Feeling anxious
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Hi to all my peri friends,
Yesterday was not a good day and today I feel the same. I thought being on HRT would help. It has help with joints etc but I still get very anxious. Most of the time I don't know what for. Yesterday I was shaky, tired, dizzy and kept getting surges of panic. When I went to bed I couldn't sleep even though I was drained of energy. Hence today I am feeling just as anxious.
When will it all end. I'm so fed up with feeling this way and always fearing the worst. Every ache/pain is magnified when I am like this and I have that much tension my teeth hurt from clamp jaw.
I began my period three days ago but have only just really got going on it today. Does anyone else feel like this on their period three or so days in? I'm wondering if it is because of this but I'm also wondering if you can take too much b6 and b12 and this have an effect too.
Sorry if I'm covering old ground ladies but I just need reassurance that I'm normal because at times I feel like I'm going to go mad with it all.
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Jan999 helen95781
helen95781 Jan999
Jan999 helen95781
helen95781 Jan999
Sus28 helen95781
Some people get the runs or headache with stress. It's just how it manifests in our body.
I have tabs to control this but do try to manage without . At 63 I do not want to start the path of repeat prescriptions .
I am post menopause and have Av but generally try not to connect the two
helen95781 Sus28
Snatchpiece helen95781
You wrote how I have been feeling as I started with this latest HRT 4 months ago which are patches which also give you a monthly bleed. Since starting with these my periods have not come as expected ie 26 days ,37 days, 26 days and now 21 days. Like you I thought by going on HRT things would have improved but I have booked to see my GP on Monday as I personally don't feel these are for me as this last month I have felt so anxious and my health anxiety just works on overdrive so much so the past few days I got myself so worked up I could feel my period was due and this month felt it has taken its time in arriving but I then had myself with every major disease to man and couldn't get myself out of it. I just its just our hormones adjusting and GP did tell me that it can take upto six months to settle as don't forget our own hormones are still being produced.
As i said I am going back on Monday to see if there would be another option as my main problem is with health anxiety and when my hormones are in balance I feel really great with no worries at all. I don't want to go on antidepressants because I know this is my peri symptom but like you want some relief from it all and want my old self back which was a happy, positive and very level headed!!
I guess its its going to be trial and error with HRT as what will help for some may not for you and I.
Good luck in getting the right kind of relieft and the right HRT which will help. I was told by one doctor that HRT only gives relief to hot flushes and dryness but they don't have any proof it works for anxiety.
I am worn out in trying to find out what would help me with my anxiety and the only thing I have thought out was to go and see a homeopathic who may have some answers as my my acupuncture lady swears by them and meant to be great for lots of different things!
Massive hugs to you my lovely xxxxJoy
helen95781 Snatchpiece
Thanks for your reply. It really is a comfort to know you are not alone. I will go back to the doctors but the only thing that's holding me back is that the doctor I usually see is now on maternity leave and I don't want to see anyone else.
You say you are not on anti depressants. I have been on them 15 years and still get anxious. Like you say you are worn out trying to find an answer and I agree entirely. It's exhausting. I just want to be normal again.
Big hugs to you. X
Snatchpiece helen95781
I did read somewhere that it is peri anxiety so don't know if they would have really helped and this was my reason for not trying them. Like you I thought that going on HRT would have helped and I guess they have in a funny sort of way because my anxious blips do not last as long but too still get them though.
i have emailed a local homeopathic who was recommended to me to see if she has any answers or magic cures so I will report back once I have spoken to her.
For me personally need more help when my period is brewing as this is the only time I truly get anxious and this I why I think that I need to perhaps have my HRT adjusted accordingly to help me through this part. This may well be where you seem to be suffering aswell as I guess my body is not producing enough progesterone and what's in the HRT isn't enough and this may well be why I have suffering so much in recent months.
At least we all have each other to bounce ideas off and supporting each other through these blips! Together we will find peace in ourselves once again.
Joy xxx
jayneejay Snatchpiece
i have seen a homeopathic specialist and today i collected my 3 to try.
i havent ever had HRT as you know, and i am post meno, but feel menapol plus is just not cutting it for me, anxiety is fine, i dont have that now like i did this time last year.
so ... I shall keep all my other supplements and Vits going, with the addition of homeopathic
have a good weekend, sending my warmest regards
jay x
helen95781 Snatchpiece
Thanks again for this. You are so right when you say that it is when a period is brewing. The relief when you've finished one is fab because you know that you will have a small window where you can cope for a bit. And then it begins again!
I am definitely going to see a doctor now even though I can't see my usual one. It will be good to hear what the homeopathic has to say.
Snatchpiece jayneejay
Good to hear from you again, how is your house move going?
Regarding the homeopathy I was recommended to go and have a appointment to see if I can do this naturally because not feeling the HRT has really given me any relief this time as it should have given me a bleed more or less the same time each month but it hasn't and each time it goes out of sinc wham my health anxiety starts off again.This month on day 16 I started spotting on and off but have been feeling Anxious since day 10 almost brewing up for my montly proper bleed. Health anxiety has taken route again of thinking the worst when it could be a numer of reasons for it.
If I wasn't brewing up for a period then I wouldn't suffer these anxiety blips so really can't wait not to have them any more.
Today I started using Femlieve Agnus Castus as i have read that can help with PMT and for lifting the low moods.
Still waiting to hear back from this homeopathic lady to see what she suggest so will let you know. Sent her an email with all what I have experienced over the last two years to give her the heads up.
lovely to hear from you and massive hugs to you my lovely. Joy xxxx
jayneejay Snatchpiece
Sorry your not having a good time of it 😫
i am not too bad, its my dam back issues thats wearing me down ..
i have the homepathic to try for my needs as not being a HRT user and post meno..
two for meno ( Sepia & Belladonna)
one for my back pain / issues ( Ruta )
as a sceptic but using it before for other things with success i thought its time to try again..
have a nice weekend Joy
jay x
annieschaefer helen95781
Oddly enough, I used to suffer with plain old PMS. Then during this journey, towards end of last year, I started noticing symptoms that you mentioned and I'm not on HRTs. I have always had a slight issue with anxiety, which has been amplified with the flucuating hormones.
One really odd thing I noticed was unlike with PMS that once my period started the low feelings and anxiety lifted and I felt like my old self, the feelings were lingering longer by several days into my period now. Scared the heck out of me. I guess it is one of the signal things may be coming closer to the end of crazyville, as I like to refer to it.
I take vitamins, supplements and other things to try and help relieve these things, and have taken progesterone cream intermittently (doctor advised) and it's been recently I feel like I can see light at the end of the tunnel but know there's likely more to go yet.
Check back with your doctor as I would have thought 4 months should be enough to help, so maybe an adjustment in dosage is in order for you. Don't know if the vitamins can cause this as well.
I know that many state they help tremendously with the anxiety and blues, but honestly, I take them as well, as while they may be somewhat beneficial, I have not found the profound relief others state they have. How I wish they would work that good!
It simply goes to show, what works for one, may not for another. And that is the beauty of this site, there are many people to learn from here. Some things will help, others not so much!
Hoping you find some peace with this real soon!
Annie xx
Snatchpiece annieschaefer
You are so right regarding the vitamins and I do believe they have helped but we are dealing with our hormones who have stronger minds and I am guessing when they start to level out that we will all feel the benefits from using them.
I have been taking the Busy B's which have a min of 100mg of all the B's and have the added bonus of Vitamin C aswell and I top it up with addition 100 mg of B6 and I am still getting the same anxious feelings. I also take Magnesium Solgar tablets, liquid iron and vitamin D which you spray on your tongue. All I can confirm though that my anxious blips do not seem to last as long as when I first started my journey two years ago so they must be helping but not getting rid of.
I too have used the serenity progesterone cream and I felt great relief from using it as I am low in progesterone and doctor supported me in using it. In the early days my anxious blips would last for at least weeks at a time and it was really crippling to deal with as my normal nature is one of level, positive and happy cheeky character and for the last two years I seemed to lost her a long the way and want her back so very much!
It is such a rollacoster of emotions isn't it.
i have been three different types of HRT so far and haven't really found one that has taken most of symptoms away and this is now reason for going back to my GP to see if there is another option that might be able to help with the progesterone part as it is only when I am brewing up that I seem to struggle and this is when my health anxiety steps up and takes over my thoughts. When my periods normally arrive then my moods generally do improve.
It all becomes so overwhelming doesn't it?
What do you find that has helped you with your journey?
Massive hugs ️xxx Joy
helen95781 annieschaefer
When I first began busy b I felt they were a life saver but I am having my doubts now. So I am thinking of taking one every other day instead to see if I've had vitamin overload.
Thanks for your reply. It is so encouraging to have people like you on this forum.
annieschaefer Snatchpiece
It is quite an emotional roller coaster and way overwhelming at times. I hate it. I miss the days when I had may 1-2 days of the "crazys", got my period and moved back into my old self. Now it's a hit or miss when I do get a period and whether I will feel like my old self within a few days now. I do get glimpses of me and the timespan is lasting a tad longer, but not like before peri started.
Yeesh! This is way too much at times. We are all trying to find some kind of peaceful way to go through this without permantly destroying our homelives as well. How my husband tolerates this hopefully temporary me, is quite beyond me. We just returned from taking our new pup to her lessons, about bit his head off as I didn't think he was listening to the teacher well enough! Good grief as I type this out, I see how ridiculous that was and shame on me for being so edgy for pete's sakes!
See, still with the up and down and wow-warm flashes galore lately. Not sure what gives with that one, but I'm thankful it's winter and it's on 33 degrees F. I stand outside with no coat and feel wonderful (look silly though).
I do go to Yoga classes (Gentle kind these days-love the relaxation part the most and my body is not as flexible as it used to be), go for long walks with new puppy, it helps blow off some of that stubborn anxiety, but the key is getting motivated. I still work on a very part-time basis and for the most part-I find do better because I am keeping my mind busy and not ruminating over every crazy symptom. I also listen (not religiously but should do every night as it has helped) to deep relaxation mp3s, along with some others for sleep, don't panic and what not. Love his hypnotic, soothing voice-comes in handy, believe me.
And most of all what has helped is the lovely ladies like you, as before I found this site I was quite certain I was truly losing my mind with some fatal disease of some sort. It's good to share what is going on, what might help, laugh with others and just know that there are other people who understand what this is like and be of comfort.
Can't say how much I appreciate that part the most!
Big hugs to you Joy and have a wonderful day/evening!
Annie xxxx
Peri brain going on. Recently I have added on Naturopathic doctor who also uses accupuncture, spinal alignment and assorted supplements to help with some issues as I have developed bilateral plantar faciitis along with something called spondylosis of L5 (lumbar region) alls I know, it's a bugger when the back is in spasm or whatever the heck it's doing. I walk like an 80 yr old at times. So we shall see if this person can help, claims the accupuncture is helpful for peri issues, we'll see, had 4 treatments so far. Not sure what to think yet! Will keep you posted.
Crazy how this will have you trying things you never thought you would. I was never keen on anything beyond traditional medicine, but lately, not been too keen on traditional medicine, so I'm willing to see what else may help.
Annie xxxx
annieschaefer helen95781
Glad to know I'm not the only one with the B's issue. It's great to have this forum isn't it Helen? We keep each other strong during this really uncertain time. Thank you for your kind words.
Have a lovely day/evening!
Annie xxx
jayneejay annieschaefer
oh back issues, snap..
thats my biggest cause of constant pain ..
i have an extra disk and vertebrae in my spine, ( fused ) extra long tail bone, so always have back ache since i can remember, cant lift stuff thats heavy., then three weeks ago today i pulled ( ripped ) a back muscle, its been a real struggle, still hurts but alot better.
i have to get an xray soon, see whats happening in there ..
not sure i want to know..
Jay x
annieschaefer jayneejay
Sorry to hear about your back issues. I do hope it is something that won't be too invasive to fix. That is always my fear.
I took up yoga to try and retain my flexability and also to relax my mind during this "glorious" time we all seem to be traveling through at different paces here. lol! Oh me, the ongoing joys of maturing! haha!
Well, I actually had to stop practicing yoga for a while as it appeared to make things worse. After a recent go with Physical Therapy sessions, I'm back to classes with limitations on certain poses. I am doing my best to avoid surgery as I've met very few people who actually improve afterwards.
I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that your xrays will help the doctors bring about an easy remedy to alleviate your pain. Take good care Jay. Keep us informed about your back please.
Annie xxxx