Feeling confused
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Hi Ladies, i have been in the perimenopause for a year now and i am 46 yrs old.
I have of late been having these tremors feelings inside my body, has anyone else had this feeling?
I also wanted to ask when do you know when you go from peri into the menopause?
Some days are better than others, i cannot wait to wait to come off this roller coaster ride
3 likes, 16 replies
samantha42264 samantha46571
Hi, Im 46 too. Im not sure it's the same as what you ate talking about but every morning for the last 3 werks at approximately 3 am Im waking up to what seems like Im vibrating internally, it's like Im still tired and need sleep desparately but inside everything is moving and it comes along with some panic.....best way I can describe it. I don't know what it is
, I won't go to the doctor anymore, I find I just feel dumb after I leave the doctors, they don't truly get any of how this effects woman.
mrs_susan74280 samantha42264
samantha42264 mrs_susan74280
Hi Susan, I can't go back to sleep for 2 to 3 hours afterwards, it's like I still desparately need more sleep but something inside is triggering saying it's time to get moving. It would be ok if I didn't have to work, I'd just live around it, but I do have to work. I have no issue at all falling asleep, but I can't go to bed at 7 pm to make sure I get 8 hours sleep. I feel really down right now and my anxiety is starting again, sleep is something I really need as it effects my everything, Im getting so Im so tired I could cry at anything slightly bad. I don't understand how woman are supposed to work and have the slightest norms life while going through this?
Im sorry if it sounds like complaining, as I know there isn't really anything anyone can do to help....Im just getting frustrated. If you try and talk to someone that isn't going through this they just look at me like Im a freak or a whinny baby.
metamorphed samantha42264
No they don't get it and they make you feel dumb or that your only problem is that you are an over anxious woman and need a chat. But don't let them make you feel like you can't go check things out. I was reluctant to go when I got my most recent round of dizzy spells and had no appetite, was sent away but had to go back as it was not coming and going, turns out it was a UTI, and I waited a whole week to go back! Always take a urine sample, so that they'll test it, as you never know, UTI's are common in menopause,
Try powdered magnesium in a glass of warm water, it calms the whole system, so it might help the tremors. It works for me.
pam90720 samantha46571
Same here. I thought it was just me but I have read other women's post too, that they have had the same feeling.. feels like an internal vibration. After one year of no mensus... you are in menopause... good luck to you and remember you are not alone!!! 💐
kelle34850 samantha46571
I'm 41 and have been experiencing this and a host of other symptoms. The internal vibrating comes and goes along with my other symptoms.
dora_39625 samantha46571
Yes, I've experienced this too. It's awful! I'm 42 and been experiencing perimenopause symptoms for about a year and a half.
It's like a shaky feeling inside and feels very scary when it happens.
I've also had adrenaline rushes which are equally scary and horrible.
Just know thar you're not alone.
kelle34850 dora_39625
juanita93228 samantha46571
One lady describes it as "buzzing like a bee". Funny but not funny. It's s common symptom of peri and menopause. I had mine during menopause, especially at nigh when I was trying to sleep. My doctor at the time gave me Xanax. I eventually stopped taking the Xanax because they are so addictive. But here's the good news, I woke up one day and the vibrating was gone, just gone.
sarah39816 samantha46571
Hi, Samantha,
Yes, I get these internal tremors. I'm 47 and have been in peri for 5 years. Sometimes it feels like buzzy vibrations throughout my body. I often feel it in my left leg, but will get this strange sensation at anytime throughout my body. It's very disturbing. My doctor told me it is due to the extreme hormonal fluctuations. There never seems to be any rhyme or reason to it. This morning I woke up at 3 am and got up for the restroom. Upon gettting back in bed I could feel the buzzy sensation which kept me from falling back to sleep. This time it was in my legs and it caused almost like a restless legs type feeling. Needless to say, I never went back to sleep.
I am dealing with a particularly prolonged heavy period right now (after not have one for nearly 90 days), so that may be part of the trigger for these symptoms. It is all so tiring and frustrating. Please know you are not at all alone in these feelings!
I am sending you healthy wishes! Hang in there and keep reading the posts from these incredible ladies. I don't know what I would do without this site--it has been a true blessing. It has seriously kept me from going crazy! Big hugs--Sarah
trinity03 samantha46571
Yes, definitely. I had them for a couple months and they are so very disconcerting and annoying. Some days felt like my entire body was just buzzing with electricity and I'd wake up in the middle of the night feeling it. I haven't felt it in a while though thank goodness.
amy602 samantha46571
Count me in on this one I'm 45 and in peri for about a year and half now this same thing happens to me it seems to start about a week before I would get a period at first it was frightening but I'm kind of use to now and I just wait for it to go away and it does what's weird is when I feel that I try and eat something small like a piece of fruit etc and it seems to die down a little I can't wait till all this is over with hugs
CarolKelso samantha46571
Hi Samantha.. Yes it's a hormonal thing and I and other ladies at this site have had these...also I get like a flutterey feeling in my tummy and chest... The internal term or is a very strange feeling many of us meno ladies experience.. Hope this helps to know you are not alone . CK 😉
tmpearce samantha46571
caseynjason samantha46571