feel worse :'(
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i have been taking mirtazipine 15mg for 17days now. The first week was fine. No drowsiness just nightmares (now just crazy dreams) anyway things seem to have went down hill pretty fast and now im crying allday scared ive got somthing wrong with me im waking up in a cold sweat and panicking all day. Im also severely depressed and suicidal. I feel like im back to square one! Is this normal? Has anyone else had this? Should I increase or stop taking them? I have tried a few ssris and snri's and they make me way worse for side affects.im just fed up of nothing seeming to work.x
1 like, 17 replies
pixie22 rochelle2006
rochelle2006 pixie22
Thank you.x
carolyn88417 rochelle2006
rochelle2006 carolyn88417
Thank you.
gen07717 rochelle2006
I have been on Mirtazapine for the last 5 months together with a high dose of another antidepressant. I too have had suicidal thoughts since being on the medication which were truly awful at the time, but it did pass. That's not to say that I won't get them again but they are few and far between.
I have spells of ok/good days which are then followed by lots of horrible days but the ok ones keep me going, although it is very hard when you're in the middle of them.
As Pixie says, give it some more time. Don't lose hope because if I can have ok/good days after 9 months of being severely depressed, then you can and will too. Presently, you can't see that happening but that's the depression talking. You will get better.
Keep talking to your doctor and to people on this site. We all want to help each other and I have found it a great comfort over the last few months.
Take good care and be kind to yourself. You will get there xxx
jacqueline59667 rochelle2006
daz101 rochelle2006
My experience with mirt was similar to yours , I could cry at the drop of a hat
Music for some reason made me so emotional , I was sad constantly thinking about my 2 yr old daughter just a feeling of
So much sadness it was unreal
It also gave me side effects similar to that
Of fibromyalgia every joint / bone in my body ached . I quit cold turkey after 2 months because in this case the side effects out weighed the benefits
I'm now on fluoxetine and doing 10 times better every drug is different every persons
Tolerance aswell but if it continues I would consider going back to your doc you can only give a med a certain amount of time
And if that time is too long and it still hasn't
Started working and / or the side effects haven't diminished I would move on
Best of luck
karin65289 rochelle2006
It sounds like you are having a difficult time. Is it possible that what you are feeling is the result of depression rather than a reaction to the Mirtazipine? What you described sounds like anxiety / panic especially the cold sweats and suidcidal ideation. Can you see a medical practioner to discuss this with?
Remember that some people starting an antidepressant can experience suicidal feelings. I've not heard of that in relation to Mirtzapine but it is an antidepressant.
What has the medication been prescribed for? I take 15 mg at bedtime for a sleep disorder. The only side effects I've had over the years is sleepiness and weight gain.
I hope that are able to get some answers from the medical profession. Remember that it can take some time to find the right antidepressant - fortunately there are alot of them to choose from. The best of luck to you, the wrong ssri can feel like a nightmare. Trust your body to find the right one and don't give up until you do.
Knowle_Rohrer rochelle2006
I would go and see your GP and have a chat with him/her on Monday.
All the best.
rochelle2006 Knowle_Rohrer
My gp is rubbish she doesn't care. I suffer severe depression and panic disorder. I know what I feel is probably the depression being made worse but I want to know if this normal on this med after a week of feeling better? Thank you all again x
vixxxen222 rochelle2006
I started taking Mirt the first of JAnuary this year...few short months but I tell ya... I was on a natural high of feeling fabulous the 2nd and 3rd week on Mirt, then I went down, yes it can happen. had about a month of manic crazy dreams, they were crazy! but the best part of my experience with Mirt is that I no longer suffer from Anxiety, and I can finally sleep!
the dreams are still there, but not so intense or manic like in the beginning. I find my mood to be leveled out, if that makes sense.
I used to get angry very quickly, like one minute i was perfectly fine, and then the next, something would p*ss me off or whatever and I would be in rage, anxiety would kick in and I would tremble, ..well since I started Mirt, I no longer feel those rages. I do not get upset much at all anymore...Like my mind is just content.
know what I mean?
I believe you will adjust to the Mirt....just give it the full 6-8 weeks girl...
dont give in just yet,
And dont give in to the power of the mind, its just thoughts....try replacing them with something else. controlling your thoughts instead of letting them control you.
Mirtazapine is an amazing med for me and for many of us..
Just hang on
karin65289 rochelle2006
If you don't have a good relationship with your doctor is it possible to see someone else? Or get a referral to a mental health professional? I am not familiar with the healthcare system in the UK (assuming that is where you live). It sounds like you are are difficult time and I wish you the best.
bob255 rochelle2006
tintin1012000 rochelle2006
I suggest taking it 60 to 90 min before bed, it took me a few months to figure this out but I havnt looked back,
rochelle2006 tintin1012000