Feelig like S*** Is this normal??
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Good afternoon Ladies,
I think I just need some reassurance that I am not a hypochondriac! I only found out I was Peri about six weeks ago I went to my doctor because of my night sweats I was worried that I had diabetes as they had been happening for a while and my eye sight seemed to be getting worse. When I sat down with my GP she explained I was starting my menopause and these were the symptoms starting. Ok I thought now I know it’s a relief, but in the last three weeks I feel like I am falling apart! I am so tired (I crash at work which is embarrassing) I feel sick all the time and I have terrible heart burn, I can handle the flashes but it’s the feeling so low that is getting to me. I have suffered with depression before when my Mum suddenly died but I don't think I felt this bad I really cant concentrate I forget silly things am I going mad surely things cant change so quickly...can they? I really have no energy for work or home all I want to do is sleep then I cant! Sorry Ladies I just not the type of person to go to the doctors usually and for all this to start so quickly I am worried I am imagining it I feel like a hypochondriac always moaning to my poor hubby, I don’t have any friends I would talk to about this and I feel that I would be moaning if I did, so any advice or just reassurance that I am not going mad would be great. I started taking EPO, vitamin B6 and Vitamin D to see if they help but nope! Thank you in advance Ladies
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lea1970 Sandeevie
michelle50768 Sandeevie
Welcome to the perimenopause club!!!
Ive been in perimenopause eight years now 48. Ive has every symptom there is to have. Ive just finished a two week long period and am currently on the sofa with severe nausea.
Have a hospital appointment to have a five day heart monitor fitted due to palpitations.
Sorry I cant give you any advice but this siteIis a Godsend.
All tha ladies here are fabulous.
Im sure they can offer you more help than me.
Im currently on low dose AD to ease the anxiety and depression.
Stay strong. Sending hugs xx
sue976 Sandeevie
i started with this last January, like you it seemed to start over night, I got terrible indigestion which I have never suffered with, pains all over my body, panic attacks, palpitations, just generally feeling terrible, I was at the A&E on a regular basis, everything was coming back normal, then that's when my GP said I was definitely in Peri, I could not believe how bad it's made me feel, I have gone from never going to GP to never been away, I Have taken yoga up and that seems to help and I gave a great hubby too, good job really because I wouldn't be surprised if he run a mile, I'm trying to get through this with just the natural remedies, but like my GP said it could go on for a very long time, so need to relax more now I know what I'm dealing with. This group as helped a lot too. Big Hugs and Hope your Feeling Better Soon xx
susan21149 Sandeevie
Just give it time and it will get better
norma54754 Sandeevie
Thank you soooo Much xxxx
michelle50768 Sandeevie
IM off to have heart monitor fitted for perimenopause palpitations lol.
Taking my nausea Iwith me
I suppose its better I make a joke about it or ill cry xx
Sandeevie michelle50768
michelle50768 Sandeevie
janelle99349 Sandeevie
Calling this "the change of life" is spot on because its a major change and because it happens at this age, its hard for us to understand it all.
michelle50768 Sandeevie
Back from getting my seven day heart monitor fitted and apparently she could see flutters in the monitor. GREAT. That has sent my anxiety through the roof lol.
So I will try my hardest not to think the worst but as you know with peri thats easier said than done
I have to keep talking to myself and telling myself not to panic.
Im sure all you lovely ladies can relate
Wishing you all the best.
Hang in therr ive heard it gets better on the other side.
Well I hope so
sue976 michelle50768
try not to worry, it was probably with it just been fitted and you would of been anxious too. I had one on for seven days and at the end of it all was good, it was my anxiety that was causing the palpitations. You do actually forget your wearing it after a few days.
wish you well with it xx
michelle50768 sue976
But also just finished a 14 day period so not feeling too clever anyway.
Thanks for your reply xx
michelle50768 sue976
ITs me again. Had severe nausea for about a week now. Have had bad bouts on and off in perimenopause.
Its really getting me down. Anyone else suffer nausea in perimenopause and if so any remedies. At my wits end with it amongst all the other symptoms for the past eight years