Feeling depressed
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Hello everyone, I'm a 55 year old female and I've had a total right hip replacement 9 days ago due to oa. I'm still in a lot of pain and am very swollen from the knee down into the foot. I feel like the hips going to pop out every time I stand up, I also feel very depressed. Any advice guys. Xx
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Jacquijill79 julia77343
i am on day 10, so I know how you are feeling! This is a wonderful site, with so many people who care enough to give you their experiences.
as for me, the scar skin is so very tight so I am applying a non perfumed moisturiser around it until I find a good silicone washable cover for when it irritates against clothing during the day.
i also found it so useful to gently clench and squeeze the butt muscles many times throughout the day to tighten them. They help to keep the joint in place apparently, which you may find reassuring.
My lower legs are like trees, even with the compression stockings on!
From now on things should get better a little every day, and you have been given good advice about pain control.
stay positive! Jillx
julia77343 Jacquijill79
Rocketman_SG6UK julia77343
Ice, elevantion, and pills ........ 9 days is very early, and most of us get these pains and swelling. This can go on for quite a while - see my website.
Address is in here
and in the moderators useful resources thread at
Graham - 🚀💃
julia77343 Rocketman_SG6UK
Rocketman_SG6UK julia77343
Graham - 🚀💃
julia77343 Rocketman_SG6UK
lors23 julia77343
I am 43 years old and have had both hips replaced 1st on dec 9th last year 2nd 15th feb so l had about 8 weeks apart. So l am now 13 to 14 weeks post op.
Believe me when l say l know how you feeling. The 1st couple of weeks are the hardest but it is really important that you keep your pain levels to the mimimum by taking as much psinkillers as allowed and needed if yoo are still in unmanagable pain then phone your gp as you may need a stronger painkiller.
As for feeling depressed this does happen its a rollercoaster ride of emotions one week you feel great and feel like you are recovering so well then suddenly you feel down and the tears come anf you can't shake the feeling for a few days but it does go and as the weeks go by you will get better.
My advice would be to make sure you keep doing your physio that you will have been shown in the hospital. You are still at the begining of your recovery julia give it time its major surgery you have just had it affects everything your sleeping your moods going to the loo. I have been throigh it twice and have been of my work since november last year. I have had terrible times being stuck at home for so long when l was used to working full time and seeing loads of people everyday to seeing hardly anyone apart from.my husband and family now and then. It does affect you mentally but you just have to keep fighting on an it will get better l done it through 2 thrs and its been a hard journey harder than just doing 1 and l have survived. And l would not change it as l had a year of suffering OA pain and being miserable. I had no idea l had OA l thought l had just pulled a muscle in my groin and it just sreadily got worse as time went by l visited my gp and he to though the same until l could not hardly get dressed in the morning without crying and l got sent for n xrays. A week later l was being told both hips were in a terrible state they were both bone to bone and needed replaced asap.
I found this forum just after my 1st thr and it was a godsend so many lovely people who you can get help and advice and know exactly what your going through. It honestly got me through the hsrd times and l have got to know so many people.
So any questions or if you just need b support or to know your not alone we all have something in common just share your story of hospital with us if it helps.
I am now well on my road to recovery. I am not yet back at work but l am driving and doing most things l used to the only diffrence being l have not got the energy l did before l still sleep a lot but l can't sleep on my own bed for the full night l end up on the couch. But l sm getting there and so will you
julia77343 lors23
noplaybarbie lors23
lorna69887 lors23
julia77343 lorna69887
linda38528 noplaybarbie
I understand your dilemna. I am having my second done this summer. But I have a better gap between the two surgeries. I have to say though that my right hip has been acting up so much that I wish it was sooner even though I am not looking forward to starting the journey over.
This must be one of those 'character building opportunities' for us that my Grandmother used to talk about! 😄
I certainly did learn a lot about myself and others around me through my first THR! For example, despite any thoughts to the contrary: I am NOT a patient person; I have lots more to learn about my body; and my husband and daughter are even more wonderful than I knew.
Hang in there Barb, sorry for the hard time you are having. But ... think how wonderful to have all of this 'recovery' and 'character-building' behind us!
lynn66084 julia77343
I'm 54 years old and had my op 14 weeks ago. The emotions,the pain do get better in time,don't try and rush things. Are you sticking to your 90 degrees and doing your physio exercises?
It can feel a bit strange to start with, your muscle and bone has to grow around your implant, plus the healing from where you were cut and pulled about.
My weirdest feelings in the early days, were feeling like it was clicking and when going upstairs it felt like my leg was going to pull off when I lifted it up. that's all gone now.
Take care
Lynn xx
julia77343 lynn66084
lynn66084 julia77343