Feeling like you might pass out when getting up from laying down
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Is this another symptom of perimenopause? When I get up from bed I sometimes have to hold on to my dresser because I feel like I might pass out. Head tingling etc. This symptom really scares me. Also I have such a hard time eating because of anxiety and stomach upset and indigestion that I have lost over 20 pounds since last September. These things are really starting to scare me. Is there anyone out there going through this?
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becky53379 debbie_18471
Hello Debbie, I went through the exact same thing with the weight loss and anxiety. I think because I didnt know what was happening and I thought that I was going crazy. You are completely normal with this. I am going through the dizzy part right now as well. Just try and remember that you are normal and things will change for you. Do you take any vitamins right now? I will be praying for you
debbie_18471 becky53379
Thank You So Much For Your Prayers and support Becky. Just knowing I'm not the only one helps a bit. I'm taking vitamin B6 and B12, C, D3, fish oil, and adrenal supplements. Oh probiotics and enzymes. Sometimes they help and sometimes they don't. Kind of hit and miss I guess. Thanks for answering and your support it means a lot
Debbie ??
anxiousface debbie_18471
hello debbie, try not to worry yourself sick like i did cos it just makes it all worse. I went through the exact same feelings from 2012 to 2015 and believe me you will get over this but it takes time. I still have the odd day but not like it use to be and I know how your feeling its really scary, I couldn't stand for long cos I'd feel I was about to fall on my face. I still get the head tingling but only lasts a day. Try and occupy yourself and keep busy so you wont think about it, I know its alright me saying this as I've only just started to go out in big shops on my own again but debbie it will pass. Like becky says it is normal and just our stupid hormons playing tricks on us. sending you a comforting hug obviously not too tight or we'll both fall over. x
debbie_18471 anxiousface
Thank you so much for your message, it means so much to have support from you ladies. None of my friends seem to be going through what I'm experiencing. I literally feel like I might drop dead everyday. I will try to occupy my mind so I don't let the fear and anxiety take over. So good to know you are doing better. It gives me such hope to hang on to. We need hope terribly during all this. I just want my old life back and my old self back. I know you know exactly what I mean. Big Hugs to you too. Thanks again for reaching out I appreciate it so much. ????
anxiousface debbie_18471
No one I know has gone through what we are so I'v had no one to confide in only this site. When i read back to the posts i put onn this site from 2012 I too thought I was either dying or would have a stroke but I'm so much better and you will be too. I was always saying I just want my life back but now I don't take a single day for granted and so love to feel well and this will be you once your hormones have settled. xx
debbie_18471 anxiousface
so encouraging to see that you got your life back. I will be the same way when I feel better, I will not take another day for granted. It's crazy because I thought it was over a lot of the symptoms. then all of a sudden last week they all came flooding back. Worse this week than ever before. so encouraging to know that you're so much better that gives me so much hope to look forward to. I started having symptoms a while ago but the worst of it started March 2015 with off-balance feeling and the dizziness beginning then. I actually bought a baby umbrella stroller to walk outside by myself . I just keep telling myself this too shall pass. I definitely enjoy the few days that I do feel better. Thanks once again for all the encouragement it really really helps ??
Szyalicia anxiousface
Szyalicia debbie_18471
Hi debbie18471 that's it right there sometimes you feel like you have pass a stage with these feeling then it suddendly hit you again..
jamie50513 debbie_18471
Hi Debbie,
Try not to worry. I go through yhe same things. It's really scary when happening and still get scared at times. It is normal though. Everything make me nervous and anxious. I've lost a lot of weight also from the same things, I was 265 and now im 168 all due to gas, anxiousness, indegestion you name it i've felt it. It is normal though and one day it will end.
debbie_18471 jamie50513
Good to hear from you Jamie. Hope you're doing a little bit better. I can't believe you've lost over 100 pounds that's crazy. What do the doctor say about all that. None of my doctors really seem to be too concerned about my weight loss. I know its because I have days where my stomach is so upset that I can't eat anything. Thanks for replying and the encouragement I really appreciate it
jamie50513 debbie_18471
Hi Debbie,
The docs arent concerned at all. The said im still considered over weight for my height so they aren't concerned. I have really changed my way of eating. At first I was too anxious all the time to eat, at times the indegestion and gas is so bad that I couldn't eat, and i've cut out sugar, caffeine, I eat a lot of chicken and fish, drink more water and juice, I dont eat pork or beef too much because I don't digest it well all of a sudden. I probably eat about twice a day and little snacks in between. So I know why im losing the weight. I'm starting to realize that a lot of my symptoms are peri related so im coping a little better. I still have bad scary days but I press forward anyways. I try to enjoy the few days where I feel like myself. I go back to work tomorrow and im anxious thinking about it. But I really need to work so I'm praying about it and trying to be ok. I'm hoping that keeping busy will distract me from focusing on the symptoms.
wendy36287 jamie50513
debbie_18471 jamie50513
I've really changed my eating habits too, Will be praying for you today as you return to work. Will pray that your symptoms are manageable at work and you have peace and calmness through the entire day. Have a great day Jamie, wishing you the best of luck on your 1st day back??????
jamie50513 debbie_18471
Cass63 debbie_18471
debbie_18471 Cass63
Oh my gosh Cass what you've been through. You've definitely been through it all. I hope you're doing much better. Will definitely keep you in my prayers concerning all of this. it's been a tough couple of years for me as well. When all the perimenopause started I had already hurt my back then I found out I had to inguinal hernia's. Now I find out I might have a para thyroid issue, and the cardiologist found some irregular heartbeats so they're doing this electrical test on my heart in a month. All I can do is put my trust in the Lord every single day. He ultimately knows everything that's going on better than I do. Thank you for your prayers they are amazing and so very comforting and encouraging. ????