Feeling Low
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Hello Ladies,
I was really contemplating on wether or not I was going to post because I know I sound like a broken record. But I am feeling so low today. This is one thing that I haven't really dealt with in the last couple of months. I don't want to believe that I'm depressed but maybe I am. I've been questioning so much since all this has started.
I was such a happy person and enjoying life and now all of a sudden I don't know what is going on. When all this madness started about 5 months ago. I didn't know which way to go. Now that some of those symtpoms are gone for now and I finally felt like I was getting back on the path to normalcy, I feel like I'm right back where I started. I have been crying for 3 days now and I don't know why. You would think that since I'm feeling a little better physically that I wouldn't feel so sad.
I tried to handle things on my own as much as I could but I don't think I can handle this anymore. I hate that I feel so sad. I am thinking of talking to a therapist and maybe they can help me sort some things out. I've never dealt with anxiety, depression or anything. My family tells me I'm so skinny, I don't look or act the same. I've been so consumed with trying to figure out what is wrong with me that I can admit that I have let a lot of things go. Docs won't help, they tested everything including my hormones and eveything is normal except me being anemic and I'm getting help for that. My cycles are still somewhat regular so they say no peri. I just don't know anything anymore and I'm so discouraged.
Sorry for the long all over the place post and I really hate to be a downer. Since I don't have a therapist yet, I just needed to get this off my chest.
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ellacraig jamie50513
as snowbell said Rhodiola ashwaghanda are all good things to consider. I find Licorice tea calms me down too. It's an adrenal tonic .
jamie50513 ellacraig
Snowbell1975 jamie50513
FIRST PHASE- progesterone levels decline leaving your body in oestrogen dominance. Some of the symptoms you may expierence is bloating, cramps, mood swings, and tender breast.
SECOND PHASE-oestrogen level also declines. Some of the symptoms you may expierence is hot flushes, memory problems, heart paplpitations, migraine headaches, and vaginal dryness.
THIRD PHASE-oestrogen and progesterone levels decline to near menopausal levels. Some of your symtpoms may recede at this point. You will still expierence some but will going into your menopausal years.
Again, we all are different and expierence a lot more symptoms than what is mentioned but this just gives an idea as to where you may be in the process. ((Hugs)) to all you wonderful and supportive ladies. Thanks for being here.
michelle46271 jamie50513
Zigangie jamie50513
Hope tomorrow is a better day for you x
jamie50513 Zigangie