Feel spaced out and drunk, anybody else feel like this daily?
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I have very severe peri meno symptoms but the worst thing for me is this off balance, spaced out almost drunk sensation
I was determined I was getting out of the house today while my husbands off work
It's traumatic enough getting showered and make up on because I feel really shaky and lightheaded
I was in a shopping centre earlier and the feeling of my head being too heavy, feeling faint got the better of me, I'm always determined I won't let it stop me but again I had to come home
I find it all very depressing because I've always been such a busy outdoor sort of person. I have terrible neck pain & tension in it I think it's because I've been keeping my head as still as possible for months
Just wondering if any ladies suffering from similar symptoms have found a sympathetic dr who can explain why some of us experience this and others don't
Thanks for listening
Brenda xx
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cazjaz16 brendababy
brendababy cazjaz16
I try and go out everyday if I can when my sons are not at work or uni or when my husband gets home from work. I was ill last week and couldn't go out for about 4 days and it made me feel really low and depressed
If you lived near me I'd take you out for a walk and we could hang onto one another, people would be envious thinking we've been to the pub and staggering home 😂
Let me know if there's anything I can do or say that might help you
Take care xx
cazjaz16 brendababy
brendababy cazjaz16
I feel scared of everything and the thought of feeling tipsy would make me sick. I think I need to stop fearing and focusing on symptoms
Tonight for example I was popping out in the car with my hubby, opened the front door and the wind blew my hair into my eyes, I threw my head to the side as you do to move my hair and right away I started to panic, feeling dizzy etc, I've been focusing and going on about it all night and they say what you resist persists
I need to get my hair done, my hairdresser has offered to come to the house but I've been putting it off because the thought of her moving my head etc scares me
Think I'll need to get physio to teach me how to move my head again 🙉
Hope you feel better soon
Take care xx
cazjaz16 brendababy
brendababy cazjaz16
However, I've had a couple of light bleeds on the livial HRT
I've got an appointment with my GP today I was going to ask for bloods to be done to see what's happening
Brenda X
karen71465 brendababy
  take care
     karen x Â
brendababy karen71465
I'm left with no job, my husband is suffering as a consequence as I won't let him touch me incase it makes the dizziness/off balance worse, I've developed a real phobia about it
I long to get my life back like all of the ladies but I feel hopeless and helpless at the moment
My GP will not listen to me he told me I'm hyperventilating due to anxiety and that's what's causing the dizzy sensation, I am anxious but it's because of the balance problem
I'm going back to see him tomorrow as I've been taking livial fir 3 months and don't feel it's helping at all
I'm going to try and research this and find someone who'll listen to me. I'll keep posting and hopefully with some positive news lol
Take care xx
terri16632 brendababy
brendababy terri16632
I told her I was taking livial a form of HRT. I'm going to see the doc tomorrow night so I'll check with him
The lightheaded/dizziness, off balance symptoms and also not forgetting the disabling anxiety has resulted in me having to give my job up and not being able to leave the house on my own. Even washing my hair is traumatic because I don't like to move my head about too much
I think these symptoms are not being researched and treated accordingly because menopause is not an illness but it is ruining woman's lives, think I'll look into contacting someone in the media to try and get this some publicity!!
Thanks for your help xx
lou63 brendababy
I felt excactly the same, I could hardly shower I would hold onto the walls at times, I would avoided going out and shopping was a nightmare supermarkets were the worst.
I have told many GPs and my thyroid specialist, they just looked at me blankly like they had never heard anyone describe how i was feeling, I had a 24 hour heart monitor and heart scan because i was having palpatations, all was fine.
I have found that taking Vit B6 and B12 have 90% rid me of this most debilitating symptom.
I hope you find something that helps, its a awfull symptom.
All the best
brendababy lou63
The dizziness/off balance sensation is the worst thing ever, it prevents you from doing anything and causes so much anxiety
How long have you had the imbalance sensation for? My biggest fear is being left like this
I'm age 51 my sister is 50 and she is also going through the meno, she suffers with hot flushes and some aches and pains in her joints, she's never had any of these awful dizzy sensations and just tells me to get on with things, I just find these comments so frustrating that other people don't believe how frightening & debilitating it is
I hope you continue to feel better, let me know if you come across any other remedies that helps
Hugs xx
terri16632 brendababy
dianna20043 brendababy
YEP THATME. Â If you find a tablet that can elivate the sensation I would love o hear. Â I have finished menopause but suffer severe hot flushes that actually make me feel like you stated. Â Taking Premia 2.5 but it doesnt seem to be taking away the symptoms. Â Back to the doctor on 30 November 2015 to see what else I can try. Â Its the pits and trying to tell someone about it they dont fully understand. so now I just suffer in silence. Â All the best.
brendababy dianna20043
I know it's hard but I don't care how much the docs think I'm a pest or imposing I'm gonna keep persisting until someone listens
We all know that peri & meno is declining and fluctuating hormones but I personally think it should be talked about and researched much more to alleviate a lot of unnecessary anguish and suffering
If it's a simple transition a normal stage of a woman's life should there be so much suffering? why should we put up and shut up because Gps and gynos either don't have resources, think woman are hysterical and think we should all be sedated or tranquillised until the hormones settle down, which btw can take years
There must be a sex hormone specialist out there who has came across these particular symptoms before and is knowledgable and wise enough to know why some woman endure constant dizziness/off balance while others don't and what we can take to alleviate it
Sorry for ranting on but this is how I feel, so much life is passing by and we're just expected to accept it, it's time all ladies stood up and shouted out until someone listens
Take care xx
dianna20043 brendababy
xxx dianna
brendababy dianna20043
It's the balance issue that's causing so many woman to have to give up their jobs, become housebound etc, this is totally unacceptable, if it were some disease causing this you would be taken into hospital and all different test done until they find out what's causing it and what the correct treatment is
HRT seems to be one size fits all, well it's not working and I believe more could be done
Have a nice evening where ever you are or a good sleep if in the uk xx
dianna20043 brendababy
I am in Australia so we are just starting our day.
brendababy dianna20043
I'm living in beautiful but gloomy Scotland just starting winter
I hope you have a great day and keep posting and let us know if you come across any wonderful doctors in oz who can help us navigate our way through this
Hugs xx
jackie95472 brendababy
brendababy jackie95472
Watch this space....hopefully
Hugs xx
jackie95472 brendababy