Feeling Awful
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Have not had a period for 18 months haven't suffered badly with hot flushes now suffer with urine infections but thats sorted with antibiotics but now I feel at the worse ever constantly have muscle discomfort in my back and stomach and my anxiety is awful even though I am on tablets from the doctor for this I really feel I can't cope with this any longer does anyone have wonderful remedies for this cannot believe they menopause can make you feel so bad.
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helen95781 sprohop
Hope this helps.
sprohop helen95781
darleen45789 helen95781
jayneejay helen95781
So pleased B6 and B12 helps you too, its the best thing of all for me, no anxiety now & believe me i have been put to the test these last 6 months and feel in control again like the old me.
I take other vits too but after a ten year natural peri and now 16 months post meno and just aged 50 .. Never felt better...
HRT not for me .. Too high risk for me and i just wanted to face peri head on and get on with my life.. Didnt personally want to postpone menopause with HRT for older years, get it out the way chick me 😃
Good luck ladies
Jay xx
Chelated bisglycinate best ( solgar)
Doesnt upset tum, i take this type now.
Mag oxide and citrate has laxative effects and may make you run to the toilet each morning , so avoid them.
Jay x
( Natecal) i take that too for bone health
They are chewable i take mine before bed and chelated magnesium one in morning and one before bed they relax me and may aid sleep
Jay x
donna38794 jayneejay
debbie12340 donna38794
sorry you suffering ! It's really horrible isn't it
I find it hard to believe that it's cause by the peri menopause to be honest, Anxiety is my worst symtom, and not sleeping a full eight hours ! No hot flushes ? I'm 48, do you take any thing to help ?
sending you a big hug
Debbie x
sprohop debbie12340
Lara66 jayneejay
Hope all good with you x
donna38794 debbie12340
debbie12340 donna38794
sorry to to go on ! For me I have Anxiety about appointments ? I know it sounds nuts . . . I have no idea why ?? I end up cancelling them in the end just to stop the horrible un well feelings it brings 😢 I really don't understand it, I never used to be like this as I'm sure you didnt ? It's extremely lowering to feel this way and as I said I really struggle to believe this is just a peri symtom ? I mean in a way I hope so because otherwise I must have gone mad 😱 😢
jayneejay Lara66
I am very good thanks Lara
Jay x
helen95781 sprohop
Glad to hear you are getting the vitamins. Please let me know how you get on. Give it a couple of weeks to kick in. All the best.
Helen. x
donna38794 debbie12340
debbie12340 donna38794
Really appreciate your answer 🙏 I'm feeling really bad today !! 😢 my period started and I feel so low, all tearful and just generally unwell . . . . I'm sure I'm not but I feel like surely no one else feels this bad ? It's not fair being a Woman is it . . .
Hugs to you x
sprohop debbie12340
sending hugs
amanda x
debbie12340 sprohop
Thanks so much for your reply 🙏😘💨 big hugs back to you x
donna38794 debbie12340