Feeling like I am coming down with the flu all the time
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I am 49 and perimenopausal. I am still having periods but a shorter cycle of 23 days. My latest symptom is this feeling like I am coming down with the flu all the time - that slightly achey and yuck feeling you get and total exhaustion. It is like having a comstant virus, but I don't. All of my blood work is fine. This on top of all the other usual symptoms is really getting to me. Has anyone else had this and if so do you have any advice for me?
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ImagineOneDay Sally4x
Yes, I had that 2 years ago. Every month before my period I had exactly the same symptoms. It was so awful. I think I had those symptoms almost for a year then they suddenly stopped, thank goodness. I am nearly 50 now. I don't know what to suggest. Perhaps rest in those times so that your body doesn't get too worn out. One day it will be over. All the best
Sally4x ImagineOneDay
I'm glad it went for you. That gives me hope!
nancys21 Sally4x
It will pass. Same here and I am also 50. Almost 2 years post meno. Still battling, but it's much better! My hot flashes have even stopped almost. Hang in there!
Sally4x nancys21
Thanks - I feel like I am losing the plot here!
Guest Sally4x
YES! In fact I was just googling 'malaise for years'. I've been feeling poorly now for over 2 1/2 years. That flu feeling is my number 1 worse symptom out of all of them.
Have they checked you for reactivated Epstein Barre?
Sally4x Guest
Out of all the symptoms I have had it has been the worst. I thought there was a pattern to it with my cycle, but this month it has been almost constant. I had Epstein Barr in my early 20's and have tested for it in my blood ever since so not sure if it is that flared up again. The symptoms seem different, just this constant coming down with flu, but without a fever.
Guest Sally4x
Yes, never a fever. I took my temp every day for probably a whole year and it was usually 96! So lower than average. I couldn't accept that I could feel so rotten and NOT have a fever! I used to track it on my calendar and found I'd feel better around ovulation time, but now my periods are coming sporadically and I no longer know when and if I'm ovulating. The past week I have felt really bad and bam, yesterday I started to spot.
I had severe mono when I was a teen and then again reactivated when i was about 25 (main symptom was flu feeling malaise and wrist pain - lasted 6 months and didnt know what was wrong with me, was sure I was dying).
This time was so sick and lasting years now, but there are tests which can show an active EbV, and I did test positive for reactivation. I had to find it out on my own though. So frustrating.
When our hormones drop it causes our immune systems to weaken thus leaving old dormant viruses to resurface. Think that's why some of us get so sick!
Sally4x Guest
Thanks for the information. I hope thats what it is, because my mind has been going overdrive. I have been feeling so awful.
Guest Sally4x
Well I've had every test imaginable from bloodwork to MRI's and nothing showed up. Except the EBV. And anyone who has had a reactivation describe it as feeling like they were dying. I still have bad days, but not as near as severe as it was two years ago. All these symptoms hit me just as my periods started getting wonky. So really believe it's perimeno. I know, hard to accept that hormones can cause all this havoc in our bodies. I'm 54 now, and so far my 50s have been a bust. Sometimes I just sit here and wonder how long someone can feel absolutely dreadful? BUT, if it were something more ominous I guess it would've reared it's ugly head by now. I still google from time to time which I shouldn't do because it starts me back on my anxiety hamster wheel. Can't wait for the day I wake up and everything feels normal again. My current symptoms: flu feeling, frozen shoulder in my left (was right for two years), burning feet, occasional burning elsewhere, joint pains, teeth pain. I think that's it. A huge improvement over where I was two years ago when I could barely function! What are your symptoms?
Sally4x Guest
My current symptoms are - overwhelming fatigue, flu feeling, frozen left shoulder, burning in my left upper back, joint pains, feel like I am living in and looking through a fog and anxiety. This all started just after my 44th birthday with vertigo, but it has been the last year that has been the worst. I will be 50 in July.
jamie37119 Guest
That is really interesting, I have had a low temperature for many years now (unless I am sick and have a fever) ...and I feel like I have been hit by a truck a lot of the time. Maybe I should be looking into Epstein Barr.
Finny2018 Sally4x
Last year, just before turning 50, I had burning in my upper left back between my shoulder blades for almost 6 weeks. I had every test done - nothing. I thought it was maybe pneumonia, a chest infection something. Nothing - it went away. Then I had a flu like feeling, achy all over, joint pain, lethargy, overwhelming fatigue, memory loss, brain fog, ear pain, ringing in ears, ear fullness, depression, anxious feelings - basically think of frightening symptoms and I had them...and ALL NEW FOR ME. This lasted for over 2 months when I skipped my first period - then got one every 2 weeks and then back to monthly. Had my first intense hot flashes, night sweats, heart palpitations, adrenaline rushes...ON AND ON - basically it ALL hit within months. I had nearly every symptom on the 66 symptom list. I started feeling a lot more like myself after a pharmacist friend (who also had many of my symptoms) suggested an OTC progesterone cream on Amazon. I don't know if all of those symptoms would've stopped on their own or if it was the cream? I will never know but I what I do know is that I could not function. I was SO fatigued. It was something I had never experienced and it was so hard to explain to my family. I am a stay at home mom (had my kids later in life)..but had I been working; I would've had to get approved for disability or lose my job as I honestly could not function for almost 2 months - that is how overwhelming my fatigue and my peri symptoms were. Take care and I hope that you feel support, encouragement and hope knowing that we can all relate to what you are feeling and going through. --Finny
Sally4x Finny2018
Hi Finny,
Thanks so much fir your reply! What you are describing sounds exactly like me. It has made me feel less alone and more accepting that this is hormones.
jamie37119 Finny2018
YOu also describe me down to a tee as well.... I started getting horrid symptoms, my periods started coming fortnightly, I would get migraines often (with aura) ache all over, feel weak and shaky, sometimes faint even...ends up its peri. I still get all these symptoms. I am a qualified teacher but as I have two small children I just can't function like I used to. No way I could do the energy of long hours of teaching so no idea what I will do now. I do hope there is an end to this..this is not living, its barely functioning/surviving.
christina81747 Sally4x
yes im same age as you and sometimes i feel like that doesnt make sense even last fee days been feeling that way plus being anxious too ughh! on too if that i did 2 24 hour urine tests and bloodwork and waiting for results still and my anxiety is high that im starting to fear there is sinething wrongbwith me lol!! seriously though its just crazy these symptoms i was fine on saturday and by sunday i was in a rolllercoaster and it was 6 th day of cycle just doesnt make sense!
Sally4x christina81747
Yes I can't believe I can feel so ill and this all be my hormones. Its very reassuring that others feel like this. I also get anxiety and feeling so ill doesn't help it at all.