Feeling depressed

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Hello everyone, I'm a 55 year old female and I've had a total right hip replacement 9 days ago due to oa. I'm still in a lot of pain and am very swollen from the knee down into the foot. I feel like the hips going to pop out every time I stand up, I also feel very depressed.  Any advice guys. Xx

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80 Replies

  • Posted

    My iPad is now driving me more crazy than my hip, - I've been trying to reply to everyone for ages and the keypad bit kept disappearing and driving me insane - momentarily I wondered if it would actually be worth it to throw the  iPad through the conservatory window. Thankfully the moment passed! 

    Well I got up with good intentions, was totally bouyed up by replies to me from all of you, finished my book and did about 10 cross stitch stitches. Then fell fast asleep into weird dreamworlds and woken up seized up, crotchety and wondering where the day has actually gone. 

    Hope you guys are all ok. X 

    • Posted

      Hello again Chick. 2 steps forward, 1 step back, seems the normal order of things. I've also had problems with the ipad, dreaded keyboard keeps disappearing. I've started using the laptop, much better. Well, you've got that 1 step backwards out of the way, Same here, your going along feeling yay, getting there, and then ooops, not so fast. I keep reminding myself that this time last week I was completely useless, Im down to one crutch, and have got the staples removal out of the way, which I was dreading, but actually wasn't that bad. Hope your steps forward increase day by day. sending warmest wishes. xxxxx

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