seen something and not told me??? Thankyou x
6 likes, 224 replies
Patient-Nat samantha29269
Hi everyone,
Our resident GP has had a look at this thread and written an article about the things that can cause the feeling of something being stuck in your throat.
Read it here: https://patient.info/health/difficulty-swallowing-dysphagia/features/when-it-feels-like-something-is-stuck-in-your-throat
katie16755 Patient-Nat
Thank you 😊
christine98681 samantha29269
please think this appointment could not be an urgent appointment but have you thought it could be a cancellation and you are not thinking about it in this way at moment its because its come so quick as a shock its bound to freak you out but it dose happen plus its better this way than having to wait weeks no matter when it came you still would feel the same its better to get it sorted now and get it over with.
look on the posative side first before it gets to a negative you are panacking before you get there don't get me wrong i feel for you but unless you are told what you have it could be something entirely different you have already got it into your head and letting it run away with you this is anxiety you are experincing wich is normal
go with an open mind come back on here with a with your results no you don't have it and keep your chin up ............................im pretty sure you are thinking the worst before you get to the appointment you will wonder why you got yourself in such a state please keep posting.
take care
samantha29269 christine98681
I will try and not think about it so much and let you know what they say in Thursday.
Sam xx
mani45990 christine98681
This normal... take salt and ginger make boial for 50 mins than add honey and drink every 15 mins... do this for 10 day.... I will feel batter
christine98681 samantha29269
thank you for replying yes you let me no im worrying for you too but i do think if you can calm down a bit im sure you will be fine roll on thursday for you and me but i must admit i would be the same its only normal for you to feel up tight but i suppose its easy for me to tell you to try and keep camlmer but i do think it could be due to a cancellation is your voice any different ???.
i no i shouldn't tell you this but if you dare just have a quick look on the net but don't go too much into it or you will convince yourself you have it just to put your mind at rest at least a little bit or just leave it as i don't want you thinking im pushing you but im convinced you don't have it but im wondering if it could be a small poliph on your larenghts thats nothing my husband had one yrs ago he had his took of they freeze it it dosent hurt i wont say any more but he was fine even down to such as gastric reflux can cause a feeling of a lump coming up into your throat .
well lets stop sumiseing and see im sure youve nothing as serious as cancer or it would be there all the time and you would be gaspping for breath it would block your airways excuse my spelling.
please try not to worry for my sake
you just don't forget to keep me posted
good luck
samantha29269 christine98681
The net is awful when your worrying! Have certainly found that out lol. My voice was quite hoarse for a couple of weeks then fine then hoarse again but I did have a cold too at the time. My voice is ok as far as I know. I do keep telling myself that if it was bad then yes I would feel something there all the time and have other symptoms too?
I had skin cancer couple years back and since then I always think the worse with everything!!! Lol. Am going to pop to my docs tomorrow for a little reassurance as she told me all seemed well when I saw her lol.
Thanks again x
jammyc1973 samantha29269
I can totally sympathise with you and your concerns. I have been suffering a sore and painful throat for 4 weeks now and have been suffering with colds and sore throats since March with about 4 or 5 episodes but this is definitely the worst case so far.
I too have this sensation of something lodged within the bottom of my throat and painful when swallowing that comes and goes. I wake up every morning with a dry and scratchy throat also. My cold has now disappeared but the throat issue remains. I too have seen the doctor who could find nothing but how can he see right down to the bottom. I have had blood tests done (for diabetes and HIV) and have been called back in in two weeks time and was told it was just precautionary and nothing to worry about by the receptionist.
I too have been stressing myself out thinking what it could be and am just fearing the worst. I am very irritable towards my wife which is putting a strain on our relationship. I am 41, don't drink or smoke. Am a keen runner ( up until recently when I have just not felt like it) . My appetite is still very good which is some sort of positive out of this. Just want to feel myself again and want this throat issue to just go away.
I hope we can both get sorted soon. Good luck
lucie2412 samantha29269
How did you get on?
I have what sounds like similar symptoms and have to wait unitl December to see ent.
I was just wondering what your outcome is?
Hope you're ok
masoodak28268 samantha29269
I appreciate and understand your thoughts as l to o have the same feelings and symptoms.
Signs symptoms you have to look out for are: Loss of appetite weight loss hoarse voice Feverish and generaly being unwell to mentoon a few. The ENT Appointment will put your mind at ease. My ent consultant decided to go for a ct scan. Which I will have an appointment for next week...
I lost my farher due to oesophageal cancer so lm worried too but there is No point worrying about it unless they confirm somethings wrong. until then l will have to keep my chin up and keep going.
Whilst i work within a medical desciplin, its v difficult to understand other specialties such as ENT. So l will have to wait and be hopeful.
The reason i am writing to you is that i can feel your thoughts and i can only suggest in calmness as stress Exacerbate the problems.
I hope all goes well for you.
Sorry didn't let you all know sooner but after pretty much putting my life on hold for the week I am in catch up mode now!
So saw the head and throat cancer specialist who had a good look and then stuck the camera up my nostril and down the back of my throat ( yes yack yack). He said that I had less than 1% of anything looking nasty there! Yayyyyy. Altho I do have some burning? From some acid which I need to see doc about. But he wants me to have a barium X-ray within a month to check lower and rule out everything because he doesn't want me in his clinic lol!! Soooooooo pleased!
Still have the feeling there but I know it's nothing sinister now, just some heartburn and acid, which I was surprised. Will update you. After the X-ray but I am so relieved! Both myself and husband burst into tears I front of the consultant lol. Thankyou so much for all your kind words and support, it really made a difference to my well being beforehand trust me!
Loving my life xxxxx
al_76600 samantha29269
carl1763 al_76600
amey68234 al_76600
I' am nearly a year now with a similar problem in my thoat, very hard to go to sleep as blocks a bit too much. Fel like I need to swallow something. I went to hospital for a stomatch scan last november, they said, I have Helycopillory vactery.Therefore I was sent on antibiotics, but I was never shown what they found on the scan. Neither received the results of after care breast test, to see if was fine or not.
But now I don't know what to do? because kind of not able to trust General Doctors. I don't know what type of specialist can help for this type of throat problems.
RaffUK samantha29269
keith49444 RaffUK
amey68234 RaffUK
Plus I try to relax and sleep one hour more than my usual time. (:
chrissy02950 keith49444
AmidalaSKY RaffUK
shastar01902 keith49444
jill70276 keith49444
If you don’t mind me asking, whatever came about with your throat issue? I know it’s been 3 years since you wrote this....I was just checking.
Mommyfresh shastar01902
hamy12696 keith49444
Hi keith r u still hving da same problem or it was solved thnx