feel my bodies closing down
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Hi can anybody HELP desperate for any information i can get i have been on all sorts of cremes and HRT, products coming out of my ears and nothing helps. The problem i am having at the moment is the HRT pessary, i now seem to have closed up and can get anything into the vagina iam in so much pain, i am losing the will to live with this penopause i have every menopause symptom you can get and i seem to be at the severe end of all symptoms. HELP
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jude84900 heather7777
Heather, have you had blood work done regularly to check your hormone levels? Are you taking bio identicals hormones? If bloodwork is not done regular there is no way to know how much you need, setting yourself up for failure with HRT. Too much or too little is no good. This is where a good doctor comes in that studies and knows what to do and runs proper testing. Bio Identical Hormones should be used over sythetics. This might be some of your trouble if you are on sythetic forms. I don't know your age or how long you've been doing battle with these symptoms so I take it you are in menapause or close to it. Hormones are very powerful, but when used properly and by a trained Dr. they can change your life. When not used properly problems can occur and thats why many women get frustrated, scared and just give up on HRT. I have been in menapause for 2 years and got on bio identical hormones immediately. I use transdermal creams consisiting of estrodial, estriol and testosterone. I also take OTC progesterone cream. I have had no problems and it changed my life. In saying that I have had numerous blood tests and adjustments on my hormone creams and amounts. Its a little inconvienent but the results of going on BHRT and its success is so so worth it. A bio identical vaginal cream might help your situation. My thoughts, good luck!
heather7777 jude84900
Struggling50 heather7777
You're welcome.
Ask your GP for a referral. If the GP hasn't a clue than do an internet search for menopause doctors in your area.
That is what I am going to do. A
Gynecologist probably won't be a good Dr for this problem unless they know a lot about menopause and it's treatment.
I'm personally going to search on the internet for menopause Bioidentical HRT doctors in my area.
Hope this helps.
heather7777 Struggling50
Thank's i am defo going to do that just been waiting for a bit of advice thank's new hope.
Struggling50 heather7777
You're welcome. I really hope that you can find a great doctor and get some relief soon. This whole perimenopausal/menopause stuff just sucks! I just want to feel like me again. I understand what you are going through. I am SO tired today. I just want to sleep.
Hope you feel like yourself soon.xx
jude84900 heather7777
If you live in the U.S. you shouldn't need a referral. Most general drs.don't know enough about hormone replacement and when they do prescribe hormones its seems synthetics are whats prescribed. They haven't studied about bio identical hormone replacement so for the most part they are in the dark about them. My own general doctor frowned on the thought of hormone replacement. I read alot on BHRT and the first obstacle is your doctor. Again, they do not advance their medical knowledge into hormone replacement so you have to find one that does. You want that anyway. A doctor that knows what to do, what to test, what to put you on. Generally a holistic or alternative dr is intune with bio identical hormone therapy. If you are in the U.S. they can be found almost anywhere. Some people do have to travel depending where the closest office is. I searched my area and found one. Best thing I ever did at this point in my life. I too had some of them dreadful menapause symptoms. You shouldn't have to suffer and a knowledgeable dr should be able to turn things around for you. If you do go this route your dr will likely recommend necessary supplements to start taking. Good Luck!
Struggling50 jude84900
Thank you. I have found a doctor in my area that is an integrative medicine doctor who prescribes Bioidentical HRT. I am doing some research on him. I almost went to him a year or so ago for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy that is in my right foot and leg. It is a very painful Nerve disorder. He prescribes a drug for it that other doctors won't. Anyway, going to check him out.
Take care. Thanks for the information.
Mars777 heather7777
heather7777 Mars777
Struggling50 heather7777
I am in perimenopause/menopause. I have bad symptoms too. My anxiety, panic attacks, depression & weepiness/crying are off the charts.
I am finding relief with acupuncture. Right after treatment I become angry, agitated, irritated, cry a lot, become quite sad, anxious, emotions all over the place. But that is good. The emotions are being released. The next day I feel better.
The acupuncture helps me to sleep better too. I was having bad insomnia. It seems to be helping with night sweats as well.
I have been advised on this site to find a hormone/menopause doctor and give Bioidentical HRT a try.
I am going to start researching for one in my area.
The Dr has to look at your blood work and your symptoms to determine which combination of hormones is going to work for you.
I'm sure there is a bit of trial and error before the right combination for you is found.
Don't give up. Find the right menopause doctor and make sure he uses blood work and your symptoms to get you straightened out.
Best wishes. Hope you feel better soon.
heather7777 Struggling50
Struggling50 heather7777
In the meantime, try meditation, or herbs for anxiety and relaxation, magnesium, calcium, B vitamins, acupuncture, acupressure. Go swimming or a for a walk somewhere that is pretty, color in an adult coloring book, work a jigsaw or just rest. Etc...
Praying for you
Struggling50 heather7777
Trevis heather7777
You hang in there Heather....I'm doing it with Sertraline for anxiety caused through the imbalance I have had for near on 9 years which has been my worst nightmare. Every symptom there is I have or am going through and my doctor looks at me as if I'm making it up. That was 4 years ago since I last seen anyone.... I just deal with it as I'm now at home full time....no carer, no job and no hope of working again at this time. Sorry I'm not more positive but it is what it is. I will say one thing and that is without this forum I don't think I would have kept sane. The ladies on here are amazing and give so much time and support to each other they are all truly amazing. This menopause needs to be recognised by our Doc/Surgeries and taken seriously as it affects a huge part of our life, our work and our wellbeing it's just so unfair. (((💓
heather7777 Trevis