Feeling depressed

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Hello everyone, I'm a 55 year old female and I've had a total right hip replacement 9 days ago due to oa. I'm still in a lot of pain and am very swollen from the knee down into the foot. I feel like the hips going to pop out every time I stand up, I also feel very depressed.  Any advice guys. Xx

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    Hi Julia, I'm sad you feel like this, 

    im on wk4 since surgery if it's any conciliation my operated leg swelled up after surgery like a sausage in fact my knee disappeared !! That settled after about 10 days and slowly went back to its normal size, just take your pain relief at correct times to avoid pain, ( why suffer any more!!) persevere with the little excersises set ( as I still am ) every day will get a bit better xx 

  • Posted

    Hello - I wish I had seen this forum earlier !!!  So I am 52 years old and this time last week I was just being wheeled back on the ward after THR.  One week on I cannot believe how incapacitated, useless and tearful I have felt this week, but after reading the posts by everyone else I suddenly feel ok. Me and my elephant leg are normal ! Does anyone else have massive bruising at the back of their knee or is that something I need to worry about. And those injections in my belly everyday are just the STINGIEST things in the world. !!!! 

    Look forward to being reassured x


    • Posted

      Hello chick, I was also caught off guard, I was'nt at all prepared for the pain, discomfort and most of all the vulnerabity.My op was 2 Weeks today and had my staples out, all 30 of them, was dreading it all week, but was'nt too bad. Yesterday I cried most of the day. It's mostly frustration at being so incapacitated. It's 2 steps forward, 1 step back. It has however got easier since I was able to use 1 crutch, still need 2 to get up and down stairs. I can relate to everything you are going through, including the back of the knee thing, feels like all the muscles are bunched up and so sore and clicky. I've still got the elephant leg, although I call it my old lady leg. Hope your feeling better soon. Sending you hugs. xxxxxxxxxx
    • Posted

      I have realised that recovery from a hip replacement is a long process, hence why they say 3 months recovery. I am always sore after physio which isn't very nice but can feel the benefit once it has disappeared. I am going into my 7th week. As the physio keeps reminding me "this is a major operation and not a quick fix". As mine was caused through a fall it has all come as a great shock to me, totally unplanned. Some days good some not as good.

    • Posted

      It really must be harder when you go into this due to a fall. I was glad to have a few weeks to do some reading (thank you forum), prepare my home, husband and my head space (although some might argue this was a lost cause - for more than one reason).

      Going into this without time for the mental adjustment (even if few of us truly get what the recovery period will be like ... as in hard) has to be even tougher.

      But I hope this forum is helping you Patricia. To my mind, you are in another tough stretch right now .. perhaps getting antsy that you are still not independent or walking smoothly. I truly did not expect that full recovery would take as long and it was hard to keep motivated to do the exercises and activity when progress seems minimal. But then one day, you realize - hey, I couldn't do that before and once through that threshold things do really move (for me, it was realizing that I was not two-stepping going down the stairs. I almost danced my way down the last ones.

      Take care,


    • Posted

      Malloo, consider yourself reassured! The first two weeks are undoubtedly the worst. When you consider the brutal things that are done to your hip and thigh in the bones and soft tissues, you better understand how much healing has to take place. That healing takes quite awhile. You need to rest as much as possible, elevating your leg whenever you can. Reach out for help from everyone, take your pain meds round the clock as prescribed and you will feel much better in a couple of weeks!
    • Posted

      Thank you Linda. Yes, totally unprepared for this. Just taken my tablets as for some reason I am really sore....I think it must have been the walk around the mall even though I only went to 3 shops (with help of a friend).

      Is it normal to still suffer with some pain & soreness 7 weeks in?

      This is such a lovely support group, so glad I came across it.

    • Posted

      The short answer is ... yes.

      I think the six- week check- ups of many surgeons mislead us into thinking that recovery should be by then. The reality of most of us that had a posterior approach surgery is that full recovery takes much longer. I am at 15 weeks and still have some tough days - often because I spent too much time sitting or because of doing an activity I haven't tackled yet.

      I am constantly surprised by the layers of healing needed. As Renée would say, look at the video of the surgery to appreciate the serious nature of the surgery, the intrusion into the bone and the force needed to ' uncouple the hip and put it back together - no wonder the old bod takes time to recover!

      I have read many times that full recovery takes 9 months although 4 months seems to deal with the worst of it.t wo indicators for me : being able to bend my hip enough to put on my socks and shoes/trim my own toenails and walking smoothly without limp. I past the first at 13 weeks and the second I can only do when really concentrating and not tired. I hope this does not discourage ypu too much. But I think we often start this journey withv

    • Posted

      Sorry - with unnaturally high expectations.


    • Posted

      I totally agree with you Linda. In South Africa they give you 3 months off work when it comes to a hip replacement. I am just getting through the 6th week and I like to think that I am quite a strong person but I am finding it to be very sore.

      Yesterday I went to one of our shopping malls with a friend who fetched me. I really did not walk for that long but was very sore when I got home. I walked on 1 crutch and I think that is were I went wrong. We think we are better than we are. Lesson learnt! Still a lot of healing going on. From the literature that I have read a 'full full' recovery can take between 9-12 months.

    • Posted

      Where do you live in SA? I was lucky enough to send a couple of weeks in Johannesburg and Capetown with work and took a little extra time to tour around the Cape and a mini-our is safari. Beautiful country and people.

      I live I Ottawa Canada.


    • Posted

      Just stunning and historic. It was a wonderful time there for work as wel. You have many super people at your university.



  • Posted

    How lovely to get up this morning and read replies and discussions that make me feel so much more comfortable. 

    I ordered a new mattress topper from Amazon  and it came yesterday - oh my goodness - I had a much more comfortable night - not only was it easier to get in and out of bed, but then when I was enveloped in comfort and padded around with cushions it was just so lovely.  

    But I'm up, washed and dressed and down on the settee, 2 border terriers snuggled on top of me( my version of a heat pack) and my gorgeous old Labrador on the floor. I cannot wait to go for a walk with them again. 

    I've got a daft book to finish, a million letters to write and I've started a cross stitch. So I am set up for the day. My lovely husband will be home at 1.15 and he is going to wash my hair ! Yay ! I have yet to tackle washing  my lower legs and feet ! 

    I am comfortable now - when I need to move I am going to make breakfast! So that's something to look forward to. 

    Have a good day guys. 

    Let me share a giggle with you. Yesterday my brother and sister in law visited, 6 weeks ago my brother in law donated one of his kidneys to his daughter. Both are doing amazingly well, he is heroic in my mind and has been undergoing his own major recovery, but he fussed and fussed over me yesterday, pushing my chair up to the table ( no mean feat, heavy chair plus  overweight person with multicoloured elephant leg ) and wouldn't let me lift so much as a side plate. Bless him.  I let myself be looked after! 

    I repeat - have a good day hippy guys x


    • Posted

      oh Malloo,

      what a wonderful post !!!

      how sweet of your brother to make a fuss over you ....biggrin

      mattress toppers are the best - I mean, I bought one too, the thickest one i could find (renting including furniture), put it on top of the regular mattress, et voila , perfect height - 

      you are doing great !!! and how lovely to have to have your puppies with you - just make sure they are out of your way when you walk around, okay - 

      try to enjoy this day - allow your body to heal ... remember to do your foot pumps and ankle rotations regularly -

      oh, those darn injections - they DO sting - don't rub because it'll leave bruises (nobody told me until my ample belly was marbled in prettiest purle shades) - 

      big warm hug, darling



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