feeling as if im losing my mind

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hi again ladies!

you all have helped me so much this week. putting my mind at some ease that i am not dying! I have another question

Does anyone go thru short spells that feel like you are literally losing your mind? its been happening the past few weeks. not everyday but too much. usually in the afternoon all the sudden i feel crazy in the head. like i am on drugs. it lasts about an hour or more. i end up in tears and shaking that i am losing my mind. i dont/cant take AD and want to try HRT. has anyone had this and HRT helped?! i want and need my sanity back!

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34 Replies

  • Posted

    For me the HRT got me in a worse of position i suggest u try an calm down an try to be in a relax mode it can help
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    Hi Kim. I'm 45. i had been suffering from irreg bleeding for about 2yrs &around jan/feb this year, i started experiencing erratic low mood, short temper, getting overwhelmed very easily, brain fog/inability to concentrate or remember things, random tearfulness, irritability, intense all day headaches, period pain, anxiety & panic attacks to name the worst, all quite uncharacteristic of me. i am already on ad's & anti anxiety meds for maintenance of longstanding  depression/anxiety, & initially thought it was this getting worse again, but it didnt feel the same as previous bouts of depression/anxiety as it was not constant, it was erratic throughout the day/week, & i felt out of control. i saw my doc who,based on age, mesntrual cycle, & symptoms, diagnosed i was in perimeno. after several in depth chats, i went on to low dose/low risk hrt in april. within 2-3wks my mental symptoms started to improve & the headaches lessened. with more time on hrt , my mental symptoms are much much better - i feel back in control, & the headaches are virtually non existent now. my irreg bleeding of 2yrs is also much less/settled.  many doc surgeries these days have a speciallist meno gp or nurse, you could see fi your surgery has one, & perhaps make an appt to see them to discuss your symptoms & poss hrt options. i was put on estrogen gel nightly applied to skin on thighs or upper arms, & utrogestan capsules(progesterone) days 15-26 of every 28day cycle. i had to create a cycle on my calendar as i didn't have a cycle!!!! hope this info helps hun. xx

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      thank you! i have been going back and forth what to do about taking HRT. it does help ease anxiety to know i am not alone. it is not fun sad

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      Hi looloo...i could have written that! I have had anxiety/depression in the past but last October I had it come back with a vengeance.....it was different this time though and erratic...coming and going. When I was bad I thought I was having a breakdown but then it would go again. I had drenching sweats, indigestion headaches mood swings muscle aches....i just felt terrible. Doctors didnt help...all tests were fine. So I tried l theanine and lavender for the anxiety. I also cut out caffeine and cut back sweet foods and tried to eat better. It took about 3 months but it really helped...i still get twinges but its usually if I have been bad and had sugar. I definitely think food is the first thing to look at...they are finding a link between gut health and mental health now. They are calling our stomach our second brain. Apparantly we have more oestrogen receptors in our stomach and thats why our hormones in peri/meno affect our digestive system. I have been reading up on it...its really interesting. My son is in his last year at uni doing exercise science and he has been studying it. He has told me to take a probiotic too to help the gut balance. Its pretty sad we all have to research our own cures as many doctors don't seem to recognise perimenopause actually exists!

    • Posted

      Hi janine

      I had to look twice as I though I was reading my own comment . It's bloody shocking that our own family dr s are of no help.i like many stumbled across this page seeking answers for some of our symptoms , and felt normal after we found people like our selves in pain and anxiety . It's a god send really. Team irk. Keep up the good work. Before we all go insane 😡😡🤔😀😀😀😀

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle..we all belong to this special 'club'....even though we don't want to be in it lol

      Its great we can come on here and share ideas....i just wish we all lived in the same area...let alone country...i am in qld australia.

      Imagine the get togethers we could have...it would be great....although we would have to meet in air conditioning due to the flushes wink

    • Posted

      Hi Janine.  i have the added problems of chronic bowel conditions which i won't bore you with,  where i have daily diarrea, & 5-8 bowel movements per day even on prescription meds. so i have to be VERY careful about not taking any natural supplements that can often interfere with bowels or digestive system for people like me with complications. i tried a natural supplement once that had helped many people to get off a prescription med for acid reflux, but it exacerbated all my bowel problems so had to abandon it & stay on the prescription med!!! so i only take fundamental vits & minerals to supplement my diet inadequacies ( i cannot eat fruit as i have fructose malabsorption, & barely any veg either as i can't break them down.)  xx

    • Posted

      p.s but for many people (ie without bowel problems) natural supplements really help, so don't be put off by me!! xx

    • Posted

      It's great that we can actually feel normal if that's what you call it. Instead of wondering are you losing your mind and nobody understands you. Bloody Drs could at least send you in the right direction. The must know it's normal for us. So just tell us.

      We could skinny dip we would all be that hot 😀😀😀😀😀 I'm Ireland , so doubt that would happen brrr😩

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      Hi looloo...omg...to have that on top of peri would be a challenge. Just having to deal with one health issue at a time is enough.

      I know some natural supps can have as many side effects as conventional drugs.

      I am wary taking natural too as i have had reactions to both in the past (i am allergic to penicillin even) I took valerian once and i felt so agitated and spacy it was bad. All we can do is try I guess..take care x

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle...Ireland looks beautiful....i originally came from nz and ireland reminds me of it. I don't know if I could do the cold winters now though. Our winters here in qld rarely get below 10c at night...and usually still mid 20s during the day. I can't complain about that at least smile

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      I that would suit me very well. I don't like to hot or too cold. 😀

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      Thankyou Janine. yes it is challenging, but i truly believe if i hadnt started my hrt in april, i would be in deep state of depression now with my other illness problems. the hrt really helped me mentally get back control. I'm also just getting over 4wks of shingles!!!  xx

  • Posted

    do you ladies feel off balance when you get these attacks? just walking thru a mall is so hard. i feel so off balance like im gonna fall. i know i am anxious too tho sad

    • Posted

      Yes I feel that way too Kim. I can only do a short time in the stores then I have to get out. All of the sounds get to me sometimes in the stores too. I get so irritated about it because I just want to be able to simply go and shop like everyone else can. Its tough! They say we will get through this one day....I will be glad for that day for sure! Take care
    • Posted

      Hi i can relate, i also feel as tho my legs weigh 100 lbs each wit headaches...am so tired depressed an frustrated...
    • Posted

      Hi Kim.

      Are you sure you not suffering from high blood pressure. Or any ear problems that's causing you be be unbalanced.

      But in saying that I know the floresent lights in some of the stores play havoc with my eyes , it makes you feel like you have came from the dark into a really bright room. Or like things are jumping in front of you. But that is definitely the lights. And before I would panic and leave the store . But now I go in and like just keep saying every thing is fine . I'm in a safe place , noting is happening to me. And in any case if something is wrong.?theres people around to help me . I'm not alone. And I know I can leave anytime I want I'm not stuck In here. And each time you go in stay a little longer. And ever time I left I would say to myself. That wasn't so bad. And noting happened it's just my thoughts are my own worst enemy I have came along way doing this. As before I would panic even thinking about going into the store..? Although we do have menopause problems. Our heads and thoughts make our anxiety worse. We are our own worst enemy's. 😩

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      i actually have an ent appt next week and also a hearing test. i think they will check the vestibular part of my ear. it sucks. i dont have high bp. wink

    • Posted

      That's good . At least you can rule out if you have an ear problem effecting your balance. Off balance is usually caused by ear problems.And make sure keep asking them what's causing your imbalance so the will. Do the will do a full proper check and check fluid and all in your ear. You can't be dealing with that horrible balance thing. All the time. 😩😩😩😩

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