feeling as if im losing my mind
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hi again ladies!
you all have helped me so much this week. putting my mind at some ease that i am not dying! I have another question
Does anyone go thru short spells that feel like you are literally losing your mind? its been happening the past few weeks. not everyday but too much. usually in the afternoon all the sudden i feel crazy in the head. like i am on drugs. it lasts about an hour or more. i end up in tears and shaking that i am losing my mind. i dont/cant take AD and want to try HRT. has anyone had this and HRT helped?! i want and need my sanity back!
1 like, 34 replies
becky53379 kim74983
kim74983 becky53379
thank you for responce. it is a horrible feeling i was trying to explain to my family last nite. it came in the middle of my daughters 6 yr old bday party
becky53379 kim74983
donna01539 kim74983
Hey Kim first things first you are not losing your mind!!!! I felt this way last year for almost three months straight!!! I too thought I was losing my mind!!! I finally ended up at an acupuncture clinic that specializes in treating menopause. After a few r
treatments I felt sane again!!! I can't help with your question about HRTs because I steer clear of them. I hope this helps!!!!!!!!!
kim74983 donna01539
donna01539 kim74983
It did for me and I was climbing the walls!!!! I had so many symptoms I just couldn't function!! Go online and type in menopause and acupuncture you should be able to find someone in your area!!!! Remember it may take one or two sessions to feel better!!!! I hope this helps let me know if this worked for you if decide to try it!!!
kim74983 donna01539
glynnie kim74983
DearDoe kim74983
michelle_79406 kim74983
i had this for months . i would hold my head like i was going mad or cracking up or something.. it was like you cant cope....but then it would come and go just like that,,, but i cut out choclates and sugar stuff out of my diet , and i cant believe the difference it has on me,, so much calmer i just cant believe it.. now i would still get a slight twinge of it now and then, but i know it will pass so not as afraid of it like i was at first....iwouldnt even stay home alone as i was afraid,,and if i was alone, i was afraid to eat,,and didnt want to go driving by myslf,,,but thank god about 80 % better now.. not on any medications or hrt by the way.
kim74983 michelle_79406
kim74983 michelle_79406
did you notice that foods are a trigger to an episode? i feel like a little after i eat i get an attack. i had fast food while out cause all the sudden i got very hungry and about 30 min later the " crazy " feeling came along with unsettled stomach
i am getting thru this one much better than others now that i know im not alone and im not going crazy. i am hoping it ends soon
michelle_79406 kim74983
I do definitely believe food triggers it. I kept a a4 refill pad and every day I wrote across the line what I ate for breakfast lunch and dinner and on the page opposite I wrote on the line across from each day what I had eaten and how I was feeling . And then if I had a bad day I would mark in red. And then the next bad day I would go back along and see the red marks and see me eat I had eaten in those days. Then you will see a pattern of what you ate on the days you were bad. It works brilliant at eliminating the bad stuff. So choclates sweets. Fizzy drinks biscuits and Chrisp with e621 are my culprits.But I do find the week before my period is due I would get a bit edgy even though I cut out all the crap. But I can't believe the difference in my anxiety levels now. So worth not eating the crap . I feel I have my life back. So hopefully you will be the same
jane47249 kim74983