Feeling dreadful
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I wonder if anyone can reassure me or offer some advice? I've just had an operation on my neck so am still feeling sore and am recovering slowly. Today I woke up and felt very sick, absolutely exhuasted and with everything aching (the backs of my legs, my back etc).
I am definitely peri-menopausal (nearly 52) and have Evorel oestrogen only patches. My periods are very erratic and I always feel worse when a period is due. Do these symptoms sound familiar to anyone and does anyone have any advice? I saw a Gynaecologist ages ago who said I should really be on full HRT rather than just oestrogen patches since I haven't had a hysterectomy, but my GP doesn't want to "rock the boat" since I am taking other medication for my neck problems. Does anyone think HRT would help this terrible tiredness, achiness and sickness? Thank you!
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Scampi18 Brevis
i am no medic, but if you had general anaesthetic it takes a couple of weeks to get out of your system. Hope everything went well and speedy recovery.
i am 51 not seen a monthly for about 3 years now, but still getting severe ovary pain sickness tiredness joint and muscle aches and pains, I have tried lots of diffent hrt, and the merina coil for the progesterone, I was so ill had to have it removed 2 weeks later then I was hospitalised twice, they couldn't find infection and sent me home with morphine, I lost over 2 and 1/2 stone in 2 months and my GP was not concerned ? .
i also have thyroid problems possibly hypothyroidisum, but fluctuates to hyper, then when the little bit of eastrogen that's probably left/ or the eastrogen and progesterone that are not there, kicks in oh my god, my throat feels like something stuck in it, I get a cough and lack of voice, headache, feel sick, legs like jelly, trouble holding me up, shakes, the flushes are like infernos, and then the cold, I have to get in a boiling hot bath to try and warm up.
i am fed up with it all, it consumed my life and my body, my hair looks and feels like a hay bail, and falls out as soon as touched, I am going to try some natural progesterone, that you can buy online, had five years of this madness, on antidepressants it got so bad.
Hrt works for some and not others, good luck with whatever you decide.
Brevis Scampi18
Thanks for your reply, It sounds as though you've had a terrible time! At least I am not alone! Maybe natural progesterone is a good idea
margaret04348 Brevis
Brevis margaret04348
margaret04348 Brevis
jayneejay Brevis
hope your nexk soon feels better ..
i am age 50 and 19 months post menopause .. No HRT ... Cant take it as family history, been a long old road..
however, i do use ovestin vaginal ovules for the dryness 😏 but that just treats that vag dryness..
i would listen to your gyno... Estrogen only may be why you feel abit off.
especially if your not post meno..
jay x
jay x
Brevis jayneejay
susan21149 Brevis
Just get penty of rest and take it easy
Brevis susan21149
Carolmayhew6 Brevis
I Havnt been well since dec with back pain (now ok) but since early feb I've had excruciating knee pain in both knees saw my gp had MRI which shows dengenerative
Arthritis the pain been terrible I had it pointed our by my sister I cud be menopausal I had hysterectomy in 1990 left 1 ovary saw gp had bllodds n my FSH was high n should be low I've been put on HRT low dose I felt like I had morning sickness many morning n actual vomit red bile type stuff felt anxious & terribly emotional I've been on HRT now 6 days feel slightly better so fingers crossed it will help knee pain yesterday was there but not as full on as it's been & again today but right now it's twinging like hell n burning spasm type pain
Hope this helps x
sheryl37154 Brevis
To answer your question about fatilgue, like Scampi says, surgery takes a while to recover from. I had two surgeries within 13 days - boy did I feel bad. I took Livatone to help speed the anaesthetic out of my liver. It is excellent stuff - for me anyway.
My surgeries included removal of half thyroid - disturbing the thyroid really makes you feel sick, and the second was removal of a cancerous tumour on my parotid gland, again on my face and neck. Not a good time. You just have to rest up and keep resting until you feel better. Sorry if you have kids and no help.
Ask you dr to test your Iron Studies if not already done so, and ask for copies of your blood tests to check for yourself.
Brevis sheryl37154
Thank you for your helpful comments. I just wonder if it's possible to go on something which "masks" the lead up to a period since it is no co-incidence that I feel particularly dreadful just before one is due (although they are now so erratic I can feel like this for 2 weeks)! I still don't think I should be on oestrogen only patches since I haven't had a hysterectomy. Have you? I have Evorel 50 patches so don't know if they are matrix patches or not...
I do have an iron supplement to drink which might be a good idea. I just don't know if I can take any additional vitamins on top of all the heavy duty pain killers I am taking at the moment.
jennifer01077 Brevis
I can't speak to the medications you are taking, but if your iron levels are low, everything is going to feel bad. I take iron supplements in liquid form, like what they usually give to babies, and I take it with a meal, because my stomach would reject it otherwise. It isn't ideal, but it is enough, and in this case, enough is as good as a feast. I would take the iron supplements, if you have had your blood tested and your iron is low. I mean I REALLY would take it. It made an immense amount of difference to me.
I have had really good results with progesterone cream too. I would talk to the doc about it. I don't think they can give any definitive answers, I would kind of ask to try it and see (not the cream, I mean the mixed hrt).
Good luck and don't give up til you feel better.
Brevis jennifer01077
Thank you so much. It's just such an effort to get through each day at the moment!